This small book is addressed to people who want tolearn quantum healing quickly and straightforwardly with the Quantum Healing bytwo-point method (hereinafter referred to as the 2pm), and who want to usethis technique to treat themselves and other people.
For the sake of simplicity, we will address youinformally, just like we do with our seminar participants. Is that okay? Those who have come to know us from our seminars will quickly understand ourphilosophy of simplicity. We will not give any explanation on why and how the2pm works, and neither do we want to fill too many pages telling the manysuccess stories that we have witnessed during our seminar years. If you needmore background and basics for understanding, you will find a great deal of readingmaterial on the internet as well as in a copious amount of available books.
We will take you by the hand and teach you a methodthat helped us and many former seminar participants who have had so manypositive experiences and successes. It is just wonderful to be able to say,Hey, it works. Take it as a gift and stop being concerned about the WHY,but enjoy the result... Time and time again we are surprised by what is madeup of a rather simple method, and which obstacles (such as levels) are put inone ' s way until one has, soto speak, finally "deserved" to practice this method successfully. The people who have come to know us appreciate the simplicity and broad rangeof the 2pm taught in our courses. By the way, further information can be foundon .
In no case do we claim that the 2pm, as we teach it,should be considered as standard. We chose a popular variant for this book. In our seminars we also deal with variations thereof. Please look around andfollow your intuition. It will tell you exactly what is right and what iswrong (even though there really is no such thing).
Thereare a 1000 methods but only a few principles
Over the years we have frequently been asked to createan overview of the methods taught, as well as some kind of FAQ (FrequentlyAsked Questions) dialogue including the most frequent questions, and to makethese available to all interested persons. Hence, the following pages reflectpart of the treatments and tools taught in our seminar as well as a subsequentexplanation of the resulting questions. Especially the trick with the blackspot which has helped many participants use the 2pm successfully.
Since these contents can also betransferred to other seminars (we often receive inquiries from peopleparticipating in other seminars who have similar questions), they are certainlyof interest to many quantum healers while offering a pool of information thatcan close one or the other gap of understanding. Over the years a livelydialogue has developed in our seminars, by phone and naturally also by email,which now serves as the basis for this book. So one or the other formerseminar participants will certainly recognize their questions. We would liketo express our gratitude for that, for without these questions, the seminarswould never have grown and far less people would have benefited from them. Now, just dare to let it happen and have fun trying out the techniques andworking wonders.
Klaus & Sabine,January 2017
The basic rule isthat regular practice is the prerequisite for ease and trust in the 2pm. Weare often surprised that there is a very high expectation of one being able toperfectly apply the techniques after only a single course. While nobody wouldexpect this from a course for other things, like learning how to play thepiano, for instance, it is supposed to be like that when it comes to energywork; it actually has tobe like that. Please consider thatpeople are all different, that everyone has different prerequisites in theirlife. My favorite comparison is learning how to ride a bike: I was one ofthose kids who needed an entire week until they would finally no longer fall ontheir face. My neighbor, though, just got on his bike and rode quite safelyafter only one day of practicing. And it is no different when it comes to thistopic. You should give yourself the space and time you need in order to gainsome confidence.
Basically, themethod can be applied for all things in life. No matter if it is about ourjob, love or partnership, or about our finances. Our health and performancenaturally play a role, too. Over the years we have received many interestingemails from former participants who would use the method for the mostimpossible things. In the end, it is up to yourself.
The first stepinvolves preparatory exercises. These serve as a warm-up to the method. Ifyou are already familiar with energy work, they will not be too crucial foryou. You are probably able to immediately create the right mood andsensitivity, or you are certainly already in it. If you are among the lesstrained or heavy doubters, though, these preparatory exercises will serve as agood basis. Not everyone is able to start immediately and engage in the methodthat follows. One comparison: People practicing sport seriously always warm upin order to prepare their body and mind to the challenges that follow. Unlikewith sports though, the 2pm will no longer require any warm-ups provided thatyou practice regularly. When the 2pm forms part of your life, you will live inthe flow and always have access to the right feelings and the right attitudes. Then, the actual treatment will occur quite easily, with no further need tobrood over it.
Whenever one of ourcourses start, I point out that there is no such thing as THE method, and thatmajor success depends on our intuition. Please take that to heart and do notcomplicate things. Time and time again in our lives we have been urged to useour head and ignore our gut feelings, but now it has again become necessary tochoose the opposite way and to trust our gut. In the beginning there are oftendistracting blockades and you have to be persistent and leave room for lettingthings happen. Experience has taught us that most users first need tore-learn how to listen to their intuition and let things happen. Thepreparatory exercises help you succeed. Please see the exercises as a possiblemodule for successful treatment, and never as an obligation. Do not hold on tothem if they do not work. Do not become desperate if the feeling of relaxationdoes not set in immediately and you are still too attached to the disturbingthoughts. Approach them with a neutral feeling and a certain degree ofcasualness. Force and desperately wanting it are counterproductive and willblock you entirely. The 2pm will work nevertheless, ok?