Summarized For Busy People
An Antidote to Chaos
Based on the Book by Jordan B. Peterson
Goldmine Reads
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T his book summary serves as a guide to Jordan B. Petersons 12 Rules for Life. No text of the actual book is included, so if you prefer, you may purchase a copy before you proceed.
This guide includes a summary of the book providing 12 simple truths needed in order to create a more meaningful life with simple anecdotes and research studies understanding the depths of the practical ideas.
L iving a life of uncertainty is what can scare us the most. We have been so comfortable with the notion of peace and order that any sign of chaos or ambiguity can be daunting. The ways of nature create a sort of organized chaos that can both overwhelm and scare us at the same time. And, in life, this is the yin and yang of creating a more complete world. In this side of life, being able to have a balance in treading through uncertainty in a systematic and organized way is the one thing that can lead us to a more fulfilling life.
Having a fulfilled life by reinventing how you think, what you believe in, and how you live your life is what this book shares. Become the hero of your story and of your own adventure and it starts with becoming the most superior version of yourself. In the end, it will all lead to having a life full of meaning and purpose.
RULE 1: Stand Up Straight with Your Shoulders Back
L obsters are a curious thing. The study of lobsters has extended to their nervous system and how it affects how they live their lives. As with the nature of creatures on this earth, being able to domineer over their territory and protect what they have has been the prospect of survival. This has also been the thing that determines how animals can survive; so, naturally, those who are not able to adapt and protect whats theirs have the least chance for survival.
Looking at the lobster, it will be easy to see if one will be able to survive. It has two chemicals running in itself which are serotonin and octopamine. These two opposing chemicals will determine if a lobster is high in serotonin and has the confidence to protect its territory or if it is high in octopamine and would most likely be timid about conflicts. You will find that a lobster high in serotonin would most likely be asserting its dominance by how tall it stands and a lobster high in octopamine would be hunched down as it crawls.
In the animal kingdom, having the dominance will be determined by how well they fight and whether or not they win against competitors. The dominant male lobster will be selected by its female lobster counterpart. Although this is true for this species, chimps have a more advanced way of attaining dominance which is done not only by physical dominance with a straight posture but also creating an alliance with other males as well as taking care of their females and their infants. This is their way of becoming dominant in getting the best women and the best hunting spots.
This hierarchy has held true for millions of years and it is present even in human nature, from the Matthew principle stating the the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In this age and time, financial success is what determines who will be on top of the dominance hierarchy; and, in this sense, the higher up you go the better your chances for survival.
From the minutest detail such as the evolution of different species both in the animal and plant kingdom, there has been the presence of hierarchies. That is exactly why this kind of collective thought has been planted into our very beingthis would also be the one that has an influence over our thoughts, our beliefs, our behavior, and our perspective. This is the reason why we would be hunched down like the defeated lobster whenever we experience downs.
However, just as lobsters are less evolved than we are, we still have serotonin within us, where, very little amount of it would cause our confidence to plummet and increase our stress and anxiety levels. On the upside, this can always go up where we can be more confident. What happens in our environment greatly affects the levels of serotonin we have in our bodies; so, if you feel less worthy than others, you would naturally produce less serotonin than you would need. On the other hand, if you are able to create positive situations out of any problems you face, you will have plenty of serotonin to help you become more confident.
All this will become possible, of course, with the right support that you have for your body such as having enough sleep, eating nutritious breakfast, and having an exercise routine. It will simply be reacting upon your body and, in turn, your body will provide you with much-needed chemicals to take on new challenges. When you have a consistent sleep pattern, regardless of what time your sleep, you will have fought negative emotions that can stir up with a broken pattern. Breakfast, as they say, is the most important meal of the day because this will also help to fill you up with energy before going out. And when you have an exercise routine, you will have been able to create a consistent habit that you can rid of complication. My own clients have had a great difference in their lives simply by having these three habits formed.
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