Have you ever been reading the Bible when you started wondering about things? Wondering about where the Garden of Eden is located (Question #5)? Or wondering how long a cubit really is (Question #989)? Or maybe even wondering why John the Baptist ate bugs while he was living in the desert (Question #722)? If you have been asking yourself questions like these, then this is the book for you.
Scripture reference following each question reflecting the verse that prompted each question
A section of miscellaneous Bible questions that may help you answer some Bible mysteries
![Did God really create the universe 1 Creation Gods Power Even though - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/335609/images/7-1.png)
Did God really create the universe? (1) (Creation, Gods Power)
Even though Christians have a wide range of opinions about the beginning of the universe, all can agree that God was the Creator. He created a perfect universe filled with stars and planets, and a perfect earth filled with an amazing variety of plants and animals.
Were the six days of creation actual 24-hour days? (1:5) (Creation, Time)
They could have been 24-hour days, or they could have been longer periods of time because the sun wasnt created until the fourth day.
Why did God rest on the seventh day? (2:23) (Creation, Sabbath)
He rested to set one day apart as holy because his creation work was finished.
What does the creation story teach us about our responsibility to the environment? (2) (Creation, Nature)
God first created Adam and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it (Genesis 2:15). Christians should care for the environment not just for the sake of future generations, but as part of their obedient service to God.
Where was the Garden of Eden? (2:8, 1014) (Biblical Places)
Many people think Eden was probably in what is now the country of Iraq.
Why did God make the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? (2:9) (Free Will, Sin)
God wanted his people to choose him freely. He gave humans the gift of free will; but unfortunately, they chose to disobey God.
Is it bad to know about good and evil? (2:17) (Sin)
Knowing evil means experiencing it. God was testing their obedience. When they experienced evil, Adam and Eve brought sin and death into the world.
If God knew Adam and Eve were going to sin, why did he give them the choice to obey or not? (3) (Free Will, Sin)
God wanted his creatures and all of creation to be completely devoted to him and to serve him perfectly. In order for that to happen, Adam and Eve had to have the ability to choose; but unfortunately, they made the wrong decision.
If Eve was the one who talked to the serpent, isnt she responsible for the fall? (3:6) (Guilt, Sin)
It seems from verse six that Adam was with Eve. If he wasnt there, then he made the decision to disobey without the pressure from the serpent. He is just as guilty as she is.
Was it okay to marry two women? (4:19) (Ancient Practices, Marriage)
Having more than one wife was common in ancient times, but it goes against Gods original plan for marriage.
How could people live such long lives? (5:532) (Age)
Gods original plan was that people would live forever.
Why did God destroy other creatures besides humans with the flood? (6:7) (Animals, Sin)
Human sin had contaminated everything God had made.
Is there a difference between a boat and an ark? (6:14) (Differences)
An ark is much bigger than your average boat. The ark was about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high.
Did the flood cover the entire earth or was it more local? (7) (Gods Power, Punishment)
There are two opinions about the extent of the flood. The language in chapters 69 suggests that the flood was universal. Others think that a local, limited flood would have been enough to accomplish Gods purpose of destroying all of the wicked people, while saving Noah and his family. In either case, the flood was a historical event that God used to punish the wicked and save those who believed in him.
Where are the mountains of Ararat? (8:4) (Biblical Places)
This mountain range was north of Mesopotamia and east of modern Turkey.
Why did Noah send out a dove? (8:812) (Gods Presence)
The raven he sent out first did not give him a clear answer. The dove eats only vegetation, so it could better tell Noah that land had reappeared.
Why is an olive leaf special? (8:11) (Nature, Symbols)
Olive trees grow at lower elevations, and the fresh leaf told Noah that the water had receded enough for olive trees to grow again.
Why did God promise to never again destroy all living things? (8:222) (Forgiveness, Promises)
God was pleased with Noahs sacrifice, showing forgiveness and grace for life on earth.
Why are there so many rules in the Bible about what we can and cant eat? (9:3) (Food, The Law)