In this book, you will learn techniques to clean up the Danish way. It will help you to know what to get rid of and what to save. You will learn tools and techniques to help you focus on why and how to sort through your stuff and how to maintain daily order in an easy way.
This is the ultimate guidebook to help you create a personal home that suits you with your best treasures - a home ready to help you create the mood of Danish Hygge, and a life with more freedom. Learning to clean up the Danish way will certainly help you to think in a new way, one that definitely works.
A Foreword about Danish Hygge and Clutter
Maybe you have heard that Danish people are among the happiest people in the world. It is true, but we are not born that way. It is in our culture, and it can be learned.
Summer in Denmark is very short: about 10 weeks. And often, it is not even that long. Here, autumn, winter, and spring dominate the calendar. And even worse, because rain, wind, very short days, and long nights abound, we have to do something to survive. We have to Hygge.
Hygge is a strange concept to describe, but really, it is mostly about focusing on positive details in life. Details that put you in a good mood. The Danes care about details.
We create the Hygge mood, which helps us survive through periods of bad weather. Even when the weather turns good for a short period, we still continue to Hygge. All year around.
Social gatherings with friends almost always take place at home and that's why we, as a nation, are exceedingly passionate about our homes.
All living spaces are visual pictures that can tell you a lot about the people who live there. If the house is overrun with clutter, it tells you that whoever lives there probably do not care much about the details in life. But, maybe they do care, and just do not know how to show it in their home. Perhaps, they simply did not learn how or why to show that they care about details. In this book, we will start with the most obvious way to show that you do care: your house.
This is the e-book that will finally help you overcome the past challenges that you have had with clutter or disorder. There is hope.
Many people have already been taught to say "goodbye" to their clutter and "hello" to a life filled with freedom, Danish Hygge, and a better overall outlook. So, why should there not be hope for you as well?
Remember, it is all about helping you create a home that paints a good picture of who you are or want to be. The amount of order that you need will be unique. Only you can know what kind of home will bring you that great feeling of freedom.
Bringing order to your home will help motivate you to get the cleanup started. If you have no idea what your proverbial carrot is, there is absolutely no reason to begin the huge hassle of cleaning up. You must have a goal worth aiming for. Without one, you might as well just do nothing.
Order means freedom
It is no coincidence that the title of this book is Goodbye Clutter, Hello Freedom . Your freedom is at stake. When you start cleaning up your life, you will experience a larger and larger sense of freedom. I will help you through with humor and a hand to hold.
I hope that through order, you have the best of luck in finding all of the good things in your life that are hiding.
You Are Not Alone
Do you dream of a life filled with freedom? A life that allows you to relax and just enjoy yourself with your mind at ease? A life where you can spread out your arms and breathe freely and deeply, knowing you have lots of extra energy? Do you dream of a life of order with space for Hygge?
To give you complete confidence that you are in the right place with the right book, here are a few questions from me:
- Are you running away from your clutter?
- Are you embarrassed when receiving unexpected guests?
- Do you spend time feeling guilty about not cleaning up?
- Do you not feel 'at home'?
Would you like to learn a more fun and entertaining way to organize your home? If you are ready to say goodbye to your clutter and hello to the dream of freedom, to Danish Hygge and simple order, then continue reading.
We will go through techniques to help you know how and what to clear out as well as, how and what to save. For saving techniques, you will get advice on how and where to store things.
First and foremost, I write to all of my global sisters because we normally take care of the domestic side of life. But, dear men, I would be thrilled if you would read along. I am sure that you would also benefit greatly from the content of this book. So, fellow sisters/brothers, you are on your way.
I am Quite Normal
Let it be said right away: I am surely just as lazy as you. Are you disappointed or relieved?
Most probably, I have as many things to do in my daily life as you: a job, children, shopping, cleaning, and cooking. On top of all that, in the name of equality, we women often also: keep the garden, wash the car and do other odd jobs such as changing light bulbs or gaskets inside and outside.
We have enough to do. Do not forget that we also need time for exercising, postgraduate courses, and socializing, all the while being an attractive wife or girlfriend.
Oh yes, there is never a risk that a housewife might be out of work. Hooray for that! I have quite a normal life, just like you, with all of the necessary tasks. However, I would also like to have time for the things that really make me feel happy and alive. I want to Hygge.
Because, like you, I am trying to balance necessary daily work and the fun that life has to offer, I have found that it is necessary to focus on prioritizing the things around me. I have had to closely examine which items really mean something positive to me. I have also had to learn how to get rid of the things that do not mean anything to me or maybe even have a negative effect on me.
Please do not think that this means that I am missing anything from my life. Definitely not. That is exactly what this book is about: how to make room for more of the best in life by cleaning up, organizing, and eventually creating Danish Hygge.