
Copyright 2014 Rosemary Louise Gabourie.
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If anyone ever told me I would be publishing a booklet alone in automatic writing of messages from the Masters of peace, inner truths, love, and communityI would have thought thats impossible! Now it has become a reality.
Onesong is a name that encompasses the group known as the Ascended Masters. They are known as the truth bearers and are meant to spirit those who are searching to find the meaning of whatever this life brings them.
They are a group of ascended souls with the higher and best intentions of the withinall that is, around, and through the universal fields of existence. They have been united to create the love of what is of benefit for the continuation of the souls growth and the provisions to move forward in the light, to come to the point of serendipity.
In 1995, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This created significant feelings of helplessness, denial, anger, and guilt for me. I felt re-victimized, as it brought back the 8-year-old who had been sexually abused.
I had my time of fear and loss and decided to educate myself on the matter of MS. I became aware that the best thing to do was to make friends with this challenge and continue on. I believe my MS was a catalyst, for it forced me to slow down and go within myself. I feel honoured and blessed to receive these words of wisdom.
Today, I look forward to sharing these messages, as they were given for a greater purpose. I continue to receive and thank the powers that be for giving me the health to continue my journey.
We are born with intrinsic truths; hectic day-to-day routines prevent us from recognizing the need to be still. Each message will give the reader his or her own unique truths. I have been told by many that a second read later on will often uncover another layer of truth.
I have included one message a day for a period of about two months. When you reach the end of the book, simply start over again. You can also look for a topic that speaks to you on a particular day. There is no wrong way to use this book. May it bring you comfort and peace.
My first acknowledgement is my gift that I have been able to share with the world.
I wish to acknowledge with love all my family and friends who stood beside me throughout my journey.
A special thanks to Donald, who recognized the importance and need to share these messages with the world.
Thank you to Ruth Hurdle for the Humming bird art work.
My picture by Sharp Images.
How did I find peace?
One day, out of determination and desperation to get rid of my stress, I found the answer. It seemed I was in perpetual turmoil. I was feeling anxious and often found myself awakened in a fit of agitation.
How could I rid myself of this negative cloud? How could I find peace of mind? I struggled to take control of myself. I decided to meditate and let go of the control I thought I needed. I let myself relax, putting out good thoughts instead of negative frustrations and anger. Gradually I began to feel peaceful, and suddenly I felt an uncontrollable urge to write feverishly, with no thought as to what was being put on the paper before me. Words flowed as if they had a life of their own.
Truths Within is a self-help book received through automatic writing. It guides the reader through a series of messages on a wide variety of topics that apply to all people in their day-to-day lives. It provides a road map for personal growth as it guides one to the wisdom and knowledge of self-awareness to move forward in a positive way.
Having received hundreds of automatic writings from the Ascended Masters over the years, it is impossible to contain them in one book. They all have great value, and I do not want to omit or change the way they came to me. They are your truths as well as mine, and I feel greatly blessed to be able to share them with you at this time. Over the years, I have tried to reinvent myself by looking inside to determine who I am and what my purpose is.
They all carry similar messages of finding inner power in order to create peace and enrichment in our lives through love, understanding, and self-acceptance. Truths Within is most similar to the Desiderata writings, in that they are directly channelled writings that are not modified by the receivers own bias.
Throughout my journey, there have been many lessons to acknowledge and transfer into reality. Along this path of life, I have made choices that evoke the results that come forth in the name of being human. I have discovered a better way of being; it is called forgiveness. I have found the secret to inner peace. It was always there for me; all I had to do was ask. This is truly a journey of hope, love, community, joy, and commitment to find the truths within.
Never regret the past , for it is your lesson, your teacher, parts of your journey. If only doesnt matter; what matters is today. What matters is how you grasp the past, embrace it for it is how it was and is meant to unfold. For in this universe, we choose our paths, only to rue the choices we make instead of being thankful for the opportunity of karma. Our karma is the blessing of becoming aware and alive, at peace with one and all things. This is a task of life, of karma.
Be grateful for a life, and embrace each moment as if each detail is a lesson and a gift. It is not yours to judge, but accept things that are positive and challenge the negative and have hope for the future.
To this, be eternally grateful, for all things good and indifferent, for they are meant to be. Each path has turns, and they all have a specific lesson for you in this life. The path you choose is the lesson you must learn and accept in this karma. Take heed of your lesson, and rejoice and take comfort in the inner peace and strength they will give you.
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