You Are the Girl for the Job Study Guide
Copyright 2019 by Jess Connolly
ePub Edition September 2019: ISBN 978-0-310-09422-7
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First Printing August 2019
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Friend, I want to tell you something about the front cover of the study guide, book, and video. It was very intentional, and it actually had a lot more to do with a revelation from God than you might think.
As youre doing this Bible study youre going to come face to face with this truth: I often struggle to believe that Im the girl for the job too. I press into the message with you, alongside you, because the alternative is doubting God, His power, and His capacity in our lives.
When my friends were praying and dreaming about what the book cover needed to communicate, I realized it was super important that whoever reads and digs into this message doesnt hear me saying theyre the girl for the jobits important that they tell it to themselves. We have to learn so many lessons for ourselves or else they dont take root. Before we take a step further, it should be clear that by the time were done, I want you to be able to tell yourself youre the girl for the job, not because its a cute message but because its the truth of God.
When you see the cover, I pray you will remember that this is Gods message youre receiving, not a fluffy statement that some author is telling you casually.
The You Are the Girl for the Job video study is designed to be experienced in a group setting, such as a Bible study, community group, or any other small group setting. To ensure everyone has enough time to participate in discussions after the video teaching, smaller groups of six to eight women are recommended.
Each participant will need her own copy of this study guide. For the most comprehensive personal experience of the material, an individual copy of the book You Are the Girl for the Job is encouraged. One copy (per group) of the DVD or the ability to view digital video sessions is required.
A schedule is included at the beginning of every session to help you plan and prepare for each group meeting as well as to see the personal study time planned for that session.
This study guide contains fill-in-the-blank spaces to follow along with the video teaching as well as margin room to take personal notes. Group discussion questions follow the video, as well as a weekly group exercise that deals with changing our language in order to change our culture.
You will have three days of personal study to do on your own between sessions. You can break it into smaller bits or do it all at once. The personal time exercises go in a pattern each week. On the first day, youll let God speak to your heart and emotions regarding the topic of that session. On the second day, youll engage your mind with some deeper biblical history and study. On the third day, youll focus heavily on application and agreeing to Gods Word with your actions. By the time you meet with your group again, whatever truth youve studied will be deeply implanted in your heart, your head, and your life.
Note: If you are unable to finish (or even start!) the between-sessions personal study, still attend the group study video session. We are all busy, and life happens. You are still wanted and welcome at the group even if you dont have your homework done.
Keep in mind that this is an opportunity to train yourself to see the world as God sees it. The videos, discussions, and personal studies are simply meant to kick-start your imagination in order to help you see how God is working through you already.
The time notations next to each group section indicate either the actual video run time or the suggested time you can expect for discussion and activities. Each group meeting should be able to be completed in 6090 minutes, depending on how much time you choose to allow for discussion.
Each group should appoint a leader who is responsible for starting the video and keeping track of time during discussions and activities. Leaders often find it useful to read the discussion questions in advance.
Review this weeks schedule as a group before opening your time together.
BEFORE THE GROUP MEETING | Read the introduction and chapters 13 in You Are the Girl for the Job book. |
IN YOUR GROUP | Welcome from Jess |
Set the Temperature (prayer) |
Personal Heart Check-In |
Watch the video teaching for Session 1 and take notes |
Complete Discussion Questions |
Change the Language/Change the Culture |
My Prayer + Your Prayer |
AT HOME | Personal Study Day 1 (engage your heart with Gods love) |