for What Happens to You
in your Life
your Afterlife
Revealed by Speakers
in the Afterlife
R. Craig Hogan
Greater Reality Publications
Copyright 2021 by Greater Reality Publications
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ISBN 0-9802111-3-1
ISBN-13 978-0-9802111-3-9
The Four Books
This book is one of four in a series explaining what we know today about the nature of reality, why we know we continue to live after the body dies, our purpose in this life, what happens in pre-birth planning, why we have the experiences we have during this life, and what happens when we leave to live in the life after this life. The books contain explanations of important truths:
- Your Mind is not produced by or contained in your brain. Your Mind doesnt need a body or a brain.
- Your Mind is an individual expression of the Universal Intelligence all people are part ofwe are all one Mind.
- Our one Universal Intelligence creates the world we live in.
- We plan our lives before coming to earth.
- The purposes of our lives are to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and live together with love, peace, and joy.
- Our individual Minds continue to live after the body ceases to function.
The first two truths are explained in the first book, Your Eternal Self: Science Discovers the Afterlife, developed and updated from the book Your Eternal Self. It contains the evidence that your Mind is not in your brain, we are one Mind, and you continue to live after the body dies.
The second book, Reasons for What Happens to You in Your Life and Your Afterlife: Revealed by Speakers in the Afterlife, explains information from residents of the life after this life about what happens to a person through the major stages of life: deciding to enter Earth School; planning the Earth School experience; learning to succeed in Earth School; growing in love, compassion, and understanding; graduating; and living in the life after the Earth School life.
The third book, There Is Nothing but Mind and Experiences, explains that the Universal Intelligence is the basis of reality and we are individual expressions of it. In it you will learn why we know this is true and what it means for your life in Earth School.
The last book, Answers to Lifes Enduring Questions: From Science Discoveries and Afterlife Revelations, is an easy-to-read summary of the contents of the other three books, meant for people who want the perspectives but not the detailed explanations and evidence.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
We are enrolled in Earth School because it provides experiences that result in happiness and sadness, challenges and triumphs, ecstasy and misery, success and failure, cherishing and losing, joy and grief. We call this life Earth School because we entered this unique world of our own free will to love, learn lessons, and be happy. If we are not loving and being loved, learning lessons and helping others learn lessons, and being happy and at peace, then we still have much to learn. That isnt to say were a failure if we feel unloved, have difficulty loving others, are giving up rather than learning from challenges, or are often depressed and unhappy. Every one of us is learning at the level in which were able to learn at this time in our eternal lives. Were A+ students at the head of our class. There is no failure or judgment.
We can choose to be loved and abundantly love others, to be filled with peace and contentment, to confront challenges with confidence and learn from our triumphs, and to be joyous nearly all the time. We can use our free will to create the lives we want to live. We just have to know who we are in eternity, have confidence that we can triumph over adversities and learn from the struggles, and use our free will to make changes in our lives and understanding of experiences that will bring us love, peace, and joy.
I wrote this book because there is widespread ignorance and misinformation about our place in eternity, the purpose of our lives in Earth School, and what our lives will be like after we graduate. People are taught we must meet certain standards to be worthy of love, that we must live separated from most people out of wariness, that challenges and disasters are beyond our control so we are helpless victims, that we need specific things and people in our lives to be happy, and that to be contented the world and people around us must change because were dependent on things and people for our happiness. These are all lies that are preventing people from living loving, peaceful, joyful lives.
The most important and difficult task in our lives in Earth School is to reject these lies and give up on trying to find happiness in anything we call me or mine. When we have swept our Minds clean, we can furnish our lives with the knowledge and beliefs that will allow us to learn lifes lessons while always being loving, peaceful, and joyful.
Most people dont know why were here, why our lives have suffering and tragedies, what we can do to live joy-filled lives, and what to expect after we graduate from this life. Most people drift through life without a clear sense of purpose or understanding that they are creating their lives and can change themselves to live in love, peace, and joy. They feel they are victims of a cold, uncaring universe. They are not. They have the ability and resources to create lives filled with happiness, fulfillment, and optimism about the future. They just dont know how to use the ability and resources.
I also wrote this book because most people dont know what has happened to their loved ones who are no longer seen in this life, and they fear what will become of themselves when their bodies die. People visit the cemetery looking down at the ground or up at the mausoleum and grieve as though their loved ones were there, buried in the ground or cold and lifeless in the crypt. They feel unease about how their loved ones are faring, and they fear for their own destiny. Many people sense their loved ones live on in another form, but they dont understand the realities of what happens when someone is no longer using a body in this world. They have been taught erroneous myths: that people not living in bodies are vaporous apparitions or have merged into the Universal Intelligence or have reincarnated so theyre not even the same person they were.
This book will reassure you that your loved ones who preceded you to the next stage of life are living contented, fulfilled lives today, and you will do the same. You can communicate with them when you want to. You can have continuing, loving relationships with them while you are still in Earth School. They will come to your graduation from this life and sit patiently waiting for you to come off the stage into their embrace. Every person you have loved and every pet you ever owned will be there to greet you. The graduation ceremony will be a celebration.
I wrote this book to tell you what we know today about our purpose in this life, why this life is as it is, what happens in the transition from this life, and how people live in the life after this life. It will clear up misconceptions for you and give you reassurance that your loved ones are living a full life as healthy, happy individuals who have just moved to another country. I want this book to give you comfort, reassurance, and joy that you will live on after you stop using the body, and you will have joyous reunions with all those who have preceded you.
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