Praise for previous editions of Christian Theology: An Introduction
An extraordinary achievement, a tour de force which will introduce thousands of students to theology as a discipline with a rich heritage, a clear sense of its own methods and norms, and an elusive yet articulate understanding of Christian language. Reviews in Religion and Theology
Introduction is perhaps too modest a word for a book which gives a basic introduction to almost every aspect of the history and theology of Christianity. It is clearly written, fairly argued, and very reasonably priced. McGrath has set a standard that will not be broken for a very long time. Theology
There is much to admire in McGraths skill as a pedagogue. The range of issues he deals with is marvellously broad, and he says a great many things which are important, beautiful, true and worth knowing. Church Times
McGrath has surpassed even himself. His assumption that the reader has little theological expertise and reads only English, makes the book extremely valuable to beginners in theology His purpose is not to pre-scribe but to describe Christian Theology. Trinity Journal
This is an admirable textbook which will soon grace many shelves. Expository Times
[McGrath] lets the Church and its classic traditions speak for themselves, rather than expostulating on his own arguments and opinions. His own constructive work takes the form of addressing, in light of Scripture and tradition, some of the burning issues in the Church today. The happy result is that the shape of the questions is contemporary, while the substance of the answers is deeply traditional. First Things
A seminal text for the student or teacher of Christian Theology. Its readability and general presentation make it a very accessible text for those with a general interest in this area of academic endeavor [and] a useful and valuable resource for the teacher or student of theology. For school-based practitioners it is a very sound teacher reference text. It contains in one volume a very thorough treatment of the key developments in Christian Theology over the past 2000 years. Religious Education Journal of Australia
Also by Alister E. McGrath from Wiley-Blackwell
Christian Theology: An Introduction, 5th edition (2011)
Darwinism and the Divine (2011)
The Christian Theology Reader, 4th edition (2011)
Science and Religion: An Introduction, 2nd edition (2010)
The Open Secret: A New Vision for Natural Theology (2008)
Theology: The Basic Readings (2007)
Theology: The Basics, 2nd edition (2007)
Christianity: An introduction, 2nd edition (2006)
The Order of Things: Explorations in Scientific Theology (2006)
Dawkins God: Genes, Memes and the Meaning of Life (2004)
A Brief History of Heaven (2003)
The Blackwell Companion to Protestantism (ed., with Darren C. Marks, 2003)
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation, 2nd edition (2003)
The Future of Christianity (2002)
Christian Literature: An Anthology (2000)
Reformation Thought: An Introduction, 3rd edition (2000)
Christian Spirituality: An Introduction (1999)
Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought (1998)
The Foundations of Dialogue in Science and Religion (1998)
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought (1995)
A Life of John Calvin (1993)
Luthers Theology of the Cross (1990)
For a complete list of Alister E. McGraths publications from Wiley-Blackwell, visit our website at

This fifth edition first published 2011
2011 Alister E. McGrath
Edition history: Blackwell Publishers Ltd (1e, 1993; 2e, 1996); Blackwell Publishing Ltd (3e, 2001; 4e, 2007)
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
McGrath, Alister E., 1953
Christian theology : an introduction / Alister E. McGrath. 5th ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4443-3514-9 (pbk.)
1. Theology, Doctrinal. I. Title.
BT65.M34 2011
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Rudolf Bultmann: the resurrection as an event in
the experience of the disciples
Karl Barth: the resurrection as an historical event
beyond critical inquiry
Wolfhart Pannenberg: the resurrection as an historical event
open to critical inquiry
1 The Roman Empire and the church in the fourth century
2 Main theological and ecclesiastical centers in western Europe during the Middle Ages
3 Centers of theological and ecclesiastical activity at the times of the European Reformation
6.1 Abbreviations of the books of the Bible
6.2 Referring to books of the Bible
6.3 Common terms used in relation to the Bible
1.1 The ancient city of Carthage
1.2 The Roman emperor Constantine (30637)