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Text copyright: Joseph Polansky 2011
ISBN: 978 1 78099 195 5
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2016949859
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This book is designed for the student of astrology. The author presumes that the reader can cast a Natal Horoscope - either personally or by computer and can calculate transits. This work will help in interpreting the transits. Every possible transit is given here. The interpretations are valid as written but will also spark the intuition to show other nuances in interpretation.
There are many fine books on the transits. Robert Handss work immediately comes to mind. But here we are giving two levels of interpretation - the mundane and the spiritual perspective. This I have never seen in print. The mundane (worldly) interpretation shows what is likely happening in the outer life. The spiritual perspective gives the interior lessons and challenges that the transits are bringing. Understanding these issues gives the student a deeper perspective on whats going on in the clients (or personal) life.
Many students of astrology are on a spiritual path, and understanding the spiritual perspective will help them on their path.
Since the internal is always causative to the external, ignoring the spiritual dimension is a serious handicap which the author wishes to rectify in this work.
These interpretations are valid as written. But transits tend to be complicated by the fact that we are often subjected to multiple transits at the same time. And sometimes, one transit is contradicting another. For example Jupiter might be making a beautiful transit to Venus - a positive for the love life. But at the same time, Uranus or Saturn might be afflicting Venus - a negative for the love life. Here is where the intuition of the student must come into play. Which transit is stronger? Which transit shows a trend, which shows only a bump on the road? Are there more transits supporting the love life than afflicting it? All these factors must be taken into account. And, by their nature are beyond the scope of this work. One must be looking at the actual Horoscope to deal with these issues.
Sesquisquare (the square and a half - 135 degrees apart), the Quincunx (150 degrees apart), the Semisextile (30 degrees apart) and the Semisquare (45 degrees apart). These aspects are like condiments in a meal - they add flavor and nuance, but are not the meal itself. The meat and potatoes are the major aspects.
The interpretation given here are valid for both the Natal chart and for the Solar Return of a given year. This gives the work more usefulness. Once youve learned the meaning of the transits in your birth chart (or clients birth chart) you can still use them year after year - when you study your Solar Return. Our readers surely know that we get a new Solar Return every year.
There is another dimension to transits which must be understood. Every planet has its universal rulership - its generic meaning - and these are being used in this book. But the serious student needs to keep in mind that every planet has subsidiary meanings depending on the Houses that it rules in the actual Horoscope. For example, Venus in her universal rulership rules love, partnerships and the social life in general. However, in a given Horoscope she can rule the 3rd House of communication. Thus she can behave like Mercury in that given Horoscope. Her transits would affect the mentality as well as the love life. If this is the case, read the Venus transit and also read the Mercury transit. This will give a deeper insight to the transit.
I was contemplating including the consideration of each planet as a Lord of a House. It soon became apparent that the book would have tripled or quadrupled in length. It seemed more appropriate to do this in a companion volume. This will come out in the future.
Joseph Polansky
In observing life, I have found that it is the simple, the natural, things that are always the most powerful. Humans will celebrate a Michaelangelo or Picasso (and they rightly deserve celebration) yet, with all their artistry they cannot create anything as beautiful as the natural flower, or tree, or humdrum, everyday bird that camps out in our backyard. With all the awesome technological might of humans, they cannot create a living, breathing child - the ultimate in creativity. With all their technological prowess they cannot duplicate the nerve impulses of even the humble fly. They are getting better at their creations, but always it is a copy cat kind of process. The most gifted writer can write reams of poetic words about a tree, but never will his verbiage equal the actual tree.
We have all seen the most beautiful photographs and paintings of sunsets. Yet great though they are, they never equal the power and majesty of an actual sunset.
Science is a wonderful thing. It has improved life for millions. Yet, the most unlearned person - who never studied chemistry - will initiate in himself and his partner complex, advanced chemical transformations that will result in a fetus and then a living child.
Yes, science is wonderful, but we need to get back to basics. We need to look at the miracle of the everyday in another way - at the basic natural things - day and night, winter and summer, the changes of the seasons, the new and the full moon. Traditionally this has been the province of the poet and the mystic. But it is also indispensable for the Astrologer. The good Astrologer needs to be little bit of a poet.
We live in a moving universe. This is indisputable. Never does it stop for even a second. Every 4 minutes the Earth turns 1 degree on its axis. Not only is the Earth spinning on its axis - which is the cause of the daily cycle of sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight - but it is also moving around the Sun, one degree per day (approx). The Sun in turn is orbiting around a galactic center. And the galaxy is orbiting around a Universal Center. We are on a cruise through space as many have pointed out. We are spiraling through space. Yet, because we dont feel these movements on a sensual basis, we tend to ignore them.
But there are even more movements going on. As we are spiraling through space (we are never in the same segment of space from one moment to the next) the planets of our Solar System are also moving. The Moon will orbit the Earth every 28 days or so. All the other planets are constantly changing their relationship to the Earth as they make their orbit around the Sun. We are traveling through space, but we are not alone, we have an entourage of planetary companions.