Right now youre going to learn processes which can make today better and your tomorrow exceptional.
A number of years ago there was a salesman from a high-tech Fortune 500 company who was ready to quit. He was burning out. He was referred to me by his manager for assistance. The difficulty was this. He was really clear about what he valued in life and he was really clear about what his goals were that he wanted to achieve. He had goals for home and family, for work, for health, nutrition, finances, actually for most areas of his life.
His number one value was being with his wife and children. Along with that was spending quality time helping raise his family, doing things in the community, coaching little league, and participating with his church. These things were of highest value to him.
Though his life seemed to be working well and he was achieving his goals, making good income, his family was a pleasure, the kids were doing great, he and his wife had a good relationshipstill he felt lousy. For probably a year, he found himself so depressed that he could barely function. He couldnt figure out why, though everything seemed to be just fine.
The Internal Conflict
When we looked closely at his problem, the conflict became obvious. His number one goal was financial. It was to be the best salesman of his product within his corporation for the United Statesand he was. As a matter of fact, he had been the number one salesman for two years in a row. So he was succeeding wildly with his top goal, but it required him to be gone 40% to 50% of the time.
The problem with this was, that it was in opposition to his number one valuefamily life, and spending quality time with his wife and children.
Do you see any problem with this? Do you see any conflicts that come up between his number one goal and his number one value? He couldnt be home as much as he desired because he was gone selling. And when he was gone on the road selling, he felt guilty because he wasnt home with his family. And often, when he was home, he felt guilty because he wasnt out working and selling.
When we clarified what was really going on, and analyzed what his goals were and where he wanted to go, we figured out how to better support both his goals and his values. He found a way to diminish the amount of travel he had to do. He figured out higher quality ways that he could spend time with his family while still leaving time to take care of his customers.
After clarifying where he wanted to go in his future in both work and family, he no longer felt out of control and wanting to quit. His life was working more effectively. He actually became more productive because he was clear about what was really important to him. He figured out ways to go about doing it that didnt detract from that which was most important to him in his life.
Yes, money was important and he wanted to do well professionally. He was a real competitor and wanted to be the best as far as selling and working within his organization but it was crucial to him that he make sure that he had time for his relationships. So we found a way to balance those.
In your life you need to be really clear about what your most important goals are and you also need to be really clear about what you value. Because if those two things conflict or overlap in a way that is not healthy, what happens is that you have inner turmoil.
So were going to spend some time looking at how to begin making sure that your goals are on track and theyre aligned with your values. How to take the things that are most important to you and make them come alive in your mind and in your life to help you get where you want to go easier and faster.
Focused Goal Power
Lets think about this for just a moment. What are some of the things that you would like to have in your life? The types of friendships, some of the places youd like to travel, what you want to achieve financially. How about your health and your vitality and your energy? Are there things you would like to learn or experience more of? If you really look at it, what are some of the things that are important to you? You need to know this.
Its proven that those people who are really clear about what they want, where they want to go, what they want to achieve, those people with clearly defined goals tend to do far better than those people who dont know where theyre going, who dont have a specific place or a target that they want to achieve.
So the process of goal setting first requires you to clarify where you want to go. Its well documented that this works. The majority of people do not know how to set goals, other than just writing something down and saying, Im going to do that, which is not going to work for the most part. They dont know how to follow through, how to give energy to that process so they really do achieve what they want to achieve.
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Planning Is The Key
There was a man that I met years ago, he was a businessman and a motivator. His name was Glen Turner. Mr. Turner said, Most people spend more time planning their vacations than they do planning their lives. Think about it.
Have you ever spent a lot of time planning a vacation? And in contrast, have you spent at least that much time contemplating and thinking about what you wanted in the next year of your life? Most people do not.
Goals touch your subconscious. Your right brain is the conscious, rational, reasoning, thinking part of your brain. Goals tap into your visual, creative, dreamy, imaginative left brain subconscious mind. The subconscious is about 90% of your brain capacity. So goals literally help you wake up your brain. They give you a place to go, they give you something to achieve, and you need to have them in many different areas of your life.
What were going to do right now in this program is to talk about a very specific process of building goals that fits in well with what you value, as well as the goal setting process. This process is called Behavioral Goal Setting.
The Behavioral Goal Process
There are seven components to effectively setting and achieving your goals.
1) Behavioral goals need to be concrete. They need to be present tense and real.
2) They need to be specific. They need to be step by step so that you can take action on the plan.
3) They need to be believable and attainable not just some wild dream thats impossible. Youve got to believe it and be able to make it become real.
4) They should be visible. You can see the actions needed to achieve this thing, whether that is a better attitude or whether its making more money or having better health. Youve got to be able to imagine it coming alive.
5) You have to be passionate. Youve got to feel it inside of your body and make it come alive for you.
6) There has to be a pay off. Youve got to get something out of it other than just the goal itself. You need to have secondary gains.
7) It needs to be written down. On a regular and ongoing basis you need to affirm in your mind that this is real. You need to think about it in such a way that makes it come alive.