MUSINGS Gods Messages in Poetry and Prose Linda M. Forehand
Copyright 2012 by Linda M. Forehand. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Scripture quotations marked NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version, Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.
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Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only. Certain stock imagery Thinkstock. ISBN: 978-1-4497-5616-1 (hc) ISBN: 978-1-4497-5614-7 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-4497-5615-4 (e) Library of Congress Control Number: 2012910517 WestBow Press rev. date: 06/20/2012 Contents The primary purpose for publishing my meditations and musings is to leave my descendants something of import that may affect the quality of their lives, now and eternally. Its truly a record of my latter yearsa time when I finally wised up and came to grips with what really matters and its impact on me. My prayer is that all who read this collection of poems will benefit in some way from its words.
The poems You giveso precious. The thoughts instilledso right. My thanks, Lord, for using me To cite Your love and might. You show Your love and faithfulness As lifes trials I embrace. Your mighty hand seen everywhere The earth, the seas, and space. I love You, Lord, and thank You for Your being there for me.
When times are tough or all is well, All praise belongs to Thee. God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Heb. 13:5 (NIV) My prayer to You this morning Is a simple one, its true. I need Your mercy, grace, and love; Your strength to see me through. Throughout my day today, dear Lord, Keep my eyes set on You.
Not on the worries of this world; Grant me a heavenly view. Please fill my heart completely With Your unending love. My life a testimony to My gracious Lord above. Keep my thoughts consumed with You And all You mean to me. For You, alone, are great and true The One, Lord God Almighty. Lord, take from me all worldly desires.
Take my heart and free it to do Your will and Your work; my aim and my purpose; My life to truly belong to You. Place in my heart a true love for others; Compassion, concern for downtrodden and sad. A hand to the ill and an ear for the weak ones, A helpful word takes place of the bad. Just lead me and guide me to where Youd have me do Your work and Your purpose; its all up to You. I just want to join You and do Your good will, Empty my heart of self, with Your love refill. Ps. 48:14 (NIV) Every morning, very early, Theres a meeting that takes place; Though only two are present, Its important nonetheless. 48:14 (NIV) Every morning, very early, Theres a meeting that takes place; Though only two are present, Its important nonetheless.
The agenda varies day to day Some lengthier than others. The items sometimes but a few, More often, much to cover. The meeting gives me guidance In how to plan my day, Tend to matters of importance And let the others lay. The Chairman of the meeting Is my Counsel, Shepherd, Lord, My everlasting Father, The One whos most adored. This early morning meeting Sets the tenor of my day, Keeps me looking to the Master, Ever mindful of His Way. Ps. 5:3 (NIV) Oh, what a wondrous time twill be When my beloved Lord I see. 5:3 (NIV) Oh, what a wondrous time twill be When my beloved Lord I see.
Ill walk beside Him hand-in-hand While angels sing at His command. Ill see my loved ones gone before And praise His name with them once more. Well stand in awe of the beautiful place That He prepared for us, all through His grace. All tears and sorrows gone with past life. End of all worries, heartache and strife.
The lighthousea beacon for all who pass by; It shows all a light on their way, It signals the path to takewhere not to go.
The lighthousea beacon for all who pass by; It shows all a light on their way, It signals the path to takewhere not to go.
It keeps us from going astray. My lighthouseGods Wordshows me how I should live To be pleasing to God and love man. It tells of Christs love for all of mankind; How a way is there in His plan. Christ died on the cross and God raised Him from death To show He could overcome sin. If well just accept the wondrous gift And say, Yes, Lord, the victory well win. Little lighthouses are found all over my house.
They remind me from Him not to roam, To stay true to Him in all that I do I think I will call them Lighthomes! My children are all grown now; Theyve long since left the nest. They have to live their own lives And follow their own quests. But one thing never changes, As sure as stars above, My prayers to God that He will bless My children with His love. My work is never finished; The prayers need be expressed That the pilot in their lives be God So theyll be truly blessed. Oh, bless them, Lord, and guide them. Keep them safe beneath Your wing, That their lives be lived for You, Lord, And the happiness You bring.
Childrens children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Prov. 17:6 (NIV) Where has my joy gone, Father? Why can I not have peace? What can I do to change things, To find some kind release? Sometimes I feel I cant go on, Cant face another day Of endless chores and neer a word Of thanks along the way. I feel like such a failure Cause my attitudes so bad. Am I not trusting You enough? Is this why Im so sad? Oh, help me, LordIm desperate. I cannot stay the course.
Provide the strength I need right now, Please be my guiding force. In my distress I called to the LORD ; I cried to my God for help. Ps. 18:6 (NIV) At that darkest hour in Christs life on earth, When the day turned darkest night, When God turned His back on His only Son And the sun gave forth no light. His followers thought that all was lost, His ministry was done. But early on that Sunday morn As came the light, arose the Son! The Son of God had conquered death, Fulfilled the promise given, That He would save us from our sins; A ransom for all men.
Accept that Gift He gives with love, Available to all. Hell give to you eternal life If youll just heed His call. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Acts 2:21 (NIV) Its not about me, but You, Lord, My life is Yours alone. Struggling with this constantly, I make plans on my own. Then when the plans do go awry As, without You, they oft do, I get upset and wonder why Until I turn to You.
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