About The Author
Tony Sayers is a passionate activis t, vlogger, writer, and public speaker who in 2013 started to become aware of the deeper goings-on within this World and the hidden hands that control it. Since having these realisations he has been relentless in his work to expose the levels o f cor ruption in society in an attempt to help others open their eyes. He is driven by doing what he can in his own way to help future generations enjoy a better World. His work has been mainly focused on human psychology, mind control, and sp iritual laws. He is now progressing into technological, metaphysical manipulations, and energy healing work.
Born in Southend on Sea, Essex, UK he enjo
yed a good childhood, although he found school quite challenging with other students and somewhat boring. His questioning of what is 'normal' had subconsciously already begun. From school, Tony went traveling when he was 21 which was a huge learning curve where he felt he got a real education observing how other cultures lived, and the vast differences between the developed and non-developed World. He also traveled
to Nepal and researched Buddhism, which at the time which was to sew a spiritual seed in him that was to germinate later in life. After this period he went on to work in many standard jobs in both the Banking and Estate Agency Worlds, but never truly felt fulfilled, and feeling as if he was just going through the motions of life. It was in this period where he was so downbeat in the rigorous daily grind he started to ask the big questions in life which ultimately led him to these greater understandings about himself and the World, the learning is still going on today.
Sometimes controversial Tony is raw in how he expresses himself and his truth but is always coming from a place of care and desire for positive change. Tony has appeared on radio shows and spoke publicly which can be found on YouTube. He has his own website which is http://www.transcendingtimes.org where all his work can be found. To Subscribe To subscribe to his free weekly newsletter which has blogs, vlogs, media announcements and information on up and coming books just join here https://transcendingtimes.org/subscribe-to-newsletters/
Tony has authored other books including 'Are You Living Or Just Existing?'and 'Ten Life Hacks To Beat The Matrix' both of which are available on Amazon.
So I have to say writing a book on masturbation was not on my bucket list growing up, but the irony is breaking the bad habit of masturbation and porn has actually helped me achieve many of the goals and dreams I aspire to. I have really only been practicing abstention for around two years now, Being interested in all kinds of alternative health and therapies I had looked at the lot. Distilled water, urine therapy, plant-based diets, and fasting were among months and years spent in attempting to tune into a higher level of health and wellbeing, I was, and still am to some extent, obsessed with finding hacks to become the best version of myself.
There are so many benefits to abstention, many of which I will talk about in this book, that now it has literally become part of who I am as a person. I feel it has helped me on so many levels physically, emotionally, mentally, and certainly spiritually, and that going back now would just be like dancing with the devil again.
I tend to really trust my intuition and when I stumbled across a video on YouTube explaining how masturbation and in particular pornography is causing more damage to us than we realise, the penny almost dropped instantly. The issue is so multifaceted as I will go into, that it is vitally important that this subject is bought out into the open and looked at in a mature way, if you open your mind to this then you really do start to see not only the common sense in it but the science behind it also (I'm not talking about mainstream science here by the way who just spout whatever the systems wants) I'm talking about hundreds and thousands of testimonials of men practicing this everyday.
First-hand accounts are now all over the internet of how refraining from masturbation and holding onto your seed elevates you into hugely improving your life. That is not to say it is easy, far from it and there are times you feel like throwing in the towel. But ultimately if you give this a chance it will make you become a better man, and can be used as a very important tool in propelling you forward onto your life's purpose and becoming who you TRULY are.
We are living in such interesting times right now, and many men are starting to rise and step into a more authentic version of masculinity and authenticity. Many of us now want to evolve to something better than what we are showing up as. There is a real need for men to step into their innate power in these changing times.
We are surrounded by corruption and turmoil on many levels of society, and it really has been allowed to happen because there has been little to no resistance. Much of this has to fall on the shoulders of men, as our natural essence is that of protector, action taker, and really to be the cradle of protection for the females and innocents of society. We have been sold a false sense of masculinity with bravado, fake confidence, and this macho image. But where has this got us really? That is the question we have to ask ourselves.
Practicing abstination and breaking the bad habits of masturbation and pornography addiction is a massive step forward in not only respecting ourselves but respecting others. We are then leading by example and reconnecting with the true warrior within.
The Sexualisation Of Society
So really when you think about it everything starts here. To get to the reasons as to why men masturbate we must go to the root cause and look at our surroundings. There can be little doubt that we are surrounded by sex, half-naked women on billboards, newspapers, and almost every aspect of society. Music videos, movies, and TV programs are littered with sexual innuendoes, and with pornography freely available and generally unregulated, you can get whatever your fix is at a touch of a button.
Sex sells and the social conditioners of society know this only too well. Promiscuity is being encouraged more and more to the younger generations, and with 'role models' such as Rhinna releasing music about sadomasochism the screw is being turned ever more tightly towards a full-on sexual society. The reasons for this is for another book altogether, let's just say the movers and shakers of this World have a very perverted and sick view of where they want society to go. I talk about this issue extensively in my book 'Are You Living Or Just Existing?' Also available on Amazon. We really need to be asking WHY society is like this in the first place.
So with sex constantly being shoved in our faces is it any wonder that many men develop a craving for constant sexual gratification? I mean let's face it we have a part of our body that quite often will do the thinking for us! That is, of course, if we do not have any discipline.
As men, we have grown up to see women as objects, just something we can stick our member in and then onto the next one. I grew up with it, and I admit I was like all my other mates. If you slept with a woman then it was considered a 'notch on the bedpost' and you were given a pat on the back by your friends. We have been indoctrinated to see this as normal, maybe it even hides our own insecurities in that sleeping with a woman could be considered to give you a nice little confidence boost.