Abbot, John, on parental authority
The African-American Book of Values (Barboza),
AIDS, sex education and
Allport, Gordon, on character
disposition of moral cultures to
evaluation of moral cultures and
American Guidance Service
American history 19th Century pan-Protestantism
early modern regime
moral education in the new republic
philosophic basis of character in
American Sunday School Union
on acquiring virtue
on importance of experience in moral pedagogy
"Aspen Declaration,"
"assertive discipline,"
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Athenian culture. See also Greek civilization
Atherarn. Walter, opposing psychological reductionism
attachment, elements of character
authoritarianism, holocaust and
authority. Sec also moral authority
anti-authority orientation
leveling in psychological strategy
Locke on parental authority
scientific reason as basis of
autonomy, elements of character
Bacmeister, Rhoda, on building character,
Baden-Powell, Robert founder of Boy Scouts
on loyalty
Baldridge, Letitia, on manners
Barboza, Stephen, using stories for moral instruction
Barnard, Henry
Bauer, Gary
attempt tor inclusiveness in
criticizing the psychological regime
using literature in moral pedagogy
Beecher, Catherine, on child development
Beecher, Lyman, Sunday school movement
Bellafa, Robert, on moral culture
Bennett, William
attempt for inclusiveness in
character education and
criticizing the psychological regime
erosion of cultural virtues and
on manners
using literature in moral pedagogy
Bethany Sunday school
role in moral education
Supreme Court ruling on use in public schools
use in common schools
biblical civilization
diversity of moral traditions and
influence on neoclassical strategy
righteous basis of
Blair, Henry, legislating Christian instruction
Bloom, Alien, using literature in character education
Bolt, Robert Oxton
Book of Virtues (Bennett)
as anthology of classical stories
argument for universality of
compared with Stories Prom Our Living Past
erosion of cultural virtues and
using literature in moral pedagogy
Bourdieu, Pierre, on historical lessons
Boy Scouts
challenging the premises of
character formation and
"Learning for Life" program
Bradshaw, John, popularizing Alice Miller
Briggs, Dorothy, on self-esteem
The Building of Character (Miller)
Bushnell. Horace, bridging religious and psychological childrearing
The Call to Character (Greer and Kohl)
compared with Stories From Our Living Past
problems with the use of literature for moral pedagogy
using literature in moral pedagogy
McGuffey Readers and
moral education and Camp Fire Girls
Canter, Lee, on "assertive discipline,"
absence of secular therapeutic strategies in,
curriculum in
judeo-ChristLm diversity and
sex education in
similarity with Jewish curriculum
Center for Character Education
character development and
communal nature of
contemporary crisis of
death of
discrediting the character idealy
diversity of moral cultures and
diversity of moral traditions and
elements of character.
erosion of
moral authority and
moral education and
sources of "good" character
story and purpose as implicit to
character-building institutions. See youth organizations
Character Counts! Coalition
character education programs
consensus of values and
inclusive morality in
psychological progressivism and
character education
communitarian strategy and
ineffectiveness of programs for
neoclassical strategy and
pedagogies of
psychological strategy and
as reaction to values clarification
religious conservative support of
self-evident core values and
sex education and.
Character Education Curriculum
"Character Education Inquiry,"
Character Education Institute (CEI)
contest for best children's morality code
curriculum of
values clarification in
Character Education Partnership (CEP)
sex education and
as source of character education resources
character education, programs
"Aspen Declaration,"
Center for Character Education
Character Counts! Coalition
Character Education Curriculum
Character Education Institute (CEI)
Character Education Partnership (CEP)
The Community of Caring
The Heartwood Institute
Jefferson Center
"Learning for Life" {Boy Scouts)
Teel Institute for the Development of Integrity and Ethical Behavior
"Character" (Emerson)
character, historic and philosophic basis
American democratic experiment and
biblical basis of
Enlightenment era and
Greek basis of
different moral cultures disposition towards
evaluation of moral cultures and
CHEF (Comprehensive Health Education Foundation)
Cheney, Lynne, criticizing psychological regime
belief in innate morality of
concept of developmental stages, and
Dewey on morality training for
diverse moral cultures and
Hall's model of child development
moral development of
role in moral life of the nation
socialization of
undermining "sinner" orientation to.
'The Children's Morality Code (Hutchins)
Children's Rights (Wiggins)
Children: The Challenge (Driekurs)
A Child's Introduction to Torah (Newman)
Christ-Centered Self-Tstecm (Gerber)
ineffectiveness, of Christian Right in moral education
Jesus on inner quality of goodness
mandating Christian education
Romantic modernism and
Christian Nurture (Bushnell)
19th Century pan-Protestantism and
separation of Church and state
civic education
civic humanistic moral cultures
patterns of morality in
types of moral cultures and
clergy, psychologists replacing
Coe, George Albert, religious modernism of
Coleman, James, on importance of experience in moral pedagogy
Coles, Robert, using literature in moral pedagogy
commitment, moral
diversity of
effect of age on,
failure of empathy as basis of
common school movement
inter-denominational cooperation and
religious content in
socialization of children in
transforming use of Bible in
Common Sense Applied to Religion (Beecher).
communitarians. See social democrats
communitarian strategy
affinities with Romantic modernism
character education in
consensus of shared values in
critique of individualism in
denial of particularity in
educational practices and
importance of experience in
partisan political ramifications of
political not educational impact of
search for inclusiveness in
virtues of citizenship in
wanting traditional community without communal dependency
weakness of moral education in
faith communities
food programs by
influence on moral, commitments
moral, education and
particularity and
Community of Caring