
Some of the individuals in the book have asked me to respect their anonymity. Therefore, I have modified their identities and certain details about them.
Copyright 2018 by Hanna Seymour
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Scripture quotations marked ( ESV ) are taken from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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First Edition: April 2018
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Seymour, Hanna, author.
Title: The college girl's survival guide : 52 honest, faith-filled answers to
your biggest concerns / Hanna Seymour.
Description: first [edition]. | New York : Faith Words, 2018.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017046596| ISBN 9781478993575 (trade pbk.) | ISBN
9781549168314 (audio download) | ISBN 9781478993568 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Women college students--Religious life. | Success--Religious
Classification: LCC BV4551.3 .S49 2018 | DDC 248.8/33--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017046596
ISBNs: 978-1-4789-9357-5 (trade paperback), 978-1-4789-9356-8 (ebook)
Praise for Hanna Seymours
The College Girls
Survival Guide
Ive got two daughters, and Ive been blessed that both of them came through college life with a stronger faith than when they started. Hanna Seymours goal is to make that story the rule rather than the exception for every college girl. Her passion and experience make THE COLLEGE GIRLS SURVIVAL GUIDE a must-read.
Dave Ramsey, bestselling author and
nationally syndicated radio host
THE COLLEGE GIRLS SURVIVAL GUIDE contains anything and everything a girl needs to know before she starts college. Hanna has the authority to teach this extremely important information to the next generation, and does it in an incredibly relatable way!
Rachel Cruze, New York Times bestselling author
If I had had THE COLLEGE GIRLS SURVIVAL GUIDE while I was in college, it would have had a permanent place on my nightstand. Ive been reading Hannas writing for a while now. Every time I read something shes written, I walk away feeling like I just sat down with a friend who sees me and understands me. This book is no exception. There is a friendliness and a wisdom to Hannas voice that we all, college student or not, can benefit from.
Andrea Lucado, author of English Lessons: The Crooked Path of Growing Toward Faith
This is a book every college-bound girl should have in her backpack!
Barbara Rainey, creator of Ever Thine Home,
author of Letters to My Daughters and The Art of Being a Wife
This is the most helpful, applicable, relatable (not to mention warm, funny, and faith-filled) collection of college advice out thereIf Id had this resource back then, it would have been a game-changer for my faith, my education, my social life, my self-confidence, and so much more. I cannot wait to buy THE COLLEGE GIRLS SURVIVAL GUIDE for every college student I know.
Stephanie May Wilson, author of The Lipstick Gospel
A must-read for every college-aged woman before her first day on campus and an incredible resource to refer back to.
Meredith W. Boggs, Nashville-based blogger and writer
To my college girls, young and old: Carly, Sydney, Katie, Maddy, Maggie, Tori, Emilija, Anna, and Leslie. For allowing me a voice in your life and enriching mine more than you will ever know.
And to my catalysts: Abby, Emma, Sarah, Kay, Taylor, Maddie, and Scarlett. For asking the first questions and inspiring it all.
Hello, new friend! We dont know each other yet, but thats what Im going to call youmy new friend. Because if you read any portion of this book, my hope is that youll feel like wed be the best of friends. Ive worked with college girls for more than a decade, and one of my absolute favorite things is to settle down with a cup of coffee and talk through the highs and lows of college lifeand there are certainly both extremes. While you and I may never meet face-to-face, I hope that you do grab a cup of coffee and that as you flip through this book it feels like were sitting together having a good heart-to-heart.
Speaking of flipping through, feel free to skip around in this book. Begin by reading the first three chapters. Then the rest is sort of like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, or more like a Flip to Your Actual Problems book. The chapters are laid out by topic, and within each chapter youll find a handful of the fifty-two most common college girl concerns. You can read what is currently relevant and skip over the rest. Or read the whole thing cover to cover to get familiar with the range of issues that can come up in college. Either way, keep this book handy for the next time you hit a rough patch. Think of it as your trusty pal, always there when you need quick advice from a friend whos been through it all before and who has counseled hundreds of others whove experienced the very same things you are going through!
One of my greatest joys in life is getting to know high school and college girls, and walking alongside them as they investigate and discover who they are, what they believe, and what Gods plan is for their lives. I had some incredible older friends and mentors during those years of my life and know what an amazing experience it is to have so many loving, fun, older-and-wiser big sisters. Ultimately, that joy is what led me to a career working with college students and also volunteering as a high school small-group leader at church. Whether you call it being a big sister, friend, or mentor, my ultimate goal was to help every girl I knew discover who she was, why she believed what she believed, who God is, and who God created her to be.
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