
Copyright 2013 Earl G. Bell.
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Inspiring Voices rev. date: 11/19/13
Table of Contents
THE AUTHOR OF this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your search for emotional and spiritual well-being.
I WOULD LIKE to acknowledge the following people for their kind words and positive feedback which gave me the encouragement to push forward with this adventure. Please forgive me for who I might have left out, you know who you are.
Joel Waller, Peter Giura, Roger Stillman, Windy Licka, Janis Delmonte, Jim Merring, Carol Norris, Deborah Mussett, David Theriault, Shirley Inzar, Patricia Grace, Darlene Tutt, Elizabeth McCadden, Jennifer Maciag, Susan Polito, and my photographer Jimmy Harris .
Thank you so much Mary Strange for all your help, you are an angel.
Special thanks go to my dear friend Dorcas Atherton who was a huge support for me in the writing of my book and during the passing of my partner Michael Zielinski.
A big thank you to my sister Hollis M. Qualls who from time to time would ask me about my writing, she will never know how important that was to me.
And because none of this would be possible without him, I thank you God.
NEVER BEFORE HAD I met anyone like Michael. Even before actually seeing him I felt his presence. Yes, thats true. I could still remember that night so clear. We met at a bar. Earlier that day I decided to go out. It had been a while since I had gone out. There were times I would get dressed and before going out the door I would decide not to bother. Many times I would do this. Im sure there are several other single people that played that what the use game too.
This particular night I was pretty much undecided even after planning that day I would. I got dressed then the thought hit me, no stay home, relax. I almost did, but I fought that temptation to undress and stay home. I headed to the door before I could convince myself to stay.
I got to the bar, walked around got me a drink. As I was coming back to the front area of the bar I began to actually feel glad that I came. I could remember feeling that I was being cruised. Suddenly, as I looked over to my right there he was, standing against the wall. Although he was not looking my way there was a certain connection as if he already spotted me and more less put himself where I would surely see him. Okay, I confess I have done that many times before as I am sure some of you have.
I found myself slowly getting a little closer with each sip of my drink to where he was standing. Close enough to smell his cologne and gosh, did he smell good. The music the DJ was playing that night was truly old school and sounding really good. I remember him looking over to me saying something like The music is sure good tonight. I bet you dont remember the song that is playing? Implying that I was much younger than he was. I said to myself wow two scores he made with me already, first being he noticed me and then thinking I look younger that I was, cool.
Can I buy you a drink? Sure, I said. Well, after a couple of drinks we were talking about the various songs that were playing, each of us trying to name the artist who recorded the song. Then we realized we were the exact age. Exactly 1 month and ten days apart, him being the older.
The evening was quite nice. Later in the evening we both got blank cards and pencils from a glass on top of the counter top and wrote our name and number. It was getting late. We both said our good-byes and said we would call and make a date to do something. Well, I waited almost six days and I never got a call. Being the one who wanted to not appear so eager I finally gave in and called.
He answered, I said Michael, this is Earl. He started to laugh. Well, I did not know how to take that, and then he explained. I am glad you called. I wanted to call you the very next day but you left off one number from your phone number so I just kept saying I sure hope you call because I did want to see you again. What can I say but laugh also. Are you sure I did not give you all the numbers? Wait till I see you again I will show you the card, he said. We both laughed, the ice was surely broken then.
Here I was waiting for this guy to call and I did not even write my complete number down. I guess he must have put his spell on me the first night. Our first date was quite different. The Christmas Holiday was just beginning so we got tickets to a Gay comedy play. It was hilarious, we laughed, during intermission had wine and afterwards went out to eat. Of course he had to bring up the fact I did not write my phone number right. Through-out our courtship even sharing a home together we would talk and laugh about that night.
Michael and I shared so many fun times together. We both shared in the cooking, cleaning, and all expenses. We were equal in many ways. Up until his short illness we loved and enjoyed each other. We all but finished each others sentences.
One other moment I must share. We both love trivia games. One year on his birthday, I was the first one to get up each morning for worked because I had to be to work much earlier than he. I had planned carefully the night before to do a scavenger hunt in the house. There was one note after another giving clues to find the next note with clues. Well, he was determined to not give in. Yes, he finally found his gift hidden in the washing machine. When he did find it he called me at work and let me have it for making him work so hard. Again we laughed. Although, those moments we shared were short, they were the best three years of my life.
In helping me cope with the loss of my partner, Michael, I put pen to paper. Many long walks by the lakes, and hours of sitting on our favorite benches near the water, writing. There is no doubt that he guided me in choosing the many topics for this book. This book is about how we both relate to some of lifes issues. The good, the bad, and becoming adults. Some are true, some are fictional. Many of the stories Im sure you would be able to relate to. There are so many interesting roads most of us travel from the time we are children till we become adults. In reading Im sure some of the stories will no doubt spark some memories you shared with a special person in your life. I hope you will enjoy them.
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