Kingdom Woman Devotional
Copyright 2013 Tony Evans and Chrystal Evans Hurst
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Build: 2013-09-13 15:20:58
When a kingdom womans alarm sounds each morning, the devil tries to hit her snooze button. Hell do whatever he can to try to stop her from taking on a new day with the mind of God. But a kingdom woman wont stop doing all she can for Gods kingdom until she makes the devil regret ever messing with her.
Begin each morning kingdom-woman ready with these 90 devotions written to prepare you for the life of good works God has in store for you (Ephesians 2:10). Each entry has a theme taken from the inspiring pages of Kingdom Woman that will encourage you to live a life that makes a difference. Youll find challenging biblical nuggets from Dr. Tony Evans as well as snippets of wisdom from Chrystal Evans Hursts Chrystals Chronicles.
The gospel of Mark says, To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God (4:11 ESV ). Kingdom Woman Devotional will help you uncover the secret to kingdom living so you can share it with your family, church, and community.
Listening to Gods voice is the secret of the assurance that He will listen to mine.
Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer
Do you feel as if a kingdom woman was someone else? Have you wanted to be her but felt you werent faithful enough or determined enough? Take heart! That voice in your head whispering, Youre not enough... is not Gods voice! Rather, your heavenly Father encourages, You can do this. He confirms, Youre not alone. And He offers, Lets do it together. Like the father who smiles on his daughter, who prepares her to be all shes been made to be, God is encouraging and equipping you to thrive. As you begin this series of devotions, listen for that voice.
Listening to Gods voice mutes the lies that disparage the value of kingdom women. Listening to God rejects a culture that says, Women are weak and powerless. It contradicts the thought that women are second-class. It refutes the misconception that women must be subservient to men. The kingdom woman recognizes the devils lies and deactivates them with the truth of Gods Word.
- What specific ways has the enemy tried to convince you that youre not enough? In contrast, what does the voice of God say about your value and your mission?
- Today, what Scripture will you hold in your heart to prepare you to face the challenges of this day?
God, today I disagree with the enemys lie that Im inferior, that Im not enough. I stand on the truth that You have equipped me with everything I need to be a kingdom woman. Amen.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
A kingdom woman is created in the very image of God (Genesis 1:27). You were tenderly fashioned by God and are entirely worthy. Though the enemy will tell you that you are not enough, you are already enough in Christ. As you grow to become the kingdom woman God made you to be, the most important accessory in your spiritual purse is the truth about who God says you are. This truth is the deepest reality about who you are and dispels the enemys lies.
This isnt to say that the kingdom woman is perfect. She doesnt live a life free of cares and concerns. She still faces the same challenges and temptations as other women. She still puts on her cute red stilettos one at a time! But by agreeing with Gods vision of her, she lives in the reality of who God has made her to be. Each morning she chooses to fulfill her role as a woman of purpose. Satan has no power over a woman who disagrees with his schemes. He cannot make her feel inferior. In fact today, kingdom woman, hed better watch his back.
- In what ways have you felt you dont measure up as a kingdom woman?
- How does God see you and every kingdom woman? How are you made in His image?
God, this day I will see myself as You see mea kingdom woman formed in Your image. Help me to understand fully what that means, and empower me to fulfill Your purpose. Amen.
Every mans life is a fairy tale written by Gods fingers.
Hans Christian Andersen