Power Yoga For Dummies
by Doug Swenson
Foreword by David Swenson
Power Yoga For Dummies
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About the Author
Doug Swenson is an internationally known Yoga teacher and health educator. Doug began studying Yoga in 1969 with Dr. Ernest Wood and has been practicing and teaching Yoga ever since. Doug has studied under many great teachers, including K. Pattabhi Jois, guru of Ashtanga Yoga, from which Power Yoga was born. Doug has dedicated his life to a holistic approach of Yoga, learning from several different systems, and combining them with his interest in nutrition, concern for the environment, and warm, humorous approach to life to create his own unique and powerful system of Yoga practice. Doug teaches Yoga workshops and teacher-training courses across the U.S. and in other countries. Doug is the author of three books on Yoga, and another on diet and nutrition. Check him out in Chapter 15, doing the Moonbeam Bird in Figure 15-2.
Authors Acknowledgments
Writing a book is a long and often very difficult process. I would have never been able to tackle this project on my own, so Id like to give my thanks and appreciation to all those who have worked so hard and with such creative energy to help me see it through.
I first want to thank Karen Young (Acquisitions Editor), who is not only a wonderful worker, but also a really cool woman, and who helped me from the very beginning. Id also like to thank Stacy Klein (Acquisitions Coordinator), Tracy Boggier (Acquisitions Manager), Lee Edgren (Technical Reviewer), Raul Marroquin (Photographer), and Gwenette Gaddis (Copy Editor) for their excellent work. Lorna Gentry (Professional Writing Assistant) polished my work and made it into a wonderful book. Kathleen Dobie (Project Editor) has encouraged and inspired me with suggestions and moral support when the work ahead seemed overwhelming. Carol Susan Roth (Literary Agent) brought me to this wonderful publisher and helped me see the project through.
Additional thanks: I would also like to thank my brother, Master Ashtanga teacher David Swenson, for his support and encouragement and for writing the foreword to this book. I also would like to thank Beryl Bender, author of Power Yoga and Beyond Power Yoga, for taking the time out of her busy life to write a blurb for this book. If it werent for the teachings and work of David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff (two of the first and best American teachers of Ashtanga Yoga) this information would not be available today. I would also like to thank the talented actress Karen Allen for her kind words and wonderful friendship. I would like to give special thanks to John Friend for taking time and energy out of his busy schedule to acknowledge this work. John has truly influenced endless Yoga students with his wonderful style of teaching Yoga.
Photo models: I would like to give special thanks to my good friends and photo models: Robert Boustany Good friend and great yoga teacher, inventor, and philosopher; Anne Good friend, great yogini, and rock climber; Lisa Wheeler Friend and kind, sweet yogini; Raye Lynne Rath Good friend and great Yoga teacher; David Swenson (Brother) Master Ashtanga teacher and blood brother; Julie Wilkinson Wonderful yogini and teaching assistant, very close personal friend; Violet Swenson (Mother) My mother, yogini, and really kindhearted woman. My thanks to a good friend and Yogini model Susan Baker, who has provided wonderful Yoga classes in Northwest Houston for many years.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Kathleen A. Dobie
Acquisitions Editor: Karen Young
Copy Editor: Gwenette Gaddis
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