Depressionis a very serious medical condition that relates to the brain. When peoplesuffer from this particular illness it is more than just them feeling a littledown in the dumps or blue for a number of days. Rather sufferers find thatthey have to deal with these feelings on a daily basis. Unfortunately they findthat these feelings do interfere greatly with the way they deal with things ona day-to-day basis.
Asalready mentioned depression is an illness that affects the brain and there arenumerous factors, which can cause a person to suffer from it. However it seemsthat this form of illness is more prevalent in women than in men. Also thosewho do suffer from this illness tend to do so between the ages of 15 and 30.
Alsoone needs to be aware that depression is part of another medical condition thatpeople can suffer from known as bipolar disorder.
Howeverjust because you are feeling a little sad, discouraged or down doesnt actuallymean you are suffering from depression. These are feelings that we all have todeal with at some stage in our lives and are there to provide a mechanism toprotect us against the many hassles and hurdles we have to face on a dailybasis. Generally what you find that in a very short space of time thesefeelings that we refer to, as sadness will begin to disappear as the problemyou have been faced with has been solved.
Whena person suffers from depression it not only affects the way that they feel.People who suffer from this form of illness find that they have little or noenergy to do things even the most simple of tasks. Plus these people find itdifficult to concentrate and will find it difficult to motivate themselves intodoing even their usual types of activities such as getting out of bed eachmorning. As a result of these things they find that it then begins to interferewith their abilities to be able to notice things that are good in their lifeand which they should be enjoying.
Althoughdepression is more prevalent among young people and women, it is a conditionthat anyone can suffer from.
Chapter 2
Causes ofDepression
Thereare many factors that could be the cause of a person suffering from depression.In this particular chapter we take a brief look at what these factors are.
Factor1 Genes
Instudies carried out it has been shown that there are certain people who willinherit certain genes from their parents that makes them much more likely tosuffer from depression. But having said that not everyone who inherits thisgene will actually get depressed. In fact just as with other illnesses such asdiabetes just because you have inherited the gene from your father doesntautomatically mean that you will develop this condition, what it in fact meansis there is a chance of you getting it.
Infact there are just as many people in the world today who suffer fromdepression and yet there is no history of other members of their familysuffering from it as well.
Factor2 Brain Chemistry
Normallywhat happens is that certain neurotransmitters (chemicals) within the brainthat regulate our moods are in very low supply. As a result of this trying tomaintain control of these feelings of sadness becomes a lot more difficult.Although there are many factors that can lead to an imbalance in the activityof neurotransmitters in the brain, those who are genetically disposed tosuffering from this illness are more likely to find this is the cause of themfeeling depressed.
Factor3 Seasons and Daylight
Manypeople do not realise that daylight can affect the way in which our brainproduces certain chemicals (neurotransmitters) such as serotonin and melatonin.Both of these chemicals that the brain produces have an effect on the way wefeel.
Alsowhat you need to be aware of is that these two chemicals do affect how muchsleep one gets, as well as our mood and energy levels. Throughout the wintermonths our brain works on producing more melatonin than serotonin as it helpsus to cope with less daylight. However in some people their brains seem to havechosen at this time to produce more serotonin instead and as a result suchpeople are much more sensitive to changes in the season and how much daylightis available. This particular form of depression is more commonly referred to asSAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Factor4 Life Events
Thedeath of say a member of ones family, a friend or pet can lead to someonesuffering from depression. Also other traumatic events in a persons life suchas their parents becoming divorced or them separating from their partner canprove too much for them to handle. For children even such things as moving homeor going to a different school could lead to them suffering from depression.
Factor5 Family and Social Environment
Ifa person lives in a stressful, unhappy or negative environment this can alsolead to them possibly developing this condition as their levels of self esteembecome reduced. Certainly for anyone who lives in a home where violence iscommon the risk of them developing this particular illness is much greater thesame goes for those who live in homes where money is an issue or where theydont have a home at all.
Foryoung people having to deal with issues such as harassment, bullying or peerpressure can leave them feeling not only insecure but also very isolated. Ifthese people are not provided with the right kind of support then the risk ofthem becoming depressed is greatly increased.
Factor6 Health and Hormones
Thereare certain health conditions that people suffer from these days that can causehormone levels to become unbalanced and which will affect the way a personfeels. Normally once the health problem has been diagnosed and treatment beginsthen in a short space of time people find that the feelings that are associatedwith depression begin to disappear.
Howeverit isnt only other health problems that can lead to someone suffering fromdepression. Things such as a going through puberty can increase the chances ofa person suffering from this illness. Also should a certain condition goundiagnosed then this could also lead to someone suffering from depression.
Chapter 3
Types ofDepression