by Fr. John J. Pasquini
Copyright 2011 John J. Pasquini.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Published by Vero House Publishing, Corp., 5460 Corsica Place, Vero Beach, FL 32967. For information about special discounts for bulk purchases or other questions, please see For phone or fax communications, call 888-292-7160.
Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions is a revised and improved version of previous works by Fr. John J. Pasquini. A longer version was published as Ecce Fides, with Ecclesiastical Approval, in 2007. Bible quotations are primarily from the New American Bible, unless otherwise indicated. Translations from the Fathers of the Church are from the various editions of Harvards Classical Loeb Series, unless otherwise noted.
Printed in the United States of America.
Publishers Introduction
Chapter I: The Holy Scriptures and Tradition
Where did the Bible come from?
Would Jesus leave us in confusion?
The Bible flowed from Tradition and needs Tradition
W hat Protestants cant answer!
Two forms of Revelation
Wh at about Revelation 22:18-19?
Is all Scripture to be interpreted in the same way?
Why was the Cat holic Church careful in making?
Bibles avail able to individual believers?
Why do Catholics have more books in the
Old Testament t han Protestants or Jews?
Chapter II: The Church
Who i s your founder?
Was Constantine the fo under of the Catholic Church?
Is the Catholic C hurch the Whore of Babylon?
Was there a great apostasy?
Wh o founded the Church in Rome?
Peter, the Rock upon which Jesus built his Church!
Are the popes antichrists?
Why is the pope so important?
Without the pope s, the successors of St. Peter,
there would be no authentic Christianity!
Why is apost olic succession so important?
The gates of hell will not prevail against it!
Th e major councils of the Church.
and the assurance of the true faith!
Why is there so much confusion
in belief among Protestants?
What gave rise t o the birth of Protestantism?
Chapter III : Sacraments
Are sacraments just symbols?
What do Catholics mean by being born again and
why do they baptize children?
Baptism by blood and d esire for adults and infants.
Do es baptism require immersion?
Baptism of the dead?
Where do we find the Sac rament of Confirmation?
Why do Catholics believe the Eucharist is the
Body and Blood of Jesus?
Why do Catholics have a Mass?
I s the Mass a true sacrifice?
Why do we celebrate the Lords Day on a Sunday?
Why do we need priests to forgive sins?
What does i t mean to be excommunicated?
Why indulgences?
Is there a Sacrament of Holy Orders?
Why celibate priests?
Why Father?
Why do Cathol ics not allow woman priests?
Is there suc h a thing as the Last Rites?
Praye r and the Doctor?
Wh at about blood transfusions?
Is marriage a sacrament?
What is an annulment?
Chapter IV: The Trinity and the Communion of Saints
Is there a Trinity? Who is Chri st? Who is the Holy Spirit?
Jesus is God!
God, not gods!
Do Catholics worship saints?
What abo ut the communion of saints?
Jesus, the ful fillment of Judaisms hopes!
Chapter V: Mary
Is Mary the Mother of God?
What i s the Immaculate Conception?
Broth ers and sisters of the Lord?
Why w as Mary assumed into heaven?
Mary, the woman (cf. Jn. 2:4; 19:26)
H ow much should we love Mary?
Chapter VI: End-time Issues
Hell, a reality
Whe re do we get purgatory from?
Is there such a t hing as temporal punishment?
Is hell eternal or are the souls of the evil or
dead annihilated?
Premillennialism, Postmillennialism,
Am illennialism and the Rapture
The Catholic understanding of the Rapture
What about the 144,000?
Celestial marriages?
What are we to think of Bible prophecy?
Chapter VII : Salvation
Do Catholics have a different understanding
of the hu man person than Protestants?
P redestination or providence?
Is salvation assured?
What about this faith and works?
Why do Catholics believe that so-called
n on-Christians can be saved?
Chapter VIII: Miscellaneous Issues
Do Cath olics practice idol worship?
Why relics?
Why do some C atholics believe in the theory
of evolution?
Are Catholic doctrines invented?
What i s a heretic?
Chapter IX: Moral Doctrines under Attack
The Ten Commandments and their implications
for Catholics.
The natural and m oral law, essential dimensions
to moral theology.
Why is homosexual activity (and same-sex marriages)
contrary to the Word of God?
No such th ing as pro-choice Catholics!
Why do Catholics believe in legitimate wars?
The death penalty revisited.
Chapter X: Concluding Remarks
There are no new questions!
The future of Christianity.
The ship con tinues moving!
A national survey recently exposed that just 33 percent of Catholics can name the authors of the four Gospels. Only 19 percent of Protestants knew the Reformation teaching about salvation through faith alone, and less than half knew that Martin Luther initiated the Reformation. In fact, atheists and agnostics answered more Old Testament questions correctly than self-described Christians and more New Testament questions than Catholics.
Based on those alarming findings, Christians clearly need a simple guide to the global faith that has overcome every challenge for two thousand years. Consequently, there is no better time to explore Fr. John J. Pasquinis convincing defense of Catholic beliefs through reason, Scripture, and the life of the Holy Spirit.
Like the Church itself, and all that is most important in life, Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions is both a treasure and a gift. Its priceless wisdom and simplicity should be treasured by every Catholic, from the convert in RCIA class, to the cradle Catholic who has become forgetful or luke-warm in the faith. Also by the Grace of God this book is a gift from Fr. Pasquini to anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the history, context and foundation of our Christian beliefs.
Writing as someone who has spent decades on each side of the Reformation divide, however, I believe that even non-Catholics who seek to learn more about Church history or Catholic beliefs will find Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions to be a welcome addition on their vitally important journey of Christian enlightenment. This is a book that every serious Christian should read and reread. It sets the record s traight regarding many misconceptions of the Catholic faith and reaffirms A rchbishop Fulton J. Sheens words that, "There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be."
Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions reminds us that the Catholic Church is unique. It will help to reaffirm Catholic faith in the infallibility of the Church; to bring back home those who have fallen away from their faith; to convince searching Christians of their home in the Catholic Church; and to gently convert Protestants and pseudo-Christians to the fullness of Christianity as found in the Catholic Church.