Course in General Linguistics
Course in General Linguistics
Ferdinand de Saussure
Translated by Wade Baskin
Edited by Perry Meisel and Haun Saussy
Columbia University Press
New York
Columbia University Press
Publishers Since 1893
New York Chichester, West Sussex
Copyright 1959 The Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 East 40th St.,
New York City
New material copyright 2011 Columbia University Press
All rights reserved
E-ISBN 978-0-231-52795-8
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 18571913.
[Cours de linguistique generale. English]
Course in general linguistics / Ferdinand de Saussure ; translated by
Wade Baskin ; edited by Perry Meisel and Haun Saussy.
p. cm.
Translation of Cours de linguistique generale.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-231-15726-1 (cloth : alk. paper)ISBN 978-0-231-15727-8 (pbk. : alk. paper)ISBN 978-0-231-52795-8 (e-book)
1. Language and languages. 2. Comparative linguistics. I. Baskin, Wade. II. Meisel, Perry. III. Saussy, Haun, 1960 IV. Title.
P121.S363 2011
A Columbia University Press E-book.
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A new English text of Saussures Course in General Linguistics (1916) is long overdue. Wade Baskins splendid original translation (1959) is now unavailable, and a proper edition of the Course in English has never been done. Saussure was granted full-scale academic editions first in Italian (1967) and German (1968, 1974), and, with a French translation of de Mauros apparatus, at last in French (de Mauro 1972). Baskins modest translation was his doctoral dissertation at Columbia (1956) and sports only a brief translators introduction appended to the unornamented first French text of 1916, which contains only the brief introductory commentary by those students of Saussure who assembled the text of the Course from the notes of his lectures (Bally and Sechehaye 1916). Roy Harriss English translation of 1983 also presents Saussures text unornamented except for polemical annotations.
Our labors have been divided as follows: Perry Meisel has written the principal parts of the introduction. Haun Saussy has provided a sketch of Saussures life and described in detail the many versions of the Course discovered in other sources since 1916, including the consequences each one has for understanding, and misunderstanding, what Saussure has to say. Saussys notes to this new edition widen the traditional focus on Saussure as linguist to include his epochal influence on the human sciences as a whole. An annotated textual note follows this preface outlining reference protocols for this new edition.
We wish to thank our editor, Jennifer Crewe; Jonathan Culler; Regeen Runes Najar; and Wade Baskin Jr. Thanks also to Natalie Adler, Naomi McDougall Jones, Michael Miller, Rachel Tanner, and Lindsay Welsch. Thanks to Chris Gisonny for preparation of the manuscript.
The following editions of work by Ferdinand de Saussure are cited. Each is preceded by an abbreviation and date of first publication:
CLG (1916) | Cours de linguistique gnrale. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye, eds., with the assistance of Albert Riedlinger. Lausanne and Paris: Payot. Second edition, repaginated, 1922; third edition, 1931; subsequent editions closely follow this last. |
Recueil (1922) | Recueil des publications scientifiques de Ferdinand de Saussure. Charles Bally and Lopold Gautier, eds. Lausanne: Payot. |
Godel (1957) | Godel, Robert. Les sources manuscrites du Cours de linguistique gnrale de F. de Saussure. Geneva: Droz. A study, with abundant quotation of excerpts, of the materials that Bally and Sechehaye used in compiling CLG 1916. |
CGL (1959) | Course in General Linguistics. Wade Baskin, trans. New York: Philosophical Library. An English translation of CLG 1916. Reprinted 1968, New York: McGraw-Hill. |
CLG (1967) | Corso di linguistica generale. Tullio de Mauro, trans. and annot. Bari: Laterza. French edition cited below as CLG 1972. |
CLG (19681974) | Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique gnrale, dition critique. Rudolf Engler, ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Englers critical edition provides transcriptions of the student notes used (and some not used) in the composition of CLG 1916, keyed to the corresponding paragraphs of the CLG 1916/1922 published texts. mile Constantins detailed notes on version III of the course, not known to the 1916 editors but supplied here, provide a check on their work. |
CLG (1972) | Cours de linguistique gnrale. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye, eds., with the assistance of Albert Riedlinger; annotated by Tullio de Mauro. Frequently reprinted. The notes by de Mauro, keyed to passages of the text, provide a large linguistic and intellectual background. |
CGL (1983) | Course in General Linguistics. Roy Harris, trans. and annot. London: Duckworth. |
Komatsu (1993) | Troisime cours de linguistique gnrale (19101911) daprs les cahiers dmile Constantin / Saussures Third Course of Lectures on General Linguistics (19101911) from the Notebooks of Emile Constantin. Eisuke Komatsu, ed., Roy Harris, trans. Oxford: Pergamon Press. |
Komatsu (1996) | Premier cours de linguistique gnrale (1907) daprs les cahiers dAlbert Riedlinger / Saussures First Course of Lectures on General Linguistics (1907) from the Notebooks of Albert Riedlinger. Eisuke Komatsu, ed., George Wolf, trans. Oxford: Pergamon Press. |
Komatsu (1997) | Deuxime cours de linguistique gnrale (19081909) daprs les cahiers dAlbert Riedlinger et Charles Patois / Saussures Second Course of Lectures on General Linguistics (19081909) from the Notebooks of Albert Riedlinger and Charles Patois. Eisuke Komatsu, ed., George Wolf, trans. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Unlike CLG (19681974), the editions of student notes by Komatsu retain the original continuity and paragraph order. |
ELG (2002) | crits de linguistique gnrale. Simon Bouquet and Rudolf Engler, eds. Paris: Gallimard. A collection of manuscript notes and drafts left behind by Saussure at his death, some of them rediscovered only in 1996. These notes afford our best glimpse of Saussures developing thoughts about linguistic theory. |
WGL (2006) | Writings in General Linguistics. Carol Sanders and Matthew Pires, trans. New York: Oxford University Press. English translation of ELG (2002). |
Signifier and Signified: Reclaiming Saussures Legacy
This new edition of Saussures Course in General Linguistics (1916) restores the Saussure that generations of English readers grew up on: Wade Baskins 1959 translation. In addition to its inherent elegance, Baskins translation of the lectures Saussure gave at the end of his life at the University of Geneva is indispensable for a very particular reason, one that Roy Harriss 1983 translation wholly obscures: the rendition of Saussures terms signifiant and signifi (CLG
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