You Can Ask The UniverseAnything!
Learn How to Tap Into the InfiniteField of Intelligence for Greater Clarity, Power &Insight
By Michael Hetherington
Smashwords Edition
Copyright Mind Heart Publishing
First Published 2016
Mind Heart Publishing
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The information and opinions expressed here arebelieved to be accurate, based on the best judgment available tothe authors, and readers who fail to consult with appropriatehealth authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisheris not responsible for errors or omissions.
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About the Author
Michael Hetherington is a qualified acupuncturist,lecturer in Oriental medicine and yoga teacher from Brisbane,Australia. He has a keen interest in mind-body medicine, yoga nidraand Buddhist meditation. Inspired by the teachings of many, he haslearned that a light-hearted, joyful approach to life servesbest.
Other Titles by Author:
The Art of Self Muscle Testing
Learn how to access the human energy fieldfor information
The Art of Self Adjusting
Learn how to stretch and make adjustments tothe spine
EFT Through the Chakras
Work with EFT to clear the Chakras one byone
The Complete Book of Oriental Yoga
A journey into the 5 elements and yoga forthe seasons
How to Do Restorative Yoga
Learn the art of a gentle yoga practice fordeep relaxation
Increasing Internal Energy
Building energy from within to enhance dailylife and strengthen our yoga practice
This book is a follow on from another bookThe Art of Self Muscle Testing by the same author.
It is not necessary to have read The Artof Self Muscle Testing before reading this book, however, itmay be helpful and therefore its recommended.
![Tableof Contents At the center of your being you have the answer you know who - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/182953/tmp_ea9612a589bf1b9a2dfce272e48e5c65_WrrNGi_html_m7d2bb6a1.jpg)
Tableof Contents
At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.
Before we embark on this journey together, let usverify the words and energy of this book. Let us see if these wordsare indeed helpful, clear and true to your heart. And if they doring true and feel good to you, then lets embark on this journey.However, if not, its for another time perhaps.
Let us find out.
I want you to spend a moment with this bookin your hand, and/or your field of vision. Notice how you feelinside.
Take a moment.
Are you drawn forward towards it? Like amagnet, or do you feel repelled by it? In other words, do you feelyourself moving towards it, or away from it, energetically?
Do these words travel easily into your eyesand swim down to touch your heart, or are they jagged, hard tofollow and hard to swallow?
If you are moving towards it and these wordsflow into you with ease, then yes, lets journey together. However,if you feel repelled, then likely this book is not for you andthats ok too!
Another time perhaps.
Let us save some of your precious time andenergy.
I will go into more details as to what thisall means in the pages of this book. However, I just want to get usstarted on the right foot. There is an easy way to recognize ifsomething will be helpful and supportive to you, just as it is easyto tell if the opposite is also true.
This is what this book is primarilyabout.
We will be looking, feeling and sensing intoways that will help lead us closer to clarity and truth.
As we travel through the words of this booktogether, I want you to check with yourself every now and then andask,
Does this feel true?
If we can practice this within the pages ofthis book, it will be much easier to take that practice into ourdaily lives. One of the goals of this book is that we want life tobecome much clearer and obvious as to which is true and that whatis literally, nonsense. The sooner we can detect its true ornonsense quality, the better we can navigate and move onwards withmuch more energy, ease, and grace.
So if you are still here with me, then youfeel some truth in these words and in this book already. If that isthe case, then let us begin.
Imagine if you could ask any question imaginable andreceive an answer direct from the universe itself. Imagine if wecould know in an instant whether something was true or not true.How much time and energy would we save by not having to try andwork it out? What if we could just know and be done with it?
How much more space, ease and fun couldthings be?
When the right conditions are present andwhen the question being asked is without bias, yes, you can ask theuniverse anything!
Just picture for a moment, the universe as agiant, electromagnetic field that contains all information andknowledge of all time, complete and unending. It is made up oflight, magnetism, pure vibration and a host of other elements we donot yet understand on the mental level. It is like a very complexnervous system for the entire universe. Imagine that this giantelectromagnetic field is also intelligent beyond measure and fullyself-aware.
This super intelligent, giant electromagneticfield is actually the field of consciousness itself, a superconsciousness if you like. And what if I was to say that you canhave a personal relationship with this field of consciousness, todevelop a friendship with this consciousness, and be able to accessall the information contained within it whenever one felt inspiredto do so. Yet, what if I was to also say that not everyone canaccess this field of information because not everyone is switchedon to this level of awareness or has established a relationshipwith this field of consciousness.
I dont claim that this is any great secret.I dont claim of a singular method or a unique or newunderstanding. All I say here is that I have uncovered (alongsidemany others) an easy way to confirm what the mystics have beensaying all along. The great teachers speak of things so far beyondthe common level of consciousness that it is hard to understand andapply to one's everyday life.
What I outline in this book is a simplemethod, a set of techniques that helps us to switch on and helpsus to establish an open communication channel with the field ofconsciousness where we can confirm certain truths for ourselves.The confirmation of certain truths will help us navigate throughthe trials of life for the benefit of oneself and ultimately forthe benefit of all beings.
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