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Jossey-Bass K12 Education
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About the Author
J ulia G. Thompson received her BA in English from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg. She has been a teacher in the public schools of Virginia, Arizona, and North Carolina for more than thirty-five years. Thompson has taught a variety of courses, including freshman composition at Virginia Tech, English in all of the secondary grades, mining, geography, reading, home economics, math, civics, Arizona history, physical education, special education, graduation equivalency preparation, and employment skills. Her students have been diverse in ethnicity as well as in age, ranging from seventh graders to adults. Thompson currently teaches in Fairfax County, Virginia, where she is an active speaker and consultant. Author of Discipline Survival Guide for the Secondary Teacher,The First-Year Teacher's Checklist, and The First-Year Teacher's Survival Guide Professional Development Training Kit, Thompson also provides advice on a variety of subjects through her Web site, www.juliagthompson.com; on her blog, http://juliagthompson.blogspot.com; and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/TeacherAdvice.
For Phil, with gratitude, love, and admiration
I am grateful to my editor, Marjorie McAneny, for her encouragement, patience, and perceptive insights during the preparation of this book.
Thank you to the faculty, staff, and students of Windsor High School in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, for their continuing encouragementsomething every teacher needs.
Special thanks to the following thoughtful teachers who offered their wise counsel, and who could remember what it's like to be a first-year teacher:
Dawn Carroll
Janice Dabroski
Bob Foley
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