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CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students
Copyright 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers
Nashville, Tennessee. All Rights Reserved.
Christian Standard Bible Copyright 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers.
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Scripture quotations marked CSB have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible, Copyright 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible and CSB are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard Bible, Copyright 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible and CSB are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
The interior of the CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students was designed and typeset using Bible Serif created by 2K/DENMARK, Hjbjerg, Denmark. Proofreading was provided by Peachtree Editorial Services, Peachtree City, Georgia.
Produced with the assistance of The Livingstone Corporation (www.Livingstonecorp.com). Project staff includes Linda Taylor, David Veerman, Linda Washington, Andy Culbertson, Ashley Taylor, Michael Klassen, Scott Noble, John Perrodin, Eric Stanford, Lamont W. Cannon with Daniel W. Cannon, Kent Keller with Andrew, Allison Savannah, and Charissa Keller. Interior design by Larry Taylor. Typeset by Joel Bartlett, Tom Ristow, and Kathy Ristow. Proofread by Peachtree Editorial Services.
Binding | ISBN |
Cloth Over Boards | 978-1-4627-4129-8 |
Cloth Over Boards (Indexed) | 978-1-4627-4130-4 |
Hardcover | 978-1-4336-4410-8 |
Hardcover (Indexed) | 978-1-4336-5058-1 |
Black/Tan LeatherTouch | 978-1-4336-5115-1 |
Black/Tan LeatherTouch (Indexed) | 978-1-4336-5116-8 |
Gray/Navy LeatherTouch | 978-1-4336-5111-3 |
Gray/Navy LeatherTouch (Indexed) | 978-1-4336-5114-4 |
Trade Paperback | 978-1-4336-5117-5 |
Printed in Korea
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I all too clearly remember the day when the young man sitting next to me on the plane looked in my eyes and asked, Why do you think Christianity is true? Having grown up in the church, I had been through numerous Bible studies, had attended many Christian conferences, and had read lots of Christian books. My parents raised me in the faith. But for some reason, that question took me by surprise. I didnt have an answer. Or more accurately, I didnt have a good answerand that troubled me.
Have you ever been asked a tough question about your faith that you were unprepared to answer? How did that make you feel? Take a look at the questions below. Could you answer them today?
Why does God allow evil?
If God made the universe, then who made God?
If God made everything good, why shouldnt we smoke pot?
Does the Bible endorse slavery?
How can Christians say that Jesus is the only way to God?
These are some of the prominent questions we explored when the Apologetics Study Bible for Students first released in 2010. But now new questions need answering as well. Can you be gay and Christian? How should a Christian respond to Islamic Jihad? Does God care about racial issues? How should Christians think about the transgender issue? These are just a sampling of some of the tough questions being asked today by both Christians and nonbelievers. Maybe you wonder about some of them too. The great thing about being a Christian is that you dont have to check your brain at the door to be one. Jesus never asks his followers to take a blind or irrational step of faith. In fact, Jesus calls people to love God with all their hearts, with all their souls, and with all their minds ().
The apostle Peter commands Christians to be prepared to offer good reasons for their hope: But in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense [an apology] to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you (). Despite the common misconception, apologetics has nothing to do with apologizing for your faith! Rather, it is the branch of theology concerned with defending the claims of Christianity. As Peter indicates, we are all called to be ready with answers.
That, in fact, is the purpose of The Apologetics Study Bible for Students. Our goal is to put a tool in your hands that will help you find answers to some of the toughest questions about God, science, ethics, world religions, and Christian living. The contributors to this book were carefully selected not only because they can articulately defend the Christian faith, but because they are practitioners of it.
Consider a few of the unique features of this study Bible:
ArticlesOver fifty authors have contributed answers to 125 of the most commonly asked questions about the Christian faith.
Study NotesAt the bottom of each page are in-depth explanations of difficult issues that arise in the biblical text.
Twisted ScripturesSixty-five of the Bible passages most commonly distorted by cults and others promoting a nonbiblical worldview will be brought to light and clarified (thanks to associate editor Eric Johnson).
Bones & DirtKey archaeological finds relating to both the Old and New Testaments will be highlighted to build confidence in the reliability of Scripture (thanks to associate editor Joseph M. Holden).
Notable QuotesShort quotes from present and past apologists will be highlighted to encourage, challenge, and motivate you.
Challenges & TacticsSpecific tactics will equip you to be prepared to handle the most common challenges to Christianity (thanks to associate editor Brett Kunkle).
Personal StoriesYou will be encouraged through the personal stories of some of the great defenders of the Christian faith, including the stories of some people much like you (thanks to associate editor Dillon Burroughs).
Fast FactsTwenty-five of the most important apologetics topics are put into brief bulleted lists for easy memory and access (thanks to associate editor Jason Carlson).
As you will discover in studying this book, apologetics is helpful in several practical ways. First, it helps develop believers in Jesus Christ who are passionate and self-confident. Christians who believe but cannot explain why they do often become Bible-thumpers who are dogmatic and insecure about their convictions. When we learn the basis of our beliefs, however, we gain a confidence and willingness to engage those who see the world differently. I have seen many young people become radical followers of Christ after receiving a little training in apologetics.
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