Healing Disease
Through Spiritual and
Emotional Growth
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Copyright 2017 Jenny Scarlett.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-0957-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-0958-5 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 08/22/2017
Six years ago I was extremely unwell with multiple food intolerances and an incurable autoimmune disease. Not only was I sick but my young child shared many similar symptoms as me. I was scared, very scared.
I spent months researching food, seeing specialists, and putting myself and my child through test after test. During this gradual progression of illness I experienced a number of miscarriages: I felt heartbroken and distraught. I was so desperate to get well so I could have another child that I refused to give up.
I had exhausted all conventional avenues to wellness and nothing was working. Eventually I broke down and begged for help, to no one in particular, and thats when help came crashing through my door. Finally I had surrendered, admitted defeat, acknowledged to myself and others that I was not super human, and I did not have all the answers. My pride had been shattered and I was left humbled and ready to hear the truth. This is what it took for me to open up to seeing the truth of myself and my creations.
I had fought as hard as I could, pushed and shoved my way through life because that was what I was taught to do. You have to be good enough. You have to earn what you want and you have to work hard for it. This, as it turns out, is a false belief.
Through my self-destruction and my beautiful yet painful breakdown I was shown a different path. A path which had me cured of all illness within weeks. Not only did I heal but my child healed as well. This path not only healed me physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, too.
The reason I manifested so much illness within my body was because I was storing all my previously unexpressed emotional pain. Once I started to release this pain I started to heal my life. I was storing a great deal of anger within me from my difficult childhood: as I grew older, I started to abuse myself with eating disorders, attempted suicide, drugs and alcohol. I managed to control many of these more damaging behaviours by my mid-twenties; however, in order to assist me in my quest to continue suppressing my emotional pain, I simply ended up developing other less destructive addictions in their place.
All of this suppressed emotion was too much for me in the end. I had been ignoring messages from my soul all my life, and in order to grab my attention, my soul needed to send me an even bigger message. This is when I started to lose my babies, and developed an incurable disease.
Once I stopped looking for the answers outside of myself, I discovered a whole new world within myself. I learnt to take personal responsibility for what I was creating and this empowered me to start making positive changes; changes which I had never noticed being an option before.
Looking deep within my soul and facing my truth meant that I grew in emotional intelligence, love, and compassion. I started to open up spiritually and developed a personal two-way relationship with God. A God I had never believed existed before my recovery. This personal relationship is available to each and every one of us. Now I know how God communicates with us I can share this knowledge with you. God has never stopped communicating with us; we were just never taught how to listen to Him/Her.
Many wonderful gifts have resulted in my spiritual and emotional progression including; having another successful pregnancy; the healing of my autoimmune disease; healing of our food intolerances; the resolution of my angry negative emotions; my development in self-love and self-worth; my growth in emotional intelligence; living my passions and desires; and feeling relaxed and calm. These are just a few of the miracles I have been experiencing and I am certain there are many more to come. I now know that we dont have to sit in fear and illness for any longer than we want to. We all have the power to heal ourselves if and when we choose to.
Throughout this book I demonstrate how God, and our soul, communicates with us through our physical body and our everyday interactions and emotions. I share details of my healing journey, as well as the three essential steps to help you engage the process of releasing your stored negative emotions.
By engaging the three-step process outlined in chapter two, we can:
- Heal disease within the body;
- Assist in the healing of our loved ones;
- Forgive and love the people in our life who have hurt us;
- Learn to take personal responsibility for our emotions;
- Physically grow younger and more beautiful;
- Live without financial worries, and feel safe and secure in the knowledge we will always be provided for;
- Draw our soul mate closer to us, perhaps discovering our soul mate for the first time;
- Stop fearing death for ourselves and our loved ones as we discover the truth about Gods universe;
- Communicate with loved ones who have passed over into the spirit world;
- Discover our true passions and desires, and in doing so create our dream life;
- Discover a love many of us have never experienced before;
- Develop a personal two-way relationship with God.
By being truthful with ourselves about our current emotional condition we have the ability to heal our body, mind, and soul; but without humility none of this is possible. Are you ready to become humble?
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