Joyful, uplifting and transformational.
This book will change your life.
It changed mine.
Anxiety, overwhelm and rumination can be a tough cycle to break. The 14 Day Mind Cleanse is an achievable program of simple techniques to clear out your mental clutter while introducing calm and positivity, helping you become your clearest, most grounded self.
Kick off the program with a daily meditation ritual and by tweaking your digital diet. Next, reduce multi-tasking, add a personalised morning ritual and banish busy, learning to achieve more by doing less. Finish the first week by adding techniques for positive thinking and joy-riding. Now youre ready to apply, rinse and repeat for a second week, taking note of whats working and whats not.
Internationally renowned speaker and meditation teacher Jacqui Lewis has been educating individuals, groups and leading organisations in higher-grade living for years via her school The Broad Place. In The 14 Day Mind Cleanse she offers a modern pocket guide to the program she has seen transform the lives of her students.
A journey of
a thousand miles
begins with
a single step.
These days, the idea of cleansing our bodies has become normalised. Juice cleanses and detox diets are abundantly and enthusiastically adopted. More than ever before, we are taking excellent care of our bodies. There are apps, trainers, nutritionists, physiotherapists, kinesiologists, massage therapists and more to help our bodies be at their best. And I think we can all agree that strong, resilient bodies that are cleansed and healthy and not filled with toxicity are great things.
But what about our minds, which govern not just our mental health but also our physical health? How are we cleansing these? What can we do to ensure our minds are in top shape? What about the nutritional value of what we are feeding our minds? And what about the old, outdated crap thats stored in our dusty mental cupboards and emotional storage units?
You know that pristine feeling of clarity when a notion hits you loud and clear, obvious, delicious and full of promise? An idea received when youre rested, grounded and can take action in decisive ways? I believe that being in flow, with crystal-clear clarity and abundant creativity, is as good as the feeling of falling in love. You dont just feel capable, but you thrive. And, delightfully, youre aware of it, which brings about a magnetic energy. Its a mindbody alignment where everything feels possible, rich and full.
When clarity is present,
we flow with authenticity
and integrity.
So why dont we feel like this all the time? Because we are human. Because we trip, we fall, and we stagnate. But I believe that as long as we can learn from these experiences, they are useful. There are clear, decisive, empowered ways in which we can get out of these ruts and get ourselves back into flow. And each time we do this, we become more resilient and the path becomes clearer. There are always going to be challenges in life: slippery slopes that send us sliding, and mountains that we need to climb. We wont always have the support we might desire, or the energy we might need to navigate the challenges. However, there are techniques we can use to make the entire process a hell of a lot easier and more joyful. For without happiness and joy, any process any day of our lives, really becomes so much harder to get through.
the WAY
After being self-employed for over 20 years, as well as being a partner and a mother in a world in hyperdrive, I know all too well the struggles that happen in the modern world: the overwhelm, the anxiety, the slightly dreadful sense of being behind, of tasks piling up, of email inboxes overflowing. There are now so many facets to communicating, so many apps and media, that we are hyperconnected to everyone and everything but we are also becoming more and more disconnected from ourselves. Add in the competitiveness that seems to appear in every part of our lives now, especially with the comparisons and pitfalls of social media, and its easy to see why our brains implode at times from too much of everything. But there is a way out, a way to navigate life with less stress and overwhelm, and more clarity and peace.
I founded the school The Broad Place to educate people on being their most aligned, creative, clear selves, and in this book I will share the insights I have discovered by working with people from across Australia, North America, Europe and Asia. Ive taught individuals, entire leadership teams, families, corporates, creative types, stay-at-home parents, young children, teenagers, retirees, entrepreneurs and tradespeople. Ive had five-year-olds tell me they want to be kinder, and people in their eighties proclaim that youre never too old to be aligned to your higher self. After almost a decade of teaching, I know this to be true:
No matter where you are in life, at some
point you will decide that enough is
enough and you will want to elevate
yourself to be better.
My refined techniques include meditation, practices and rituals that expand consciousness, enhance creativity and increase clarity. They have been tried and tested with so many people living wildly different lives from so many different age groups and life stages that I believe they will work for you.
We can be either dragged behind the bus
of our lives, or in the drivers seat.
And we can learn not only how to drive, but also how to drive with excellence, to cope with tricky driving conditions and to stay cool under pressure. This is not some mystical ideal only attainable by monks who live in Himalayan caves, removed from the world. This is for anyone and everyone who wants to be their kindest and most compassionate and caring selves. The key is that it has to start with us. Too often we are focused on fixing everyone elses lives. The 14 Day Mind Cleanse is a program for you , so you can be your clearest and most grounded self this also helps you to be of better service to others. And guess what? Theyre invested in this, too. When you show up with more joy and resilience, everyone around you benefits.