The Majesty of Reason
A Short Guide to Critical Thinking in Philosophy
Joseph C. Schmid
Copyright 2020 Joseph C. Schmid
All rights reserved
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ISBN: 9798630422514
Cover design by: Joseph C. Schmid
Printed in the United States of America
What altar of refuge can a man find for himself when he commits treason against the majesty of reason?
Baruch Spinoza
Reason is immortal; all else mortal.
That which surrounds is chained both mind and flesh.
Be self-imposed, or maybe not? We bow
To glory, pride, repose without refresh;
Our chains we slaves obsequiously avow.
We wallow in a sea of filth, not truth;
Proclaim adherence to repeated breath.
Our only hope? Corruption of the youth,
The persecuted spirit put to death.
Corruption is enlightening! The doubt
That soaks accustomed minds drips freedom, awe!
Relinquish bondage, leave the cave, throw out
The rotten, adore Her beauty, ditch straw
for steel! The thought, the thought, the reasoned thought.
The end result? Our chains reduced to naught.
Chapter 1: Setting the Stage
1 Introduction
Polarization ravages our current ideological climate. The battle of ideas rages on among disagreeing factions of society. Warring parties, proudly waving their flags of allegiance, gear up for ideological battle. Such tribalism festers in countless domains of inquiry. But what is tribalism? And what is the antidote to this division?
Tribalism is the dogmatic and weaponized adherence to the principles and beliefs of a social, political, or ideological group. In the battle of ideas, tribalism fosters us-versus-them mentality, breeds confirmation bias, cultivates prideful ignorance, and promotes the devaluation of people outside the tribe. In tribalistic thinking, arguments are used as weapons meant to attack rather than tools designed to serve; interlocutors are stripped of their value, antagonized, and presupposed irrational.
Tribalism underpins so many of the problems plaguing humanity. The devaluation and systematic murder of religious, social, and racial groups in parts of the world is fueled by the dehumanization of those outside one's ideological tribe. Tribalism is no trivial matter; its pernicious effects are witnessed on scales ranging from interpersonal communication to systematic genocide.
There is no doubt that the ingrained shortcomings of human nature are partially responsible for this tribalism. We naturally tend to seek out information that supports our pre-existing beliefs and revel in the thought of crushing an opponent in a heated debate. We have lost sight of the very purpose for which dialogue and discussion exist in the first place, the very treasure upon which we base our intellectual pursuits: truth. We have forgone our duty to make truth our ultimate aim and, in doing so, have allowed tribalism to germinate, sewing its deleterious effects into the very fabric of our thoughts, worldviews, and discussions.
Without a recognition that truth is our aim, we see interlocutors not as fellow explorers on a journey towards a common treasure, but as villains with whom we must compete to gain status, pride, and ego-gratification. We employ polemics and debate tactics to conquer our opponents rather than instilling a dialectical foundation of respect, mutual dialogue, and genuine curiosity. We dehumanize our opponents and assume their close-mindedness, irrationality, and ignorance.
Rather than fundamentally alter human nature, then, as an antidote to this dire ideological situation, the solution is a mutual recognition that we are fellow explorers who can learn from one another and seek the beautiful treasure of truth together as an enterprise of curiosity, respect, and love. It is only through valuing and loving others, encouraging critical and reflective thought, and aiming ourselves toward truth that we can solve the polarizing problems afflicting humanity.
But merely to identify the antidote to tribalism doesnt take us very far. Without developing the skills and tools of critical and reflective thought, without actually orienting ourselves toward truth, without seeing each other as fellow explorers, we are left chained to the very thing for which we sought a cure. Identifying the antidote without tangible action towards its realization makes us cave dwellers who, after discovering the path to the illumined outside world, embrace the cold and darkened depths in which we have toiled. Instead of embracing the shackles of ignorance and the bondage of tribalism, then, we must seek liberation. We must, to use Thomas Jeffersons famous injunction, preach a crusade against ignorance.
How do we, as explorers, as seekers, proceed on this journey? How do we follow the path towards illumination rather than embrace the darkness of tribalism? How do we discover the treasure of truth?
It is precisely these questions that this book aims to address. The first step on our journey lays the foundation for the ensuing steps. It equips you with the intellectual virtues and conversational tactics necessary for critical thinking. Attitudes and dispositions are just as important to critical thinking as being well-versed in fallacies, argumentation, and so on. Without cultivating the dispositions of curiosity, humility, open-mindedness, a love for truth, and more, a proficiency in argumentation is groundless and without direction. This foundation will occupy the remainder of the present chapter (save the next few paragraphs, of course).
The second step on our journey equips you with a variety of methods and tools in critical thinking and philosophical reasoning. Through tangible suggestions, lively and engaging examples, and a bit of technical jargon, youll come away a better thinker and ideally a better human being.
Critical thinking, like mastering a musical instrument, requires practice. Thats why the next two steps on our journey will apply a number of the methods and tools previously explored to central issues in philosophy of science and philosophy of mind: scientism, laws of nature, and the nature of the mind. Dont worry if youre unfamiliar with these issues they will be explained in due time.
Why these issues, though? Well, everyone loves science to some degree. Whether its volcanoes, engines, pterodactyls, wave functions, the origin of the universe, the psychology of social media, or black holes, humans are empirical creatures. Given this universal interest, what better place exists to embark on a journey in the arts of critical thinking and philosophical reasoning? Whats more, consciousness is one of the most intimate yet mysterious phenomena in the world. The puzzles it raises are fascinating and, most importantly, bear on the fundamental truths of human nature.
This book is for, well, everyone . If you are unaccustomed to philosophy, it might stretch you at times. But dont fret thats a good thing. If you possess substantial, expert-level knowledge in philosophy, there is plenty in here that will be of benefit to you. Novel arguments pertaining to philosophy of science, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind are developed and evaluated within later chapters, and the methods and tools of critical thinking will be helpful to philosophers no less than philosophy students.
So, weve covered (i) the importance of this book, (ii) the general structure of our journey, and (iii) for whom this book is intended. One last thing before we delve into the juicy stuff. The ultimate aim of this book is to inspire . It is to inspire your curiosity, your wonder, your hunger for knowledge. It is to inspire an impassioned and flaming love for truth, an appetite for learning, and an appreciation for the majesty of reason.
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