This edition published in 2015 by:
The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
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Additional end matter copyright 2015 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Date
Coppens, Filip.
Ancient aliens: close encounters with human history/Philip Coppens.
pages cm. (Conspiracies and cover-ups)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4777-8157-9 (library bound)
1. Human-alien encounters. 2. Civilization, AncientExtraterrestrial influences.
3. Extraterrestrial beings. I. Title.
2014 001.942dc23
Manufactured in the United States
First published as The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors by New Page Books/Career Press, copyright 2012 Philip Coppens
Images on pages are Philip Coppens.
Image on page is Erich von Dniken, used with permission.
Images on pages are The Estate of Stan Hall, used with permission. [website]
Image on page is Marsyas, made available as part of the Creative Commons License on Wikimedia.
Image on page is Madman2001, made available as part of the Creative Commons License on Wikimedia.
Image on page is Wikipedia.
Image on page is Jon Rolls, used with permission.
Images on pages are Hartwig Hausdorf, used with permission.
Images on pages are NASA.
Image on page is Christina Rutz, made available as part of the Creative Commons License on Wikimedia.
Image on page is from 1875 and The Hearst Museum.
I have been posing the Ancient Alien Question for almost two decades now, and hundreds of people have joined me on my quest for an answer. I would particularly like to thank Erich von Dniken, Uli Dopatka, and Gene M. Phillips for inviting me, as a young man in my 20s, to air my side of the debate at a number of Ancient Astronaut Society World Conferences in the 1990s. Special thanks, of course, are due to Erich, as he is not only the pioneer in this subject, but also the man who kindly wrote the foreword for this book, which is truly a great honor and privilege. I thank Giorgio Tsoukalos for a friendship that began then, which has grown since, and especially for his unending devotion to the cause, however hard the going sometimes became.
My drive to answer the Ancient Alien Question was reignited by the wonderful team at Prometheus Pictures, the producers of Ancient Aliens. Your professionalism is equal to none and every minute of filming was a joy (yes, David Silver, that includes the eight-hour wait for a replacement camera in Rennes-le-Chteau). However, I need to single out Kevin Burns for his commitment and vision, as well as Evan Goldstein, with whom my part of the story began.
This book would not have come about without the vision of Michael Pye.
In my circle of friends, I would like to specifically thank: Paige Tucker; Jason Gossman; Sarah Symons; Mary Parent; Patrick Ruffino; Patrick Bernauw; Marc Borms; Chris Norman; Cris Winter; Gerard Lohan; Eileen, Cathy, and Janeth Hall; Debbie Nicastro; Herman Hegge; Dawn Molkenbur; Tobi and Gerda Dobler; Marianne Wilson; Theresa Byrne; Cynthia James and Carl Studna; Gail Heron Sterling; Geoff Potts; JoAnn Parks and MAX; Peter van Deursen and Anneke Koremans; Isobel Denham; Kelly Cole; Philippe Canal. Apart from being the best friends anyone could desire, you make life beautiful. By default, I will have forgotten some, and I sincerely apologize for that!
I thank the research and devotion of the following authors and often friends: Robert Bauval; Graham Hancock; Greg Taylor; Wim Zitman and Hendrine; Sam Osmanagic and Sabina; John Major Jenkins; Geoff Stray; Hartwig Hausdorf; Robert and Olivia Temple; Mark Pilkington; Howard Crowhurst; Hugh Newman; Andy Collins; David Hatcher Childress and Jennifer; Jeremy Narby; Antoine Gigal; Ralph Ellis; Jack Sarfatti; Uri Geller; Joseph Davidovits; John Ritchie; Duncan Lunan.
Special appreciation to the photographic skill of Rivelino, and the fantastic photo shoots in the streets and along the canals of Amsterdam.
I would like to thank my thousands of Facebook friends and followers, who allow me to have a great virtual banter on a daily basis!
Each and every member of the Coppens, Sonck, Harkey, and Smith family, though I need to specifically mention my parents; my brother, Tom, and his wife, Kathleen, and my nephews, Daan and Arne; Papa and Mama; as well as Patrick, Conor, and Shane.
Finally, I thank Kathleen. It is best summed up by Giorgio, who in December 2009, when he saw me again after many years, heard me speak about you and to you on the phone and concluded that there was absolutely no doubt that I was totally in love. You changed my life, made me into a new man, and were a constant source of inspiration throughout the writing of this book, and will remain so. As fate would have it, the final paragraph of this manuscript was written on our anniversary. Semper.
By Erich von Dniken
Dear reader,
From 1953 until 1958, I was a student at the Collge St-Michel in the small Swiss town of Fribourg. There, among other things, we learned Old Greek and Latin. Time and again we had to translate texts from the Bible, the Old Testament, from one language to the other. I read in Genesis: But when people started to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as their wives any they chose.
I was confused. What sons of Gods? My professor said that this referred to fallen angels. What fallen angels? I wondered. Later, we translated the words of the biblical prophet Ezekiel as he described seeing a vehicle come out of the clouds with a lot of noise. He described the wings of the vehicle, its wheels, and even its metal legs. My professor believed that this referred to a vision, and that Ezekiel had described God in his chariot.
Doubts gnawed at my beliefs, and, as a 17-year-old, I wanted to know whether other cultures in ancient times had similar descriptions to those of the Christian-Jewish tradition. So while my classmates were playing soccer, I sat in the university library and readand readand read. Soon I understood that many ancient human traditions contained similar reports to the stories in the Bible, only with other words and other heroes. Could one believe the texts?
At that time I decided to take those texts that had been written in the first-person, as an eyewitness report, to be true. And there were many. Again and again I encountered descriptions of gods who drove around in the clouds, of beings who came down to earth with smoke, fire, earthquakes, noise, and selected people who had the privilege of being taken to heaven by the gods. There, these people experienced a training program. Even artificial insemination and changes in the genetic code were reported in the old books I read.
At some point I realized that all these actions were not compatible with the traditional idea of the Beloved God. But when I replaced the