EVERYONE IS PRAYING A GLOBAL, UNIVERSAL PRAYER BOOK FOR ALL DR. LAWRENCE M. VENTLINE Copyright 2020 by Dr. Lawrence M. Ventline. ISBN: Softcover 978-1-7960-6523-7 eBook 978-1-7960-6524-4 All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.
Certain stock imagery Getty Images. Rev. date: 12/30/2019 Xlibris 1-888-795-4274 801393 Contents Walk our meditation and prayer labyrinthmake use of our memorial LITTLE LIBRARYa bouquet of goats for milk and fiber.a haven of spiritual journeying to celebrate life, animals and nature.
Why am I so
that you are here within these prayers and pages?. Bear with me. You have purpose, apparently.
Divine purpose. God calling you! Is prayer important to you? I assume so! As you lift up your
heart and mind to God in prayer and conversation, morphing and mending makes things happen and you are a changed believer. Praise God, your family, neighbors, and, the beloved community as the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. noted before his assassination in 1968, the same year my oldest brother, Lukas, died in Vietnam. I finally learned to pray while I held on to hope for my brothers safe return.
That was not in Gods plan however. We called him his nickname Butch at home. He is the oldest son of seven children of my faithful parents, John (of Bad Axe, MI) and Edith (nee Wichlacz of Cheboygan, MI.) Ventline. Need a piece for peace? Find spiritual inspiration in the words of these prayers, notes Detroit native Rabbi Dorit Edut, a metropolitan Detroit partner in inter-religious dialogue who resides with her loving, Israeli husband, Shimon, in Huntington Woods, MI. An ancient Hasidic tale tells of a peasant journeying to the market carrying his produce to sell for his familys livelihood. On the way, the farmer becomes aware of his lost prayer book.
Distressed, he cries to God: Lord, I have been so foolish. I have lost my prayer book and my memory is so bad that I cannot recite a single, proper prayer without it. So, I am going to say the alphabet letters and let you - the Knower of All - put the words together as you think best. When he finished, the Lord said to his angels: Of all the prayers I have heard today, this was the best, for it came from a heart
that trusts Me. Cozy up in a favorite prayer space or sit by the fireplace and say a prayer or two. Prayer works! God hears everyones prayers and answers them, too! We WALK each other home in prayer! We do! Pray daily.
Find a way to connect with God. To.Bishop J. and S. Piscopo, Edith Jadwiga Wichlacz, John J. Ventline, Thomas J.
Holy. Holiness. Holiness.
Pray and watch them grow. Rev. Dr. Lawrence Ventline Acclaimed Ecumenical Overseer in Detroit, MI. USA 989 582 0520 Oct., 2, 2019 Francis and Clair of Assisi, Italy Dedicated to Rabbi Dorit Edut, and, her husband, Shimon, and, her Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network (DION); and, to Imams, and Pastors who are remarkable leaders in these trying times of turbulence and trials! God is here in this.Somewhere! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME; ALL THE TIME GOD IS
GOOD! - Lawrence M. Ventline Dear God, I was told that the Jews are Gods chosen people.
Really? A Rabbi, Dorit, editor of this prayerbook, and, her husband, Shimon Edut, open their heart and home to all. May the Lord bless and keep them; shine upon them. Sto lat! May they live 100 years before passing over. So be it. Amen. It is true.
Verdad! - Lawrence Ventline Aug. 15, 2019 Feast of the Catholic Assumption of Mary Find a way to pray. Any way. Some way. Always praying. Well.
Almost any way. Good stuff. Teach people to pray, pastors!. Prayer is a hunger. To accept is to live and let live with those realities that one cannot change, according to the late Father Edward D. Popielarz, a boyhood pastor of mine at Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish Church, in Detroit where my family prayed often.
Why bother with prayer and faith? What is faith, prayer? What is necessary on my part before faith is mine? Mary is faith supreme, Father Popielarz taught. Faith stills fear, indecision, and hate. Prayer is a thirst, a hunger for God. All,
Buried here are Dads (1918-1994 aka Grandpa Walters) oldest son, Walter Jr., Mom Anna Rapp (Nanny), maternal Grandma Katherine Mathews, step-Dad (only Dad) Andrew Rapp (Annas second husband m. 1926 after Sidney Ross died - also father of Dads brother James Rapp), and about eight other relatives we didnt know were buried there beginning in 1898 when James Byrne bought the first grave (and 2 nd grave in 1901). We had to pay $250 for the research about the other relatives - due to arrive in two weeks)
you all,
Uncle Michael For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers.
I Peter: 3:12 Thomas Merton, Pr ayer My Lord God, I have no idea where I Am going. I do not see the Road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, And the fact that I think that I am following Your Will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please You. Amen. Amen.
A most essential aim of parents in the formation of their children, and, their future decisions depends on silence. Assisting children discover their interior self is a chore but necessary in surrendering to God. Initiation is like that in introducing children to the sacraments, prayer, and, the mysteries and meditations of the rosary, for example. A walk in the pastoral woods of greens is a good example of tapping childrens interior life of stillness, silence and prayer and praise of the Maker. Entheos is a Greek word, God within, the basis for the word enthusiasm. A rich term, it has to do with an abiding, eternal joy that shines in ones smile, perhaps, and more.
My own experience encounters a dark night of the soul as John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila speak. That deep, desolate, even depressive moment moreover fuels ones abiding joy, and the preceding silence required to reflect helps one feel joys inner strength radiating across ones entire being. The mother of Jesus spontaneously shines in illustrating silence and joy amid heartache and suffering. Marys pain pierced deeply, yet her power pushes others to move through grief and great sadness, for example. Silence helps me go deeper within. Police. Police.
The accuser apparently demanded anonymity and would not cooperate with police - a sure sign of guilt and fictitious claims, so to speak.) I think you should not be so specific about your troubles I think this doesnt really add to the prayer or your theological discussion. It might actually prevent others who have other issues on their mind from finding your thoughts applicable to them. Venues were key to my mending and morphing from the inner chambers of stillness to the holy rosary and its repetitive reminders of Gods love, to mystery and misery of anguish and ache in my soul, to a rising ascending and resurrection. Alleluia! Silence is like that. It refreshes, nourishes and fuels one to be freely full of joys face, for example. Radiation is like that, basking in silence and joy.
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