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Joel S. Goldsmith - Collected Essays of Joel S. Goldsmith

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Joel S. Goldsmith Collected Essays of Joel S. Goldsmith
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Collected Essays is an anthology of Joel Goldsmiths smaller works and booklets that weave the Infinite Way principles into a variety of timely topics. It gives the reader a broad sampling of Goldsmiths spiritual wisdom. The book includes these titles: Supply, Metaphysical Healing, Meditation, Prayer, Business, Salesmanship, Ye Are the Light, The Real Teacher, The Seven Steps, Truth for Business and Professional People, Secret of the 23rd Psalm, Love, Gratitude, I Am the Vine, Deep Silence of My Peace, Fourth Dimension of Life, Contemplative Meditation with Scripture, Easter of Our Lives, and A Lesson to Sam.

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Collected Essays

Other Writings of JOEL S. GOLDSMITH

Living by the Word

The Spiritual Power of Truth

Living the Illumined life

The Thunder of Silence

Seek Ye First

Awakening Mystical Consciousness

Spiritual Discernment

Realization of Oneness

A Message for the Ages

A Parenthesis In Eternity

I Stand on Holy Ground

Living Between Two Worlds

The Art of Spiritual Living

Rising In Consciousness

God Formed Us for His Glory

Consciousness In Transition

The Journey Back to His Fathers House

Our Spiritual Resources

Showing Forth the Presence of God

Living the Infinite Way

The Only Freedom

The Master Speaks

The Infinite Way

Beyond Words and Thoughts

Practicing the Presence

Leave Your Nets

The World Is New

Consciousness Unfolding

Consciousness Transformed

Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture

God The Substance of All Form

The Foundation of Mysticism

Man Was Not Born to Cry

The Early Years

Living Now

1954 Infinite Way Letters

Consciousness Is What I Am

1955 Infinite Way Letters

Gift of Love

1956 Infinite Way Letters

The Art of Meditation

1957 Infinite Way Letters

The Altitude of Prayer

1958 Infinite Way Letters

The Contemplative Life

1959 Infinite Way Letters

Conscious Union with God

The Heart of Mysticism:1955-1959

The Art of Spiritual Healing

The Mystical I

Collected Essays

Acropolis Books, Publisher

Longboat Key, Florida

Collected Essays of Joel S. Goldsmith
Copyright 1986 by Mrs. Emma Goldsmith

Under license granted in 2012 from the estate of Joel S. Goldsmith, Acropolis Books, Inc., has the exclusive e-publishing rights to all previously published books of Joel S. Goldsmith including Collected Essays of Joel S. Goldsmith. This electronically published work may not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Acropolis Books, Inc.

ISBN Number: 978-1-939542-05-2

Electronically Published by:

Acropolis Books, Inc.

Longboat Key, Florida


Except the Lord build the house,they
labour in vain that build it.

Psalm 127

Illumination dissolves all material ties and binds men together with the golden chains of spiritual understanding; it acknowledges only the leadership of the Christ; it has no ritual or rule but the divine, impersonal universal Love; no other worship than the inner Flame that is ever lit at the shrine of Spirit. This union is the free state of spiritual brotherhood. The only restraint is the discipline of Soul; therefore, we know liberty without license; we are a united universe without physical limits; a divine service to God without ceremony or creed. The illumined walk without fearby Grace.

The Infinite Way by Joel S. Goldsmith.

The Mission of Acropolis Books: Our Gratitude and Our Appreciation

In 1993, Acropolis Books was inwardly directed and guided to ensure the preservation and perpetuation of the work of Joel S. Goldsmith for those interested in his message.

During his active ministry from 1946 through 1964 Joel brought through the message presented by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. Joels message was called The Infinite Way and reintroduced, with contemporary clarity, a message of immense value to those who are prepared for it and are equally dedicated to studying and working with it. The deepening level of individual consciousness that results is a testimony to the legitimacy and value of Goldsmiths timeless work.

Although several hundred thousand of Joel Goldsmiths books have been sold over the years, some of the original publishers of these books were allowing them to go out of print, thus depriving the world of one of the most special spiritual gifts ever received. Acropolis Books made a commitment in 1993 to ensure all of Joel Goldsmiths books would continue to be available. Acropolis also introduced eleven new books never before professionally published. These activities were possible only through the tireless and faithful dedication of many Infinite Way students, to whom Acropolis Books expresses its eternal gratitude.

Technological evolution has now brought forth e-publishing and e-books, allowing greater simplicity in production and distribution for publishers and providing improved economy and flexibility for readers. Acropolis realized the importance and advantage of making Joels books available in the new e-formats. In 2012 Acropolis entered into an agreement with the estate of Joel S. Goldsmith to become the exclusive worldwide publisher of the entire library of Joels books as e-books. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the estate for their ongoing confidence in the ability of Acropolis to carry out this most sacred undertaking.

Acropolis Books took on this conversion process with the clear intent to not only preserve and perpetuate the availability of Joels books but to additionally ensure that the integrity and consciousness of the printed books were maintained in the e-books. We trust you will find these e-books deliver the same quality and beauty in their presentation as their printed counterparts. Acropolis also reconstructed its website ( www.acropolisbooks.com ) to provide a single web location where truth seekers can now find the complete library of Joel Goldsmiths published books in both print and e-formats, including extensive information about each book and about the message of The Infinite Way. Once again, Grace raised up dedicated Infinite Way students to assist in this e-book conversion process and website reconstruction and Acropolis remains so very, very grateful to these individuals.

Thank you once again to each and every one of those dedicated individuals who have allowed Acropolis Books the special privilege of perfecting the original mission given to us. We trust those who find themselves guided to Joel Goldsmiths books will share with us in acknowledging the special contributions these individuals have made in the perpetuation of this work.

Michael Krupp


Acropolis Books


These essays were originally published as separate booklets.

There is a Peace... be still.



THE SECRET OF SUPPLY is to be found in Luke12:2232.

And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.

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