
Social Engineering the Masses
Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering for the Masses
Copyright 2015. Daniel Estulin. All Rights Reserved.
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Trine Day LLC
PO Box 577
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2015948426
Estulin, Daniel.
Tavistock Institue: Social Engineering for the Masses 1st ed.
p. cm.
Epub (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-044-4
Kindle (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-045-1
Print (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-043-7
1. Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. 2. Conspiracies -- United States. 3. Brainwashing -- United States. 4. Social psychology. I. Title
First Edition
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Printed in the USA
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Independent Publishers Group (IPG)
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Los desastres de la guerra, plate No. 79, (1st edition, Madrid: Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 1863)
Table of Contents
T avistock in Sussex, England, is the worlds centre for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. From a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House, grew a sophisticated organisation that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society.
In this revolutionary work, which undoubtedly will have the effect of a 500-kiloton nuclear explosion, we uncover both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare being adapted then and now for application to large-scale social engineering projects.
This is the Aquarian Conspiracy as the brainwashers refer to themselves, referring to a super secret 1974 Stanford Research Institute study entitled Changing Images of Man . You can think of this book as essentially an anti-brainwashing combat manual. Brainwashing depends on the ignorance of the victims. It is all around us. We can all perceive disintegration of our nations in terms of day to day, personal experiences. However, this is not a coincidence. It is not an accident. What we are witnessing all around us is a planned disintegration of the world economy by the most powerful people in the world. This book on the Tavistock Institute attempts to show that the conspiracy is real, who is behind it, what are its final long term objectives and how we the people can stop them from taking us to Hell.
Beyond utter rage and indignation, the conclusion you, the reader will reach is that the moral, material, cultural and intellectual decay that we are witnessing helplessly every day across the globe, is not accidental, not an act of God who is punishing us for our Earthly misdeeds, but a deliberately induced social crisis.
I repeat: this is not a test. This is real and whats at stake is the future of our planet. Welcome! Make yourselves at home! All the kooks of the world are coming out in the most impressive Witchs Sabbath yet!
In the world of smoke and mirrors, there are no flukes, no coincidences and no accidents. This, we prove beyond any reasonable doubt, just as we would have to, if we were disputing this case in a court of law. Only the highest standard of excellence and proof will serve our objectives. The stakes are too high and odds against us are too great. Whats in the balance, is the future of the planet, the immortality of the human race and the survival of our species. We will prevail. We will succeed, no matter what the costs. There are no second chances, third options or fourth ways. This is it, and with this work that shall stand the test of time, I have drawn the line in the sand. They will not pass! We will not surrender.
During World War II,
Look around you! As the result of a frontal assault on our future by the worlds leading social scientists and behaviour engineers, the moorings of national moral purpose collapsed. We the people have surrendered to a morally indifferent irrationality. Make no mistake, everything from the New Left to Watergate to Vietnam to Pentagon Papers to the insane hippies, the anti-war movement and the drug-rock counterculture were also pre-planned social engineering projects.
I repeat, whats under assault are not only our individual human rights, but rather the very institution of the nation state republic from the oligarchys massive social engineering program conducted through These groups regard us and the principles of nation states as their axiomatic philosophical enemy.
This interlocked juggernaut of evil consists of some of the worlds most prestigious centers of knowledge and research such as Fortune s top 500 companies. Human zombies placed at top-level management positions to lead us into the New Dark Age of transcendental consciousness. Two foci, first, changes needed in the United States; and second, the global order.
Over the period of half a century, tens of billions of dollars have been allocated by the government of the United States with surreptitious help from think tanks and foundations aligned with Tavistock to fund the work of these groups.
Every aspect of the mental and psychological life of people on the planet was profiled, recorded and stored in computer systems. Above the closely co-operating groups of social scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists, think-tanks and foundations presides the elite of powerful members of the oligarchy, comprised mostly of the old Venetian Black Nobility.
What is the purpose of these behaviour modifications? It is to bring about forced changes to our way of life, without our agreement and without ever realizing what is happening to us. The ultimate goal being the complete extirpation of mankinds inner sense of identity, the tearing out of mankinds innermost soul, and the placement, in the vacant space, of an artificial, synthetic pseudo-soul. However, in order to change mankinds behaviour away from industrial production into spiritualism and to bring us wilfully into the world of post-industrial era zero growth and zero progress, one must force first a change in mankinds self-image, its fundamental conception of what we are. Thus, the image of man appropriate to that new era must be sought, synthesized and then wired into mankinds brain.
As Professor John communicates through behaviour modification and identity change the dominant nodes of the interlocked system.
Psychological terror is not the essence, but the punctuation mark of the new totalitarianisms meaning. The money-and-consumption command channel is the secret of the movements success because it avoids responsibility for its failures. Wall Street prescribed market failures to provide for societies are, instead, always attributed to transcendental forces of the invisible hand punishing these societies for alleged sins against market laws. Thus as catastrophes increasingly befall the majority of the world, the victims are blamed for their new deprivation, misery and oppression. This is a far more effective mode of rule than jackboot terror, which is more overt, but it exposes the system to another form of resistance. To keep the majority in a continual state of inner anxiety works because people are made too busy securing or competing for their own survival to co-operate in mounting an effective response. This too, has Tavistocks signature all over it.
In the past decade, the entire population of the globe has been kept permanently off-balance with one financial meltdown and transnational trade fiat after another emptying national coffers and overriding rights of domestic self-determination. Populations have been so overwhelmed by the moving juggernaut of economic and environmental crises that a rule of universal insecurity has rendered social majorities paralysed by a low-intensity terror the necessary condition for any totalitarian movement to continue its advance, because keeping its subjects perpetually off balance is its modus operandi.
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