Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
An Updated Edition of Hugh Lynn Cayces
Faces of Fear
A.R.E. PressVirginia BeachVirginia
Copyright 2004
by Kevin J. Todeschi
Faces of Fear 1980 by Hugh Lynn Cayce
4th Printing, April 2012
Printed in the U.S.A.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
A.R.E. Press
215 67th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Cayce, Hugh Lynn.
Edgar Cayce on overcoming fear and anxiety : an updated edition of Hugh Lynn Cayces Faces of fear / by Hugh Lynn Cayce with Kevin J. Todeschi.
Includes bibliographical references (p.).
ISBN 0-87604-494-1 (trade pbk.)
ISBN 13: 978-0-87-04-494-0
1. Parapsychology and medicine. 2. FearAlternative treatment. 3. AnxietyAlternative treatment. 4. Cayce, Edgar, 1877-1945. 5. Fear. 6. Anxiety. I. Todeschi, Kevin J. II. Cayce, Hugh Lynn. Faces of fear. III. Title.
BF1045.M44C39 2004
Edgar Cayce Readings 1971, 1993-2007
by the Edgar Cayce Foundation.
All rights reserved.
Cover design by Richard Boyle
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
T HERE WAS a time when I was so terrified of speaking in front of individuals that I rarelyif everforced myself to even ask a question while in a group of three or more people. Except on a few occasions when I felt extremely comfortable around friends or family, I never spoke in a group and I never raised my hand in a class. When I was called on or I was forced to speak, the fear became so intense that I felt my throat constrict and grip with fear. While this occurred, breathing was next to impossible and my face would become tight and hot. Any words that did manage to escape my mouth were forced out between uneven breaths. If individuals turned to look at me as I struggled to speak, it felt as if I was strangling, choking on the words that became stuck in my throat and I would turn red-faced with embarrassment. Over the years, I became angry with myself for being so afraid and I became even more afraid of situations in which I might be called on to speak in front of people.
Today, it is almost hard to imagine being crippled by such intense fear. As a spokesperson for the work of Edgar Cayce, I have lectured in front of literally tens of thousands of individuals on five continents regarding dozens of topics. I have given dream interpretation classes in Ecuador, spoken about ancient Egypt in Japan, held intuition workshops in France, escorted numerous tour groups along the Nile, led hypnotic reveries in Canada and given hundreds of lectures throughout the United Statesfrom California in the West and Washington D.C. in the East, and from Texas in the South and Montana in the North. The fearful student who would not even raise a hand in class could never have conceived of such a possibility.
I still remember what year I began to overcome the fear, and I clearly remember the occasion that caused me to think beyond any doubt, I have got to do something about this. It was 1982 and I was an attendee at a retreat program in the mountains of Colorado. The speaker was Dr. Gladys McGarey, M.D., author of Born to Live and one of the foremost authorities of the Cayce principles of health, healing, medicine, and child rearing. Dr. Gladys, as she is affectionately known, was speaking about her many experiences during thirty-plus years as an obstetrician. I remember it was a wonderful program with about eighty of us in attendance.
As she spoke, there was a question I wanted answered that I hoped she would simply discuss. Unfortunately, she did not. As the lecture came to an end and Dr. Gladys opened the conference up for questions, I hoped that someone else would ask the question that I wanted to know. One question followed after another, each being answered in turn, but no one voiced the query that I had hoped to hear. My question was as follows: I had heard that the Edgar Cayce readings suggested whenever a child was born into the earth, the angels sangjoyously proclaiming the opportunity for spirit to enter into the earth. I wanted to know if during her many years as an obstetrician, Dr. Gladys had ever heard the music of angelic voices. That was my question, however it was a question that no one else asked.
As it became clear to me that the conference session was coming to a close, my desire to know the answer to this question became stronger than the fear of raising my hand. Feeling I had absolutely no other choice than to ask the question myself, I repeated the question in my head four or five times to reassure myself. When I had finally worked up the nerve, I raised my hand.
Immediately, Dr. Gladys called on me. I can remember sitting there ready to ask the question that I had repeatedly verbalized in my head without any problem. Suddenly, I saw three or four other conferees turn to look at me as I began to speak. Immediately, I felt my throat constrict, my face turned red, and without breathing I somehow managed to choke out a dozen words that barely provided Dr. Gladys with just enough information to know what I was really trying to ask. Even now, I can remember feeling ashamed as Dr. Gladys responded to my question, wondering how many other people had seen my public display of fear.
Synchronistically, a few weeks after the conference I had the opportunity to obtain a psychic reading from an intuitive named William Schaeffer, who was living in Denver at the time. Without thinking about my fears or worries, I went to William for a past-life reading. William and I had never met before; he knew nothing about my personal life, my hopes, my dreams, or my fears. The experience proved to be a turning point for me.
During the session, William said that one of the challenges I had to overcome in the present was a deep-seated intolerance of intolerance. He went on to say that oftentimes in my souls history I had gotten up on a soapbox to tell people about how mistaken they were in their shortsighted beliefs, their biases, and their prejudices. According to William, rather than enabling individuals to broaden their perspectives, more often than not my approach had simply gotten me arrested, shunned, or even hanged. He added: You know every time you get up to speak to people, your subconscious mind thinks, Oh no, here he goes again shut him up. To emphasize his point, William made a hangmans noose with his fingertips and constricted the circle with his hands. At that moment, I believed I had found the cause of my fear.
To be sure, the fear did not immediately come to an end. Instead, what happened was that each time I found myself in a situation were I needed to speak before a group, I would reassure myself with positive affirmations, such as: I have nothing to fear, I am just asking a question; these people want to hear what you have to say; there is no reason to worry, I am in a safe place, and so forth. At first, the fear was no longer crippling. Eventually, it became manageable. In time, I worked through it. Williams brief statement became the catalyst that enabled me to overcome the fear that had impacted my life for as long as I could remember. Speaking in public was not my only fear, but it was certainly one of the most overwhelming.
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