2011 David A. Bednar.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Deseret Book Company, P.O. Box 30178, Salt Lake City Utah 30178. This work is not an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed herein are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church or of Deseret Book. Deseret Book is a registered trademark of Deseret Book Company.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bednar, David A., author.
Increase in learning / David A. Bednar.
p. cm.
Summary: Focuses upon concepts, patterns, and processes that can help the reader learn for himself or herself the fundamental doctrines and principles of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-60908-943-6 (hardbound : alk. paper)
1. Learning and scholarshipReligious aspectsChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 2. PrayerChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 3. Christian lifeMormon authors. I. Title.
BX8635.3.B43 2011
230'.93dc23 2011037014
Printed in the United States of America
Publishers Printing, Salt Lake City, UT
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To Susan
I am grateful to my wife, Susan, for her unwavering love, support, and encouragement. Thanks also to Shauna Swainston for her constant and effective assistance; to Sheri Dew and Jeff Simpson, who patiently and persistently encouraged me to write this book; and to Max Molgard for his helpful feedback. I express my gratitude to the publishing team at Deseret Book: Cory Maxwell, for his careful oversight of the project; Emily Watts, for her insightful editing and expert help in preparing the manuscript for publication; Richard Erickson and Sheryl Dickert Smith for the design; Tonya Facemyer for the typography; Laurel Christensen for her assistance with the accompanying videos; and Dallas Petersen for handling the online aspects of the project. And I offer my appreciation to an endless list of family members, friends, and Church members and leaders who have taught me and enhanced my gospel learning. To all of these remarkable people, I am both thankful and indebted.
Though I have received assistance from many people, I alone am responsible for the concepts, ideas, and views expressed in Increase in Learning. This book is not an official statement of Church doctrine, policy, or practice.
Preface: Increase in Learning
I love to learnand I love learning about learning. This book focuses upon concepts, patterns, and processes that can help you and me learn for ourselves the fundamental doctrines and principles of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
The title of this book comes from the ninth chapter of Proverbs: Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding (Proverbs 9:910; emphasis added). This volume discusses why we should and how we can increase in learning.
Throughout my life I have been drawn to the scriptural injunction to seek learning, even by study and also by faith (Doctrine and Covenants 88:118). And I have come to know ever more completely that the true and trustworthy teacher is the Holy Ghostwho shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance (John 14:26) and teach you the peaceable things of the kingdom (Doctrine and Covenants 36:2). As a result, I have attempted in this book to link together some of the spiritual gifts associated with the companionship of the third member of the Godhead, even the Holy Ghost, and our individual responsibility to learn the doctrine of the kingdom... [and] all things... that are expedient for you to understand (Doctrine and Covenants 88:7778).
I admittedly have had reservations about writing this book, as I have been concerned that words on a page alone cannot fully communicate my intended message or, more important, facilitate the pattern of spiritual learning that is activated by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the Saviors Atonement, you and I as learners are blessed with the gift of moral agency. Because of that supernal blessing, we are agents with the capacity and power to act and are not merely objects to be acted upon (2 Nephi 2:26).
Learning and living the gospel of Jesus Christ require us to:
read and study the scriptures and the teachings of living prophets and apostlesas agents and not as objects;
pray and ask in faith and submit to the will of the Fatheras agents and not as objects; and
worship and serve God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strengthas agents and not as objects.
I personally do not know of a principle more central, important, or essential to spiritual learning than the principle of acting as agents and not being acted upon as objects.
This volume is not intended to be a quick, casual, or relaxing read. It also does not describe or prescribe specific study habits or methods, and you will not find lengthy lists of recommendations or things to do. This book does not purport to give definitive doctrinal answers to the pressing questions and issues of our day.
Rather, I invite you throughout the book to engage in various learning experiences so you can increasingly stand independent (Doctrine and Covenants 78:14) and learn how to find answers to your own questions. Consequently, as you progress through the chapters you will need to read, study, ponder, search, ask, knock, record thoughts and feelings, link, connect, revise, rethink, ask again, start again, and, most important, act. I encourage you to make notes, jot down impressions, and record questions that will facilitate your acting and learning. Experiencing this book will require diligent work and sustained commitment. Only as we act in doctrine (Doctrine and Covenants 101:78) can the Holy Ghost ultimately be effective as the teacher of all truth.
As you endeavor to increase in learning, please remember that the doctrines and principles of the restored gospel should be considered in their totality. In other words, attempting to understand a doctrine or principle by examining a single scripture or prophetic statement in isolation from all else that has been revealed on the subject is generally misguided. True doctrines and principles are emphasized repeatedly in the standard works, by the prophets and apostles, and through the illuminating and confirming power of the Holy Ghost.
In addition to the text material more learning videos are embedded through streaming and online at seek.deseretbook.com/learning. The videos contain an interview in which Sister Bednar and I discuss the concepts in the book as well as a live Q&A discussion conducted with a group of young adults. Links to relevant segments of the video and to online resources are provided throughout the book. Please remember, however, that the written text, the questions to consider, the questions you pose at the end of each chapter, the readings, and the additional resources are not complete in and of themselves. Each has been designed to complement and enhance the others.
At the end of each chapter are related readings that expand on and emphasize many of the concepts taught. Most of these readings are taken from talks that were reprinted in the