Title Page
Copyright Page
Part 1: An Unlikely Champion
1. Convergence
2. Mixture
Part 2: The Backstory
3. King
4. Killer
5. Peale
6. White
Part 3: The Appeal
7. Johnson
8. Obama
9. Hillary
10. Voice
11. The Art of Prophetic Distance, Part I
12. The Art of Prophetic Distance, Part II
Appendix: Donald Trump in His Own Words
About the Author
Also by Stephen Mansfield
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Back Cover
Part 1
An Unlikely Champion
In the 2016 election, Donald Trump ran for president against a Baptist minister, two sons of pastors, and a slate of Republican candidates, most of whom considered themselves evangelicals. He then ran against one of the most vocally religious Democrats in the country. He was among the least religious and least religiously articulate men ever to run for the presidency. And he won. He did it with the surprising help of a vast majority of the nations religious conservatives. They have taken responsibility for him now, and this may, in time, exact a very dear price.
Part 2
The Backstory
Had Donald Trump never become president of the United States, he would still be one of the most remarkable men of our times. His wealth is part of this, of course, as is his imprint upon entertainment, marketing, and the skyline of New York. Yet he is also remarkable as a sheer force of will. He has the determination and grizzled manner of one fleeing a life of suffering though he has known only luxury every day of his adult life. He is a brawler whose philosophy of life is captured in a single word: victory . He inherited this vision, enlarged it, and now carries it into the highest office his nation has to offer.
Part 3
The Appeal
Donald Trump was carried into the White House by an angry tribe. They felt themselves being sidelined by history and feared their country as they knew it was slipping away. They wanted change, at nearly any cost, and they looked beyond more experienced candidates to set their hopes upon the sharp-tongued, hard-hitting, angry-as-they-were billionaire from New York. He won them by promising to give their country back to them and to win a future for their children. They believed him, largely because he spoke of faith like a crusader, like one who understood religion as a perpetual call to arms.
Part 4
Of Prophets and Presidents
Donald Trump is an undisciplined man of unguarded tongue, ill-focused mind, and turbulent soul. He has been ruled most of his life by rage and the will to win, by the animal forces competition surfaces in him. Yet he is surrounded by some of the most celebrated religious leaders in the nation. Among the best hopes for the Trump presidency is that these religious conservatives do what they did not do during his campaign for office: speak the truth of faith to their president and find the courage to spur him on to being a better man than he has ever been before.
T his book was written during a tumultuous time in American history. Donald Trump had just been elected president of the United States. His inauguration was widely celebrated and just as widely condemned in massive, angry demonstrations. His first acts in office were cheered as essential steps in making America great again and grieved as acts of intentional destruction to American democracy.
In the interviews I conducted for writing this book, I spoke with patriots who wept at the thought of a Trump presidency and with patriots who could not contain their glee. I listened to Christians who broke into prayer against Donald Trump in the middle of our time together and to Christians who marveled that any of their fellow believers did not share their pro-Trump views. I also spoke with the terrified: aging Hispanics, young black students, and beloved Muslim Kurdish friends, as well as friends who are gay, handicapped, immigrants, and serving on the frontlines of Americas armed conflicts around the world.
In other words, I spoke to a cross-section of America. Im grateful to all who shared their stories, their hopes, and their time with me.
There were numerous members of the Trump transition team and new administration who discussed the themes in this book with me but who asked not to be identified. I understood. They were living through a presidential handoff in which every syllable they uttered became part of the intensifying fray. I was moved by their hopes for the new administration and stirred by their sacrifices. Their imprint upon these pages is profound.