Book 2
by Jane Roberts
1/6/70 to 12/29/70
The Early Seth Class Session books will consist of Seth class sessions that are different from those published in The Seth Audio Collection and Individual Seth Tapes and CDs. The Audio Collection & CDs cover the Seth class sessions held in Jane Roberts ESP class from 1972 -1979. The Early Seth Class Session books will cover the earlier Seth class sessions (from 1967 to the end of 1971) for which we have no audio recordings. In addition, some later class sessions for which we have no recordings will also be included in the Early Seth Class Session books.
The Seth audios are actual recordings of Seth speaking during Janes class in Elmira NY and are available in CD format along with written transcripts. There are 39 CDs currently published and more will be forthcoming.
The Early Sessions consist of the first 510 sessions dictated by Seth through Jane Roberts. There are 9 books in The Early Sessions series.
The Personal Sessions , often referred to as the deleted sessions, are Seth sessions that Jane Roberts and Rob Butts considered to be of a highly personal nature and were therefore kept in separate notebooks from the main body of the Seth material. The Personal Sessions are published in 7 volumes.
P.O. BOX 192 , MANHASSET, N.Y. 11030
Book 2
by Jane Roberts
1/6/70 to 12/29/70
2008 by Laurel Lee Davies-Butts
Published by New Awareness Network Inc.
New Awareness Network Inc.
P.O. Box 192
Manhasset, New York 11030
Class members names used herein are pseudonyms.
Opinions and statements on health and medical matters expressed in this book are those of the author and are not necessarily those of or endorsed by the publisher. Those opinions and statements should not be taken as a substitute for consultation with a duly licensed physician.
Cover Design: Michael Goode
Editorial: Rick Stack
Typography: Raymond Todd, Michael Goode
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without written permission from the publisher.
ISBN 978-0-9768978-6-6
E-book ISBN 978-0-9975404-3-7
I dedicate The Class Sessions
to my wife, Jane Roberts,
who lived her 55 years
with the greatest creativity
and the most valiant courage.
-Robert F. Butts, Jr.
Now I understand precisely what it is that I must do. I must take singing lessons and we must have a prayer meeting, and then you will feel that have [sic] done something. If I told you that I would sing for you, then I do believe you would all be here en force. I do not make any such promises, however.
I always say hello to my hostess when you have your classes here.
Now my friend Ruburt has been taking a well-earned vacation, but I never take vacations. But I am not retired (looking at Rose) . You will find, and I hope you are finding your kinship with All That Is. You are finding, I hope, your own ways. Little by little the knowledge that is your own will unfold within you.
Our Lady of Florence, you do not have to fight so hard for it! It is there all the time whether or not you realize it and it sustains you whether or not you realize it.
Now I ask you, briefly, to imagine that you are outside this room and looking down into this room and seeing yourselves without any great emotional feeling. Simply saying to yourself, Oh yes, there we are and there I am. I ask you to try to pick up a slight recognition, a feeling that there is more in the room than you can see; a slight recognition of your own inner selves; a slight recognition. Even that the pussycat is more than it seems to be. I ask you to realize that although you cannot see them, your own thoughts blossom as flowers in an invisible garden. I would like you to realize that within you always is a strong kinship and understanding. A kinship with All That Is that can never he denied, and that even when you doubt most, this kinship is there for it provides the basis of your being. It is always there, and if you look for it, but gently, you will always find it.
You need not rip yourselves apart to feel this kinship. It is there with each breath that you take. Now, I would like you, in this year of yours, in your quiet moments and even in your tumultuous ones, to look gently within yourselves for this living essence. It will never betray you and it will always bring you confidence and strength even in the midst of tumult. You can depend upon it. And it will not lead you into weakness but into strength.
If probabilities continue, then two of you will develop quite well during this year in two quite different areas. One in automatic writing and one in psychological time. This year is nothing but a symbol and yet it is important to you and use it.
I have not said Good evening but I am now saying Good evening. There were two points I wanted to make. The development of which I spoke involved two students who are not now so involved. I certainly expect our Dean (Theodore) to continue with his own development. This involved automatic writing with someone who is not now so proficient. I also expect another member of the class to come awake in the dream state and to do very well after two years. I tell you all this to let you know that there is hope.
(Question from class member: Does it mean two years from now?
([Another class member:] No, it has been two years for some of us.)
That is a correct interpretation. I also expect to give you all some instruction that you can use, but more than that, I expect to give you some instruction that you will use. And there is a difference as even I have learned.
There are some benefits connected with this class of which you may not perhaps be aware. And so as a New Years present I will tell you what they are.
There are no magical properties involved. The same benefits could be achieved in many other ways, but in your cases they are connected with the class. I almost hesitate to tell you, for you will think you will skip out of here like six-year-olds. The fact is that you are managing the physical composition of your bodies in a much more efficient way than you did before, as a result of your changing ideas, so that the cells themselves are more lively. Their movementthe movement within the cells is more flexible. To some extent you are rejuvenating your physical images. This applies to some of you more than to others, according to how thoroughly you are accepting and utilizing the ideas, for the inner youth and vitality is not primarily physical but only materialized in physical ways. And now, I do bid you a good evening and a Happy New Decade.
(Rachel asked about her foot.)
I will say that you are afraid to move (job) . You want to leave your present position and you are afraid to leave your present position; and so you have symbolized the dilemma through the condition in your foot. When you decide that you are free to move, the foot will then clear up. Do you have any other questions?