This Little Book Provides the Backside Evidence
Showing How All Jesus Prophecy Revelations
are Fulfilled By Those who were known as:
Ti & Do
The Father and Jesus
Heaven's Gate
UFO Two Witnesses
Who Returned Incarnate With Their Saints
From 1972 to 1997
Prophesied in the Book of Revelations
Termed by Christians as
The Second Coming
The Physical Evolutionary Level Above Human
The Kingdom of God in Heaven
Whose Membership: Wear Physical Vehicles (Bodies),
Grown on a Vine
(That Human bodies are Designed to Resemble)
To Work Within Planet Sized Spacecrafts
Like Pluto and Ceres
That Serve as Laboratories for Their Earth
Soul Growing Garden Experiments
That Incorporate the Negative Influence of
The Luciferian Space Aliens, aka The Fallen Angels So
Prospective New Members, Directed By Incarnate Older Members
May Overcome the Human Evolutionary Kingdom
To Graduate Into the
Next Level Kingdom In the Literal Heavens
1663 Liberty Drive
Bloomington, IN 47403
Phone: 1 (800) 839-8640
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Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Published by AuthorHouse 01/19/2017
ISBN: 978-1-5246-5762-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5246-5761-1 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017900001
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This Little Book provides detailed evidence from everything Jesus prophesied to show how and why those called, Ti (Tee) and Do (Doe) were the new incarnations of the Ones referred to as the Father and Jesus, who with Their Crew of Student Saints, were on earth again to fulfill the promised return of Their Kingdom during these End Times, through Their task recorded as the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelations that was completed when they exited their incarnations in 1997 - seen in the world's news as Heaven's Gate.
Here is a tiny bit of the evidence of Their return that will be covered in these next pages in great detail, examining most every verse from the Book of Revelations, in context with both the Old and New Testaments and in consideration of the many translation options from the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek and most importantly in how Ti and Do's teachings, behaviors, ways and lifestyle coincided, without Their trying to do so, as I, Sawyer witnessed as Their student for 19 years.
- Father and Son both reside , (dwell with, abode) with Their Students. (Joh 14:22-23)
- They both have new names and the One who was Jesus identifies His Father . (Rev 3:12, Rev 14:1)
- They come incarnate in the task of the Two Witnesses to speak publicly (prophesy) New Revealing about the reality of Their Kingdom, how and when it can be entered, that serves to gather Their returned Saints, the Souls who were their students with Jesus and Moses. (Luk 17:30, Mat 24:31).
- The Father incarnates into a female human body and Mind/Spirit births His Son to the Throne. (Rev 12)
- They are both Olive Trees, Lampstands, and are Anointed so are both Christs . (Rev 11:3-4, Zec 4:1-14)
- They speak plainly, (open, bold, confident), not in parables (Luk 12:2) and Students can ask the Father questions directly . (Joh 16:25-27)
- Their prophecy is focused in the West and Southwest U.S.A., described as the spiritual (symbolic) Sodom (scorched, desert) e.g. Las Vegas, Egypt (two straights (Streets, Ways (FIRST & LAST)) and New Jerusalem; California (Los Angeles) to Texas, (Rev 3:12), to a new nation (people) (Mat 21:42-43), leaving Jerusalem in Palestine/Israel desolate (empty of Their Updated Mind/Spirit - Presence). (Rev 11:8, Mat 23:37-39)
- In 1975 They are subdued (overcome) by the U.S. national media, mouthpiece of the Beast - the Secret Govt (Mystery Babylon) formed because of the release of the Luciferian Space Aliens from their bottomless pit prison in the 1940's to 1950's during the 5 th Angels Trumpet Sounding. (Rev 9, 11:7, 12:4, 17)
- The Father's incarnation Exit was seemingly natural- Earth Opened Her Mouth. in 1985. Do and Students Exited by laying (falling) down Their human bodies in 1997 , shown by the comprehensive translation of the Greek apokteino auto as to separate by dying Their selves. (Rev 11:7,16, Rev 12:16)
- Their ascension, Jesus called a spirit birth, compared to wind, not seen as physical bodies going up. The cloud (of light) was the Hale-Bopp Comet with it's photographed companion object. (Rev 11:12, Joh 3:5-8)
- Do Comes Public as the return of Jesus in 1993, shown as sitting on a white horse, the human body He took named Marshall Applewhite, which He purifies to Recover Virginity. Bow represents the Covenant (rainbow) with the litter/fold He births by directing each Students own Overcoming of Humanness. (Rev 6:2)
- The Red/Ruddy Horse - G.W. Bush, et al, used the 9/11 WTC attacks - the great earth(shaking) (1 st Fall of Babylon) to wield a great sword (military) for a perpetual war on terror. (Rev 6:3-4, 11:13, 14:8)
- Barack Obama, et al, was the Black/Deep Blue (jacinth) Horse presiding over the stabilizing of the Global Financial Crisis (2 nd Fall of Babylon) manufactured to usher in the U.S. BEAST's riding the yolk of the New World Order (U.N.) (Rev 6:5-6, Rev 13, 14:8, 18:2)
- Sign of Opening of Temple of God in Heaven revealed by NASA Dawn spacecraft photos of dwarf planet Ceres' cityscape of lights with 5+ mile high crystal-like Tower as evidence of 2017 4 th Seal Opening: Green (Space Alien tare (weed) harvest, NWO front promotion of human caused global warming) Horse (US President) agenda, accelerating death in Tribulation/Judgment Hour = LAST Harvest Wave (Rev 6:8, 11:19, 14:20, 15:5)
-Luciferian ( restricted Space) Aliens are depicted as fowls , birds of prey, locusts(Mat 13:4;Rev 9:3,18:2, 19:17)
- Afterward, Do returns with His Armada of brightly shining (glorious) Clouds of Light - horses (spacecrafts) for every eye to see , with His FIRST Fruit Graduate (Saints) all wearing Their new Kingdom of God made (grown to an adult on a vine, not born of woman) physical, biological bodies, with His being like the Son of Man, Jesus' dipped in blood body (vesture). (Rev 1:7,11:19,14:14,16:15,19:11-14, 1Co 15:39+)
This Little Book Provides the Backside Evidence Showing How All Jesus' Prophecy Revelations are Fulfilled by Those Who were Known as:
Ti and Do - The Father and Jesus - Heaven's Gate - UFO Two Witnesses