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Lorna Byrne - A Message of Hope from the Angels

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Author of the bestsellingAngels in My HairLorna Byrne sees angels with as much clarity as the rest of us see people, and she speaks to them every day. InA Message of Hope from the Angels, Lorna gives you the comfort of knowing that, no matter how alone you might feel, you always have a guardian angel by your side to support you.
In this inspiring and uplifting book, Lorna reveals how you can call on the help of your angels to carry you through the challenges that everyone inevitably faces, including loneliness, depression, stress, financial strain, heartbreak, the death of a loved one, or feeling inadequate as a parent. No matter what obstacles you face, you can call on this support to make your life happier and more fulfilling.

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Contents To the growth of peace within us all and throughout the world - photo 2


To the growth of peace within us all and throughout the world.

CHAPTER ONE A message of hope for these challenging times T HE A NGEL OF H - photo 3


A message of hope for these challenging times

T HE A NGEL OF H OPE IS A BEACON OF LIGHT IN all our lives. He helps to keep the light of hope burning inside all of us throughout our lives, the angel told me. Hope plays an enormous part in everyones life. Hope makes the impossible possible.

I was about twelve years old when an angel told me this.

I have been seeing and talking with angels since I was a little baby. I see angels every day and I see them physically as I see someone sitting in front of me. Angels are my friends and companions and I talk with them all the time, sometimes using words and sometimes without words. I have no idea why I should be able to see angels and you dont. Im just an ordinary person.

I had seen the Angel of Hope previously, but this day when I was twelve was the first time that I learned who this particular angel was and how he helps us.

The Angel of Hope doesnt look like any other angel I have ever seen. He looks like a massive flame. Within this very bright flame, I am shown a faint human appearance, which is masculine, and a beautiful dazzling emerald green color, holding a torchlike an Olympic flame. The brightness of the Angel of Hope looks different to any other angel; I think this is because its a light within a light.

The Angel of Hope is enormous, the height of a mature tree. When I see him, he always seems to be very far away from me. So he should then look small, but hes always massive. Its quite strangeits as if hes very far away but right in front of me at the same time, hard as that is to explain.

He seems to be forever moving, turning back constantly to encourage whoever he is leading at the time with a gentle smile. His expression is one of love and encouragement.

Lately I have been seeing the Angel of Hope a lot more than I would have previously. I probably see him every day. People seem to be needing hope so much at this time.

All those years ago, the angel showed me a vision of the Angel of Hope at work, so that I could understand more about him. I was shown the Angel of Hope guiding soldiers through a trench battlefield. I have no idea what nationality the soldiers were. I was shown one particular soldier crawling exhausted through the mud. I could see he was injured. The Angel of Hope was moving in front of him, constantly beckoning him forward. I was allowed to see through the soldiers eyes. The soldier could not see the Angel of Hope, but he saw a light, and within this light the soldier could see those he lovedhis wife and young children, his elderly parents. The Angel of Hope was giving him the strength to stay alive, encouraging him not to give up, by giving him hope of a reunion with the family he loved.

Do you understand, Lorna? the angel said. The Angel of Hope cant stop the war, heal this soldier, or rescue him, but he can give him the strength to make it to where he can be rescued. The angel smiled at me and continued. That soldier died in his bed many years later. I was so pleased with this news. The love that the young soldier had for his family was very beautiful.

Whenever things have been difficult for me and my family I see the Angel of Hope there, trying to give me encouragement. This is in addition to my guardian angel and the other angels who will be around me helping.

I remember one particular periodbeing very stressed and worried about whether my husband, Joe, would get a job. He had been sick for a long time and off work but was now well enough to work. This was the 1980s in Ireland, though: things were tough, and jobs were hard to find. We had three children to feed, and I used to worry desperately. I kept on seeing the Angel of Hope, in the distance, turning toward me and smiling in encouragement. He kept the hope burning inside of me that Joe would eventually be successful in getting one of the jobs that he had applied for. It was quite a while before he did, and I was almost despairingbut not quite. Seeing the Angel of Hope kept me going throughout this difficult period and helped me in giving encouragement and support to Joe. Joe was eventually successful in finding employment.

The importance of hope should never be underestimated. With hope in our heart, we can do so much.

I know a family whose second child was born with severe genetic difficulties. The doctors had told the parents that there was only a small chance their little girl would walk. The first time I saw this child, she was about nine months old. As her parents chatted to me with her in her fathers arms, they were surrounded by angels who were very tall, a bright translucent, white and gave a female appearance. I could vaguely see wings. As with all angels, they were extremely beautiful. One of the angels told me, without words, that this family would not give up hope that this child would walk, no matter what the doctors said. As we talked, the father put the baby on the floor, and the angels around her encouraged her to move her legs and kick.

The Angel of Hope appeared for one moment. His light was so bright, and it was as if everything disappeared except for the parents and the child. It was as if the parents could see the light of the Angel of Hope and could see his encouraging smile and were being filled with the light of hope. I know that every time they encountered a problem in relation to their daughter, the Angel of Hope would instill in them the courage to keep going.

The Angel of Hope is one angel, but he is there to help everyone and can be in many places at once. In this he is like an archangel. He is there, briefly, whenever people need hope to lead them on and give them courage. Of course, other angels help to give us hope too.

I see a guardian angel with everyone, regardless of their religion or nationality. I have never seen anyone, anywhere in the world, without a guardian angel. Your guardian angel is with you from before you are conceived until after your death and never leaves you even for one moment. It loves you unconditionally and will do everything possible to guide you through life and keep you filled with hope. Your guardian angel can let other angels in to help you too.

A year or so later, I saw the child again. There were lots of adults there, and the child was being passed from one to another, the focus of everyones love and attention. The child looked so bright to me, and the angels told me it was because of the level of encouragement the whole family was giving to the child. They were clearly all listening to their guardian angels and playing their part. At one stage, the father put the little one standing beside him. It was beautiful to see the angels encircling the child to try and keep her wobbly little legs strong, to stop them from giving under her. She is now three and she is walking. Not only is she walking, but they had brought her to the beach recently, and she had started to runif not very steadily.

The parents and all of the family kept the light of hope burning for this child. They helped her to walk and are now hoping she will learn to talk properly too. This child is a beacon of hope, and the light of this hope has lit up the family, filling them and giving them hope in other areas of their lives. And its not just the immediate familythe wider family and neighbors have been inspired and filled with hope as a result of this example.

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