Table of Contents
All Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Cover Photo Kayo, javarman, Jullius, KAMChokE / Shutterstock
The Day Approaching
Copyright 2020 by Amir Tsarfati
Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97408
ISBN 978-0-7369-8105-7 (pbk)
ISBN 978-0-7369-8106-4 (eBook)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
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For my children Ariel, Maayan, Elad, and Eilon.
Because of you, my heart is proud and my life is full. I love you.
First and foremost, I want to thank the Lord for His faithfulness throughout my life. Before I was even born, He loved me deeply and had a plan for my life. What a blessing it is to serve my Savior each and every day.
I want to thank my wife, Miriam, and my four children, whose love and support for me have never waned, even as the Lord has led me away from home so often. A husband and father could not be more blessed than I have been.
I want to thank my team at Behold Israel for their love, support, and dedication. H.T. and Tara, Mike and Sharon, Gale and Florene, Donalee and Jeff, Andy and Gail, Wayne and Cyndie, Joanne, Nick, Kayo, Tina, Jason, and Shanethe ministry wouldnt be what it is without your steadfast partnership.
Thank you to Barry Stagner and Rick Yohn for your wisdom and your rich insight into Gods Word.
Thank you to Bob Hawkins Jr., Steve Miller, and the wonderful team at Harvest House.
Finally, thank you, Steve Yohn, for walking this journey with me.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
HEBREWS 10:23-25
MANY MORNINGS ILL WAKE UP, pour myself a cup of coffee, then take my Bible out to my back porch. As I settle into a cushioned chair, Ill take in the beautiful scene below me. Stretched out for miles is fertile land colored by whatever bountiful crop has been sown in it. Often there is a light breeze that the predatory birds take full advantage of as they hunt their scurrying prey. Taking in this beauty, my first thought is often, Coffee is the greatest proof that there is a Creator God . But my second thought is how unbelievable it is that conceivably in less than a decade or two that whole valley below me will be filling up with the armies of many nations. These armies will unite to march south to destroy the city of Jerusalem.
You see, that beautiful panorama below my backyard is the Jezreel Valley, also known as the Valley of Megiddo, also known as the Valley of Armageddon. If I see those armies gathering together, that will alert me to the following: First, I know that Israel has already endured a devastating attacklikely nuclear in nature. I know that a great world leader has arisen, uniting the nations of the world. I know that earthquakes and famines and other natural disasters have devastated the earth. I know that in Jerusalem a new temple has been built. And I know that the Mount of Olives is ready to feel the feet of the returning Savior, who will come as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
I also know that I will not be around to see any of this taking place. If those armies are down there, then Im not up heresipping on my coffee, enjoying the view. Ill already be in heaven. Ill be in the presence of my Savior, having been snatched up by Him seven years previously. And Ill be preparing to return with Him to this earth one more time. So, if youre planning on still being around at the end of the great tribulation, Ill leave the keys under the front mat for youit should be quite a view.
God is working out His plan. There will soon be a day when the church is taken up to meet Jesus in the air. There will come a time when God disciplines the people of Israel in a way that ultimately leads to their repentance. And there will come a day when those who have rejected the free gift of Gods salvation will suffer His wrath because of their sins.
The what of this coming day isnt the primary question of this book. I dealt with the rapture and the Antichrist in great detail in my previous book, The Last Hour . While we will deal with some of the events of the tribulation in The Day Approaching , our main focus here will be on the when .
Now, its time for me to come 100 percent clean with you. I have no clue as to the day and time of Christs return. But Im in good company. No person knows the day and time. The angels dont know. Not even the Son of God Himself knows. Jesus said, Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only (Matthew 24:36). The Father has got the timing planned out to the minute, but Hes keeping His cards close to His chest. What I can tell you is that as I look at the events unfolding in the world around us, I firmly believe that the day of Jesus return is rapidly approaching.
I dont know about you, but I cant wait for that day when I see Jesus. I think about it. I imagine what it will be like. I study the Scriptures to learn all I can about it. This longing to see my Savior is not only in my heart, but also on my lips. I believe that we should proclaim our desire for Jesus to come. The apostle John wrote in the book of Revelation, The Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who hears say, Come! (22:17). John himself expressed his own desire when he said, Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (verse 20). Have you asked Jesus to come? Have you expressed to Him your excitement at seeing Him and your desire to be with Him forever? Have you ever taken a moment to close your eyes and picture what it will be like?
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