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Praise for
For over fifty years, church leaders have searched for the key to reviving, renewing, or revitalizing local churches. This book unpacks seven such change effortswhich are needed in over half of North Americas churches.
George G. Hunter III, dean and distinguished professor emeritus, School of World Mission and Evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary
Addressing the tension between congregational health and missional action, Dr. Kent Hunter issues a clarion callhealthy churches thrive! Kent has made a helpful revision to the way weve thought about church as a movement versus institution, addressing the ever-changing realities of the twenty-first century.
R. Kevin Murphy, senior leader, Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, Walnut Creek, California
Kent Hunter and Tracee Swank have clearly identified seven ceilings to church health and how to break through each. A much-needed volume, this is one of the most practical books on the market for helping a church break through from maintenance to mission.
Bob Whitesel, Wesley Seminary, Indiana Wesleyan University
When you open this book, you will find the key building blocks for a healthy church. [It] will play a key part in stimulating the Kingdom narrative of a radical discipleship culture being at the heart of healthy church. Its the Jesus way! I highly recommend this book to you.
Mick Woodhead, team rector of St. Thomas Crookes, Sheffield, England
Not just another how-to book, Kent and Tracee guide you in a biblical process to break through seven ceilings that may be holding your church below its potential. Read this book, and let the authors help you develop a kingdom culture in your church this year.
Gary L. McIntosh, professor of Christian ministry and leadership, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Leading any organization is a difficult task. Leading a church in the middle of a cultural and social upheaval is doubly difficult. Through encouraging biblical teachings and practical research, Kent and Tracee challenge seven of the principles and practices that can put a ceiling on our effectiveness. I recommend this book for everyone who wants to be part of a healthy church.
Brad Hewitt, CEO, Thrivent Financial
Many churches pray, Thy will be done on earth as in heaventhis book will help you diagnose your church. It offers clear insights, steps, and tools to move toward living out Kingdom culture. A must-read for those who want their church to be healthy, thrive, and have eternal impact in our culture.
G. Scott Pattison, lead pastor, Sonrise Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana
If you believe that your church has great potential to impact your city and beyond, you are not alone. Kent Hunter believes that the foundation for making this happen is a healthy church. I agree, and Im glad to affirm that this book will set you on the right track. Read it, and you will find yourself reaching a new level of vision and effectiveness.
C. Peter Wagner, vice president, Global Spheres, Inc., and author of The Great Transfer of Wealth
This is an inspiring and unusual book by two Church Doctors who have helped a huge number of individual churches move significantly forward. By quoting a very large number of examples from churches located in both the UK and US, it gives practical advice and HOPE that situations can change.
Peter Brierley, Brierley Consultancy, Tonbridge, England
Holy Spirit genius! If you lead a church and have holy discontent about the way it is versus the way it could be, you need to read this book. If you lead a church and dont have a holy discontent, you need to hit yourself on the head with this book, and then open it and make notes on every page!
Anthony Delaney, strategic leader, Ivy Church, Manchester, England
Is there anything more important than the church of Jesus becoming all its meant to be? I love Kents heart and commitment to seeing this happen, and I love this book. Buy one for yourself and one for each of your church leaders. You wont regret it!
Andy Hawthorne, the Message Trust, Manchester, England
Who Broke My Church? has hit the bulls-eye of the churchs greatest need, fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples! This book by Church Doctors Kent Hunter and Tracee Swank provides a Bible-based explanation of what the modern church must do to break through all hindrances to healthy biblical activity and growth. Every concerned Christian should read this book.
Dennis L. Kutzner, general overseer, CMIGLOBAL, Fort Wayne, Indiana
When you are reading a book and you find yourself having difficulty putting it down, that means you are reading a really, really GREAT book! Thats exactly what happened to me as I read Who Broke My Church? I am going to make Kent and Tracees book required reading for all of my church leaders.
Walt Kallestad, lead pastor, Community Church of Joy, Glendale, Arizona
In this book, Kent Hunter provides a necessary corrective with the concept of thriving. A healthy organism displays a comprehensive picture of growth. The authors explore the essential dimensions and provide welcome research data to demonstrate the progress made by churches that embrace the concepts.
Eddie Gibbs, author of The Rebirth of the Church: Applying Pauls Vision for Ministry in Our Post-Christian World
If you and your church need a breakthrough, what are you waiting for? Start reading now and get ready. Breakthrough is on the way! If you desire to see Gods Kingdom advance, dive into this book and expect a BREAKTHROUGH!
Mark Zehnder, senior pastor, King of Kings Lutheran Church, Omaha, Nebraska
Kingdom culture changes everything. Thats what Kent Hunter taught me in his new book, Who Broke My Church? If you are ready to move past mediocrity, sameness, and survival mode, this new book is for you. Filled with insights and challenging lessons, we are reading this book as a staff, and Im recommending it to all my coaching networks.