Diana Savil
![Awakening the Flame Igniting Your Potential Through the Power of the Violet Flame Chakra - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/362926/image/44066.png)
Copyright 2015 Diana Savil.
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Image credits:
Saint-Germain image page xiii copyright Edwin Courtenay
Cover image copyright Simon Wayman
Cover photograph copyright Simon Wayman
ISBN: 978-1-5043-2788-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-2789-3 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015902403
Balboa Press rev. date: 4/10/2015
When I attended Edwin Courtenays Awakening the Violet Flame Chakra workshop on 23 rd November 2013, I had no idea what a life-changing experience it would be.
Watching the energy of the Violet Flame Chakra evolve and develop, and being part of that process, has been such an amazing gift.
I am privileged to share it here, and I hope its story will touch you as it touched me. And I hope it will encourage you to seek a closer experience of it.
Welcome to your potential.
This book indeed the whole energy of the Violet Flame Chakra would not have come into being without the assistance of Edwin Courtenay. It was his Channelling and later presentation of the Awakening process at his workshop that introduced me to it. His continuing support as I have experienced the evolution of the Violet Flame Chakra work has been profoundly appreciated.
The further development of the work would not have been possible without the shared experiences of my Violet Flame Chakra fellow-travellers. Thanks go to all my students, and particularly to Liz Rowlands, whose contributions played such a large part in our combined exploration.
Thanks must also go to the Ark Ascenders: that small group to whom I offered my first Awakening, and who have loyally listened to the Channelled wisdom of Saint-Germain for several years now.
Acknowledgements would not be complete without thanking my Partner, Simon, without whose help, support, patience and understanding this book, and this work would not be reaching you. Thank you, with all my heart.
Thank you to my wonderful artists: Simon, for his cover image and Edwin for his image of the Ascended Master, Saint-Germain, both created specifically for this book.
Thanks, too, to all the wonderful people at Balboa Press, for their unfailing support and enthusiasm in enabling this venture to take physical form.
And finally, the greatest thanks of all must go to the Ascended Master, Saint-Germain. I am so privileged to be a Channel for his energy, and to have become a part of this great Awakening work. Thank you, my Master; I am honoured to serve you.
![by Edwin Court enay A full colour version of this image can be seen at - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/362926/image/ID699935SaintGermainIma-fmt.png)
by Edwin Court enay
A full colour version of this image can be seen at, and you can purchase a copy for yourself at
Imagine being able to connect to many dimensions and to have access to healing tools that would transform instantly, on more levels than you previously thought possible.
The energy of the Violet Flame Chakra gives you just this.
This truly amazing Gift from Saint-Germain and the Ascended Masters lifts us, changes our energy and enables us to heal and transform more rapidly and effectively than ever before.
So what is this energy, and how did it come to us?
Many of us are aware of the changes in energy which took place around the time of the winter solstice in 2012. This was a period long predicted as one of energetic shift, and much was expected of it. When the moment came, it appeared to be a bit of a damp squib. However, as time went on, it became apparent that in fact a change had taken place, and we were all gradually adjusting to alterations within our beings and within our lives.
For many, those adjustments included the necessary release of old energies within us which no longer served, and those processes of release manifested as difficult challenges, for some almost too much to bear. The year 2013 was a year of great struggle for many, including powerful Light Workers, who one may have thought were above such difficulties.
Part of the Divine Plan had always been that during 2014 Humanity would be gifted with powerful tools which would enable the easy release of the energies associated with these traumas and challenges.
But, observing the deep struggle in which so many Lightworkers were engaged during 2013, Saint-Germain requested that these tools be brought forward before the intended time, to assist us all.
Energetically, the year 2014 is said to begin on 1 st November 2013, and during that month Edwin Courtenay, an international Channel and Teacher, under guidance from The Ascended Master Saint-Germain, gave workshops during which these powerful healing tools were gifted to those present, during the Awakening of their Violet Flame Chakra. Those receiving this Awakening were charged with spreading and sharing this energy and knowledge, for the benefit of all.
What is the Violet Flame Chakra?
The Violet Flame Chakra is a new energy centre within our being, through which we can connect to multi-dimensional levels of energy, and which enables us to heal and transform on those levels.
We are all capable of experiencing this Awakening, and receiving the associated healing tools.
First, let us understand the nature of our normal chakras. These widely accepted energy centres are vortices within our energy field, or aura. Many people are familiar with the chakras associated with our physical body. Here each vortex forms a funnel shape, narrow where it is close to the body, and widening as the energy moves outwards. There are seven of these main chakras, each associated with a colour, physical organs and different qualities.
The Base Chakra
The first is our base, or root chakra, located in the perineum, at the base of the spine. This funnel of energy points downwards to the earth, and is our connection to our home planet. The colour here is red, and it is associated with our spine, bones, legs, kidneys and adrenal glands. The qualities of this chakra are physical strength and wellbeing, a strong sense of presence on the earth, and good grounding: a sense of feet firmly on the earth.
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