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Daya Sarai Chocron - Healing the Heart: Opening and Healing the Heart with Crystals and Gemstones

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Daya Sarai Chocron Healing the Heart: Opening and Healing the Heart with Crystals and Gemstones
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Complete instructions for working with meditation and silence, breathing and visualization, healing gemstones and color, laying crystals and gemstones on the heart, solar plexus, and throat chakras to clear away blockages.

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Stones for the Heart Relationship of Ray, Chakra and Color

Green StonesHealing and Harmonizing
EmeraldDivine qualities, regeneration, soothing, and sympathetic, brings peace and harmony. Both energizing and restful, replenishing and calming, brings patience, balance, inspiration, creativity, generosity. Symbol of abundance of earth.
Green TourmalineBalancing, serene, restorative, healing, rejuvenates, regenerates, shatters old concepts also creative.
MalachiteChange, death and rebirth. Teaches all life is movement, let go and release, pushes creativity.
JadeHarmony, humility, patience, wisdom, kindness, heals troubled heart.
ChrysopraseBalances, sedates, tranquilizes, soothes heart palpitations. Has ability to clarify problems, brings harmony and understanding.
Peridot or OlivinRelieves heart of melancholia. Connects to solar force, replaces with inspiration and wisdom.

Table 1. Stones for the Heart

White StonesPurity and Balance
Crystal QuartzBalances, harmonizes, increases awareness, aids in producing clarity and radiance.
Double-ended CrystalRepresents balance in polarities; to be used as a bridge between centers.
Herkimer DiamondClear, brilliant, with several perfected ends; aids in integrating and harmonizing different aspects of the self.
MoonstoneCooling, calming, soothing to emotions good for men and women.
PearlFortifies and strengthens, transmutes, shatters controlling emotional and mental patterns.
Silver MetalPassive, receptive, good for white and blue stones.
Green FluoriteHarmony, inner gladness.
DioptaseHealing and universal supply.
AventurineQuieting, tranquilizing.
Green CalciteDissolves blocks especially old fears calming.
Pink StonesSoothing and Love Oriented
RubyLove towards universality, compassion for all life, devotion, through flame of purification brings courage, fearlessness, strength.
(Pink Tourmaline)
Opens heart to your Self, your beauty and individuality, brings trust that promotes love for humanity, pure love.
Watermelon TourmalinePair of opposites green is healing, life force energy; pink soothes, calms and brings affection. Balances and redirects guilt from confusion and conflict, promotes security, integration, self-containment.
KunziteHelps to transmute old pains into spiritual awareness and understanding. Helps to let go of sufferings and face love.
RhodoehrositeHelps to integrate personality, heart, spirit, and love of life.
RhodomiteBrings up unconscious conflicts, unrest, confusion, promotes understanding and acceptance of the self.
Rose Quartz (Humble and Crystallized)Softness, tenderness, affection, love. Great for tranquilizing aggressive, hostile behavior. Promotes self-love and then radiates it to others.
Copper MetalGood for all pink and gold stones. Symbol of Venus, warm and balancing.
Blue/Green StonesCalming and Tranquilizing
AquamarineStabilizes emotional blocks in throat which arise in heart feelings purity, calmness, expression of spirit.
TurquoiseEarth connection to sky and sea. Healing on heart, throat and navel, removes congestions on chest.
ChrysocollaGentle, powerful, promotes humility and listening and speaking with heart. Alleviates fears and guilts.
AmazoniteCalmness, tranquility, purifies heart of cloudy feelings and emotions.
Gold/Yellow StonesStrengthening and Warming
Rutile QuartzPower of the Sun, dissolves disturbances such as fear, anxiety, sadness and replaces them with strength and courage.
Golden TopazInspiring and stimulating, charges heart with awareness, keenness, clarity and concentration. Balances emotional traumas.
AmberBalances and stabilizes the heart, aids in heart ailments, strengthens.
Citrine QuartzWisdom and peace, aids in transmuting emotional fears, good against depression.
Golden FluoriteStimulant to heart, aids in developing intuition, opens your heart toward cosmic consciousness and wisdom.
ApatiteBrings warmth and healing to sorrows or insecure feelings, emits qualities and vibrations of harmony and balance.
Gold MetalFor all stones gold is a great conductor of life energy of the Sun all qualities of the Sun heals sadness and depression, transmutes and perfects.
Black StonesFrom Unconscious to Awareness, Grounding
Smokey QuartzMystical, helps to go into depths and bring to light unconscious emotional patterns, brings old pains to surface.
Black TourmalineGives self-control to emotions, discipline, great staying power, clarifies abstract feelings, teaches about form.
ObsidianTeaches that through pain and sorrow, the heart is lifted to spirit.

Table 2. Relationship of Ray, Chakra, Color and Quality

& Chakra
(primal color)
Life, strength, vitality, physical nature, courage, heat, fire, passion, outgoing.
(yellow + red)
Energizes, helps to overcome anger and rage to establish self-control, essential for health and vitality, warm, stimulating, good for assimilation and circulation, regulates intake of food.
(primal color)
Symbol of mind, intellect, high intelligence, wisdom. Positive, magnetic, tonic effects on nerves our inner sun great equalizer for solar plexus good for constipation.
(yellow + blue)
Harmony, sympathy, creativity, health, abundance, nature, opens the heart. Good for compassion, giving, extending, unjudging.
(primal color)
Spiritual quest, inspiration, faith, trust, detachment, devotion, infinity, lifts, exalts. Is calm, peaceful, cooling, sedative, astringent and healing.
(midnight blue
with violet)
Opens 3rd eye, bridge between finite and infinite, restores long buried memories, opens door to subconscious.
(red + blue)
Spiritual mastery, transformation, aids in physical and psychological problems.
(all colors)
Purity, balance, spiritual illumination.
BlackForm, passive, unmanifest, cosmic night, mysteries of reincarnation, seed ground of infinity.


The Physical Heart

Listen to the heart,
The pulse of life
The cosmic rhythm
Beating and renewing us each moment

The subject of the Heart is so encompassing that we first need to define it physically before we can discuss its ramifications. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines the heart as follows:

1) A hollow muscular organ of vertebrate animals that by its rhythmic contraction acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of the blood; breast or bosom; something regarding the heart in shape;

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