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Seasons of a Womans Life
Lois Evans
Moody Publishers
2013, 2000 by
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version , NIV , copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com
Andra Crouch. Through It All. Copyright 1971. Renewed by MANNA MUSIC, INC., 35255 Brooten Road, Pacific City, OR 97135. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
[to come]
ISBN: 978-0-8024-0647-7
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Printed in the United States of America
My parents, James Basil and Annie Eleen Cannings, for investing your time, dedication, love, and longsuffering in bringing me face-to-face with my Savior. Then modelling before me a confidence in an all-knowing God. Thanks, Daddy and Mummy.
Also my husband, Tony, who always encourages me to grow and develop. He takes the time to listen, challenge, and patiently advise in my continued growth. Thanks for giving me an opportunity and for being there for me as we continue to grow through the seasons together. I know as long as God gives me life, you will be my cheerleader.
Thanks to my faithful sister, Elizabeth, for being there for me and our four children and ten grandchildren, who have given me the joys of motherhood many times over.
Thanks also to Mrs. Ann Waldie, whose encouraging words, This is only for a season, redirected and realigned the focus of my lifes journey.
![Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to an all-knowing God He who - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/403988/images/common.jpg)
Never be afraid to trust an
unknown future to an all-knowing God.
He who believes in God
Is not careful for the morrow,
But labors joyfully and with a great heart.
He must work and watch
Yet never be anxious or careful,
But commit all to Him,
And live in serene tranquility
With a quiet heart, as one who sleeps
Safely and quietly.
I have had the awesome privilege and joy of being married to Lois Evans for over forty years. As her husband, I have watched her move through the seasons of a womans life. I have seen her endure with strength the trials of winter. I have seen her grow and flourish in the beauty of springtime. I have seen her struggle in the heat of summer, and I have seen her change with the cool of fall.
It is because I have personally observed Lois address the seasons in her own life that I know every woman will be blessed who reads this book. You see, Lois is not writing about what she has heard or read but what she has personally experienced. It is because she has tried changing her experiences to the changelessness of Gods Word that she has been able to live such a consistent, stable, and victorious Christian life.
What Lois shares in this book will be a blessing to every woman who reads it because the principles, thoughts, and challenges she shares come from a genuine heart and a very real person. Raising a family, supporting a workaholic husband, helping to develop a local church, and managing a national ministry gives Lois the credentials to share what she shares in this work.
It is because I know that what you are about to read is laced with the blood, sweat, and tears of real life that I know it will not only inform you, but encourage your heart. Many people know Tony Evans the preacher; far fewer know Lois Evans the singer and speaker. Many know Tony Evans the leader; fewer know Lois Evans the inspirer. Many know Tony Evans the ministry builder; fewer know Lois Evans the ministry organizer. Many know Tony Evans the visionary; few know Lois Evans the prayer warrior. Many know Tony Evans the family man; fewer know Lois Evans the homemaker. Its time I move to the shadows so you can get to know the real reason why so many know me. Its because God gave me a woman who knows Him and who has experienced Him as she has moved through her seasons of life. Its the same God who will walk with you as you move through your season of life.
All around America and all around the world, God has blessed me with wonderful opportunities to speak to womenwomen of all ages, races, and social status. After I speak, when Im able to talk to these women one-on-one, I am privileged to hear about their wishes, their wants, and their worries. I hear their longings for blessing blessings for their families as well as for themselves. I hear the cry of their hearts because of unexpected disappointments, heartaches, and frustrations. And wherever I talk to women, I hear the same question asked in many different ways. Whatever their age, whatever their responsibilities, women want to know,
Will it always be like this?
The answer to that question is almost always No. And the reason I can safely say, No, life will not always be like it is today, is because of a very important principle. Sometimes we hear the saying All things must pass. That is true, at least in earthly terms. But theres a more specific principle at work than that. The Lord has shown me that women are seasonal creatures, and when we look at our lives in light of the season we are in, we are better able to cope with some of the challenges and are more likely to appreciate the blessingswhile we still have them.
For example, it may seem that well never reach the end of changing diapers, driving car pools, or dealing with teenage upheaval. Then all at once we find ourselves in a new situation. The children have grown up a little or a lot; theyve gone off to kindergarten or off to college. Suddenly we have time on our hands. We have less to do; we have different things to face. God has brought us into another time of life during which we will have new discoveries to make, new roles to play, and new blessings to enjoy.
In short, the season has changed.
Ive found out a great deal about seasons in my own personal life. I grew up in a Christian home, and although I did not receive Him personally until the age of twelve, from an early age I heard the good news of Jesus Christ. I have godly parents who raised us in the Word and in church. My parents prayed for all of her children, that each of us would come to know the Lord and serve Him.
I remember how hard it was for Mom to raise us. Dads job involved a lot of travel, so Mom was often alone at home with eight kids. I remember the times when she was tired of all the hard work and the lack of material things. Despite the hardships, she faithfully honored her season of life, and I often heard her say, For the Lords names sake I am going to keep my commitment to Him and to you kids.