Leaders Guide
Encourage one another and build each other up.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Congratulations! Youve either decided to lead a Bible study, or youre thinking hard about it. Guess what? God does big things through small groups. When his people gather together, open his Word, and invite his Spirit to work, their lives are changed!
Do you feel intimidated yet?
Be comforted by this: even the great apostle Paul felt in over his head at times. When he went to Corinth to help people grasp Gods truth, he admitted he was overwhelmed: I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling (1 Corinthians 2:3). Later he wondered, Who is adequate for such a task as this? (2 Corinthians 2:16 nlt ).
Feelings of inadequacy are normal; every leader has them. Whats more, theyre actually healthy. They keep us dependent on the Lord. It is in our times of greatest weakness that God works most powerfully. The Lord assured Paul, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
The Goal
What is the goal of a Bible study group? Listen as the apostle Paul speaks to Christians:
- Oh, my dear children! I feel as if Im going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives (Galatians 4:19 nlt , emphasis added).
- For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son (Romans 8:29 nlt ,
emphasis added).
Do you see it? Gods ultimate goal for us is that we would become like Jesus Christ. This means a Bible study is not about filling our heads with more information. Rather, it is about undergoing transformation. We study and apply Gods truth so that it will reshape our hearts and minds, and so that, over time we will become more and more like Jesus.
Paul said, The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith (1 Timothy 1:5 nlt ).
This isnt about trying to master the Bible. No, were praying that Gods Word will master us, and through humble submission to its authority, well be changed from the inside out.
Your Role
Many group leaders experience frustration because they confuse their role with Gods role. Heres the truth: God alone knows our deep hang-ups and hurts. Only he can save a soul, heal a heart, fix a life. It is God who rescues people from depression, addictions, bitterness, guilt, and shame. We Bible study leaders need to realize that we cant do any of those things.
So what can we do? More than we think!
- We can pray.
- We can trust God to work powerfully.
- We can obey the Spirits promptings.
- We can prepare for group gatherings.
- We can keep showing up faithfully.
With group members:
- We can invite, remind, encourage, and love.
- We can ask good questions and then listen attentively.
- We can gently speak tough truths.
- We can celebrate with those who are happy and weep with those who are sad.
- We can call and text and let them know weve got their back.
But we can never do the things that only the Almighty can do.
- We cant play the Holy Spirit in another persons life.
- We cant be in charge of outcomes.
- We cant force God to work according to our timetables.
And one more important reminder: besides Gods role and our role, group members also have a key role to play in this process. If they dont show up, prepare, or open their hearts to Gods transforming truth, no life change will take place. Were not called to manipulate or shame, pressure or arm twist. Were not to blame if members dont make progressand we dont get the credit when they do. Were mere instruments in the hands of God.
Leader Myths and Truths
Many people assume that a Bible study leader should:
- Be a Bible scholar.
- Be a dynamic communicator.
- Have a big, fancy house to meet in.
- Have it all togetherno doubts, bad habits, or struggles.
These are mythseven outright lies of the enemy!
Heres the truth:
- God is looking for humble Bible students, not scholars.
- Youre not signing up to give lectures, youre agreeing to facilitate discussions.
- You dont need a palace, just a place where you can have uninterrupted discussions. (Perhaps one of your group members will agree to host your study.)
- Nobody has it all together. We are all in process. We are all seeking to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).
As long as your desire is that Jesus be Lord of your life, God will use you!
Some Bad Reasons to Lead a Group
- You want to wow others with your biblical knowledge.
Love... does not boast, it is not proud (1 Corinthians 13:4).
- Youre seeking a hidden personal gain or profit.
We do not peddle the word of God for profit (2 Corinthians 2:17).
- You want to tell people how wrong they are.
Do not condemn (Romans 2:1).
- You want to fix or rescue people.
It is God who works in you to will and to act (Philippians 2:13).
- Youre being pressured to do it.
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? (Galatians 1:10).
Are you praying for your group members regularly? It is the most important thing a leader can do for his or her group.
If youre new at leading, spend time with an experienced group leader and pick his or her brain.
Challenge participants to read the Bible passages and the material in their study guides, and to answer and reflect on the study questions during the week prior to meeting.
Go over important guidelines with your group at the first session, and again as needed if new members join the group in later sessions. See the Group Guidelines at the end of this leaders guide.
Dont be a one-person show. Ask for volunteers. Let group members host the meeting, arrange for snacks, plan socials, lead group prayer times, and so forth. The old saying is true: Participants become boosters; spectators become critics.
If a group member shows up in crisis, it is okay to stop and take time to surround the hurting brother or sister with love. Provide a safe place for sharing. Listen and pray for his or her needs.
Remember, theres a storyoften a heart-breaking onebehind every face. This doesnt excuse bad or disruptive behavior on the part of group members, but it might explain it.