While You
Are Steeping
God-Thoughts for the Ordinary Woman
Rebecca Pearce

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2020924196
WestBow Press rev. date: 1/14/2021
What Im trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to Gods giving. People who dont know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Youll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Dont be afraid of missing out. Youre my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself.
Luke 12:2932 ( The Mes sage)

This book is dedicated to my husband, Carson, for his unwavering support throughout our forty-three years of marriage; to my father, Jim Johnson, for his never-failing confidence in me to be able to do whatever I set my mind to do; and to Bob Mather, my mentor in Christ, who challenged me to set goals and taught me how to achieve them.
Many thanks go to my girlfriends and my childrenJessica, Brian, and Angelafor being my lifelong cheerleaders and prayer partners! I want to especially recognize and thank my daughter, Jessica (Pearce) Fields, for her keen insights and wisdom in editing these pieces with me, along with my dear friend, Robin Kilchrist, for being my second pair of eyes as a proofreader. I wish to express my appreciation to my daughter, Angela (Pearce) Vanderwerf, for her beautiful photography work in producing my author photo. Finally, I want to thank the entire WestBow Press team for their expertise in bringing this long-awaited dream of publishing my book to reality.

Why a mug? Why not a delicate teacup? I chose a mug because I am a mug person. I love going to the homes of friends who bring out their tea service, or their finest china, because that is a special occasion. But mugs represent to me the ordinariness of life. A mug of tea accompanies me when I check my email, when I do the finances, or when I read the news. Its part of the routine of my life.
I believe the Lord wants our time with him to quit being a special event. I believe he wants to be included in the mundane parts of our lives as well.
Why the title? My husband came up with the title as I was telling him I ought to write a book about all the things you can get done while a cup of tea is steeping (three to five minutes). I was talking about making good use of my time and how I can make the bed, or empty the dishwasher, or sort through junk mail, while I anticipate a good cup of tea.
Then I began to write short vignettes about the ordinary and the poignant things happening in my life, and I decided to put the two together. Thus it became a book of God-thoughts that could be pondered over a cup of tea or coffee.
Why that scripture verse? I stumbled upon the verse about being steeped in God-reality while looking up a Bible verse online once, and it stuck with me as the perfect passage to include in this book. This definition comes from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
Steep suggests either the extraction of an essence (as of tea leaves) by the liquid or the imparting of a quality (as a color) to the thing immersed the tea for five minutes>
The Father wants to impart the character of Christ to us as we immerse ourselves in his presence. We will never fully come to know him or become like him by dunking the tea bag a few times. Yes, the water may turn brown, and it may resemble tea, but its a weak version of what it was meant to be. It does not have the satisfying richness imparted by time and patient waiting.
In My Middle Y ears
In my middle years, I celebrate my laugh lines for the joys Ive experienced, and I honor my creases for the sorrows Ive weathered. Without these markers, my life would appear a blank slate with memories erased, victories forgotten, and history rewritten.
In my middle years, I choose to fight poverty, injustice, and ignorance instead of age spots, frown lines, and belly fat. I choose to forgo the illusion of youth so that children in other countries can live out their own childhood. If I must fight, let it be for something lasting that will make a difference in this world long after this spirit house of mine gives way to the inevitability of decay.
In my middle years, I dare to believe that one person can make a difference in this world. I believe that my voice is unique and that its worth my effort to call forth the best in others.
When he was at the table with them, he took bread,
gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then
their eyes were opened and they recognized him.
Luke 24:3031
I Meet Him in
My Dailiness

Just for an hour, Lord, let me enjoy my
home with everything in its place. I want
to soak in its orderliness so that my
internal world can also feel at peace.
Let me revel in freshly made beds,
sparkling bathrooms, tidy countertops,
and glossy floors. For one hour, let me
be queen of my garden and take pleasure
in its array.
Is this how you felt when you
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