For Pets Sake, Do Something!
Book Three How to Heal Your Pets Using Alternative And Complementary Therapies
Dr. Monica Diedrich
For Pets Sake, Do Something!
How to Heal Your Pets
Using Alternative and Complementary Therapies Book 3 of the Do Something! Series
Copyright 2008, Dr. Monica Diedrich. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a mechanical retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by electronic, video, laser, mechanical, photocopying, recording means, or otherwise, in part of in whole, without written consent of the publisher.
This book is intended as a reference manual only, not as a medical or veterinary manual. The information given is designed to help the reader to make informed decisions about the health of pets. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been, or may be, prescribed by a veterinarian. The author, the editors, and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility toward any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained within this book.
Published by
Two Paws Up Press
P.O. Box 6107, Anaheim, CA 92816-6107 Email: Website:
Printed in the United States of America
ow that Ive been writing for at least ten yearsin addition to teaching and talking to animals for even longer than thatIve reached a point in my life where I need to stop and look at where I am today. How did I get here, especially when it comes to the books Ive written?
The five books Ive published are among my favorite personal accomplishments. But whenever I think particularly about my second, third, fourth, and fifth books, I remind myself every day that I only realized my dream of publishing them because of the help and dedication of a single person. She worked side-by-side with me for four years to complete each one. Her heartfelt desire to help you give your pets the best of care is very similar to my own.
I could even go so far as to say, with 20/20 hindsight, her name should have been included on the covers of all four of these books. Though we didnt happen to do that, her name will always be written in my heart with deep gratitude. Thats how I feel about Colleen Fox , who has blessed me with her friendship, time, knowledge, and expertise, as well as her research, writing, and editing skills.
I met her as a client just one time ten years ago, along with her two Westies, Casey and Peaches. Neither of us knew then what the future would hold. The Universe, however, had a definite plan in mind for the two of us, and we were finally brought together again six years later when Casey became seriously ill and departed this life several months later.
At that time four years ago, I was writing my second book and wanted to include Caseys story in the chapter about Lessons Learned. I also asked Colleen if shed review the first three chapters of the second book to see if she thought the material would hold the interest of my readers. She agreed the material was definitely very interesting, but as a former teacher in one of her four professional careers, she asked if she could show me what I could do to improve the presentation.
The rest, as they say, is history. From then on, I became the recipient of the wonderful gift shes given me during our four-year collaboration. That gift has included untold hours of research, writing, and revising, as well as constant attention to detail. She was able to turn only a few pages of my written material and research into full length interesting and informative
I Dr. Monica Diedrich
chapters by adding a wealth of information from her own knowledge, experience, and discovery.
Its she whos responsible for creating structure and establishing flow for all I was trying to say while writing in English as my second language. I cant count the number of times shes read my mind, and my heart, and translated my thoughts into words that accurately express all the ideas I most wanted to convey. To me, shes the best ghostwriter/editor I could possibly have had for a project like this.
Along the way, I also had the valuable help of a number of other people I want to recognize, and to whom I want to express my sincere thanks. Theres:
... Tony Stubbs , the production editor for my first and second books. He predicted Id be writing more than one book. I didnt believe him at first, but I do now!
... Paul McNeese , from OPA Author Services, the production editor for my third, fourth, and fifth books. He not only handled all of the production details from the time we gave him each manuscript, but he also helped me make each book ready for print and for distribution in e-book format. In addition, he researched and drafted the initial versions of the acupuncture, acupressure, and hydrotherapy chapters when we were deep in the throes of a time crunch.
... Sue Cramer, who devoted herself to working with the two of us on the second book. Because she taught us so much about the technical editorial process during that time, our work on the third, fourth, and fifth books was made ever so much easier.
... Lorena Pollard, of LP Editorial Services, who also joined us when we had to complete an initial phase of work on this last book two months earlier than we originally planned. She gathered and organized some of the additional material for the original drafts of the chapters about Emergency Supply Kits, First Aid Procedures, and Poison Proofing Your Home and Garden. She also contributed significantly to the final technical editing of this last book as well, by giving us the benefit of her twenty-five years of proofreading experience.
Several people offered to read single chapters and provided me, and you, with the benefit of their expertise in one or more of the books in the For Pets Sake, Do Something! series. They include:
... Dr. Leonard A. Sigdestad, DVM, Dr. Jacqueline DeGrasse, DC, Dr. Robert E. Woods, DVM, Dr. Basilio Toledo, DVM, Marie Cargill, Susy
Guerra, Nancy Allah, Ellen Atkins, Kathleen Widdison and her husband, Fay Jones, LAc, as well as David Roden, owner of Ecclecstacy Arts, and Vicki Meals, owner of Rainbow Sky 2 (formerly Rainbow Sky Trading), who both made many valuable contributions to the chapters about incense.
Others, like Cyd Tanimura and Nancy Rubow, provided me with information or simple suggestions that literally flooded my mind with ideas. My many clients, too numerous to mention, were also there for me, listening and encouraging me to put everything into writing.
I also want to say a special thank you to Dr. Jacqueline DeGrasse, DC , for introducing me to animal chiropractic. Through her love for animals, and her ever-positive attitude, Ive continued to learn that we can always Do something for our animals.
To my husband, Albert, my constant friend and companion, I owe a never-ending debt of gratitude for his faith in what I do, his loving encouragement, and his patience during my many hours of research and writing.
And last, but not least, my thanks to all of the animals who have confided in me over the years, and to Chop Chop, my loyal and beloved Shih Tzu friend, companion, and teacher who crossed over The Rainbow Bridge on February 22, 2006 at almost 14 years of age. Ill be forever grateful to him for his admonition to me to Do something, when he was near death at the age of two, because his words became the inspiration for this series of books.
hat can I do to make my pet more comfortable when he or she has to cope with pain, illness, or a chronic condition? How can I improve my pets overall health?