Speaking Potion
Copyright 2019 by Colby Sylvain
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or scanning into any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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Print Edition ISBN: 978-1-61468-530-2
Digital Edition ISBN: 978-1-61468-531-9
. contents .
Speaking Potion is dedicated to my mother, Marie Alette Dorcena, better known as, Marie Mention. I pray God give you strength to overcome chemotherapy and become cancer free. As a token of my appreciation for all you ve done for me, all the proceeds from the sells of Speaking Potion will go towards paying off your mortgage so that you may finally get a chance to enjoy retirement. You ve dedicated your life to taking care of others while working as a nurses aid, and on behalf of all your patients, Thank You. Thank you for showing me that life is about helping others. May the contents in this book help everyone that needs it.
Love Your #1 Son,
Colby Sylvain
To everyone out there that has a fear of speaking in public, don t stop fighting to overcome your fear. There are messages within you that others need to hear in order for our world to become a better place. Share your experiences to help enlighten those that are in the dark. By letting your light shine, you unconsciously give others around you the inspiration and motivation to do the same. Thank you for purchasing Speaking Potion.
Together We Overcome Struggles,
Colby Sylvain
Speaking Potion is dedicated to my mother, Marie Alette Dorcena, better known as, Marie Mention. I pray God give you strength to overcome chemotherapy and become cancer free. As a token of my appreciation for all you ve done for me, all the proceeds from the sells of Speaking Potion will go towards paying off your mortgage so that you may finally get a chance to enjoy retirement. You ve dedicated your life to taking care of others while working as a nurses aid, and on behalf of all your patients, Thank You. Thank you for showing me that life is about helping others. May the contents in this book help everyone that needs it.
Love Your #1 Son,
Colby Sylvain
To everyone out there that has a fear of speaking in public, don t stop fighting to overcome your fear. There are messages within you that others need to hear in order for our world to become a better place. Share your experiences to help enlighten those that are in the dark. By letting your light shine, you unconsciously give others around you the inspiration and motivation to do the same. Thank you for purchasing Speaking Potion.
Together We Overcome Struggles,
Colby Sylvain
. Chapter 1 .
Understanding the importance of being a good public speaker is critical to becoming the most valuable asset in whatever field you are currently at in life. All aspects of the business world (and life) are about growth. As human beings, we must be able to effectively communicate with one another about anything that revolves around our survival and evolution. In every environment of the world you will encounter what I call the three Ps: people, problems, and passions. When a person understands the benefits of being a good public speaker, he or she is automatically propelled to a higher level of existence than others. Why?
Communication makes the world go around. Without us having the ability to communicate with one another, nothing would get done. The world would be a dull place to live. Since most great things must be done in a group setting, it will take people with the ability to speak in public to communicate with the masses. Since the beginning of time public speakers have been sought after to be the voice that passes on messages, carries on traditions. Having access to a public speaker back then was as good as having internet access now.
In the bible, God was the first to make use of a public speaker when he chose Abraham to be an conduit. By God choosing Abraham to help solve the people s problems, Abraham s life propelled to a high level of existence. He was then held at a higher standard than his fellow men. Any problems that occurred became Abraham s responsibility to solve. He became a leader to his people.
The reason why God gave Abraham this power was because Abraham was one of the only men with enough passion for the people s problems. Abraham wanted to make a difference, and God gave him the voice to do it. To this day it is evident that some of the world s greatest speakers are people that were passionate about solving some type of problem. Throughout history these great men and women s lives are recorded in books, audios, and videos, but most importantly in the consciousness of the people.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a great public speaker because he was passionate about solving the racism in America. John F. Kennedy was a great speaker because he was passionate about solving many problems in America, such as the Cold War, segregation, and equal pay for women. Former President Barack H. Obama was a great speaker because he was passionate about solving economic and health-care problems.
You see, these men were all at one time ordinary citizens living in a nation full of people with problems that needed to be solved/addressed. Had they not developed a passion for solving the problems of the people, there would have been no need for them to become public speakers; however, they understood the importance of being good public speakers, so they strived to become great at it. Through public speaking they were able to not only help the people, but themselves. This is what I want you to focus on in this book: understanding the importance of being a good public speaker so that you can help others and yourself to become anything that you set your mind to. The ability to speak in public is like having a superpower for some, and that is why most people have a fear of public speaking. It s a fear of possessing power.
Have you ever met someone who is smart yet insecure? Or maybe you know someone who can t stop talking and is as dumb as a doorknob? Being able to speak in public is a superpower that most people naturally have, but they don t know how to use it effectively. Thank God for that because I believe if some of them knew they possessed this power, they would use it more for evil than good. The power to effectively speak in public is like being in possession of a nuclear weapon. Hopefully when you develop your public speaking superpower, you will use it for good and not evil. There are levels to being a public speaker.
Great public speakers have the power to command an audience s attention, appeal to their emotional feelings, and influence their thinking. Most people can be easily persuaded when you speak to their heart. As an effective speaker you can change the hearts, minds, and lives of families, communities, countries, and even the world (depending on the size of your platform and topic).
Wherever you encounter powerful men and women (no matter their differences), the one similarity you will always come across is the fact that these powerful individuals have a way with words. They are good, if not great, at public speaking. They know how to engage, motivate, inspire, transform, and captivate their audience with their speech. Whether dictators like Fidel Castro and Kim Jong-un or dignitaries like Pope John Paul II and Toussaint L Ouverture, speaking in front of large crowds is a mandatory requirement, for anyone who wishes to be on top of the ladder of success. The bigger the crowd you are able to control, the bigger your bank roll. As you are reading this, there are people that are getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak in front of business executives, college students, and so forth.
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