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2020 by Carolyn Larsen
Published by Revell
a division of Baker Publishing Group
PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
Ebook edition created 2020
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
ISBN 978-1-4934-2122-0
Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.
The Source of Courage
Surely God is my salvation;
I will trust and not be afraid.
The L ORD , the L ORD himself, is my strength and my defense;
he has become my salvation.
I SAIAH 12:2
W hy does fear take root in your heart? Are you afraid you cant withstand temptations or that you wont be able to stand against Satans attacks? When you invite Jesus into your heart, he becomes your strength to stand against all frightening things. He becomes your shield against danger and your defender against all enemies.
God promises in his Word to always be with you. Read that again: always ! Hes the source of your courage. Allow his strength to fill your heart so you can face whatever is before you. Never doubt his power because, after all, he promised it to you.
What can you do when anxiety threatens to paralyze your heart? Push the fear away by focusing on God. Read Scripture. Remind yourself of how he has strengthened and protected you in the past, and remind yourself that his powerful presence is still with you. Step confidently into your day, and refuse to cower in fear.
Start each day by renewing your courage through the quietness of prayer and through rest in God. Ask him to fill your heart with an awareness of his power and presence and to bolster your courage through that knowledge.
Perfect Love
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
1 J OHN 4:18
F ear is an interesting emotion. Even when you try to have courage, fear wiggles its way into your heart, similar to the way water manages to leak through the smallest opening. A little anxiety is certainly normal because life does have its tense moments and... youre human. However, all-consuming fear and trust in Gods love cannot exist in your heart at the same time. If you truly believe that God loves you, why are you afraid?
Gods love is perfect. What does that mean to you? Perfect love is deep, pure, constant, steady, forgiving, trustworthy, dependable, protective, sacrificial, and a multitude of other adjectives. Perfect love... there is nothing wrong with it and nothing to criticize about it. Grasping, believing, and trusting in Gods perfect love for you helps push away fear because you know God is protecting you and guiding your decisions and steps. He loves you perfectly, so there is no reason to fear. Take courage in his love. Ask God to help your love for him grow deeper so that you have a greater understanding of his care for you.
You hem me in behind and before,
and you lay your hand upon me.
P SALM 139:5
Y ouve probably seen photos of celebrities out in public, surrounded by security guards theyve hired to protect them. They have a wall of guards around them to make certain no one gets too close. The guards protect their employer on all sides and constantly evaluate the crowd for any situation that might bring danger to them.
Maybe you cant afford to hire bodyguards to protect you wherever you go. But heres some news: you have the best bodyguard imaginableGod! The psalmist says God is in front of you and behind you. Nothing and no one gets close to you without God knowing about it. And not only is he protecting you in front and in back, but he also has his hand on your shoulder, guiding your steps and making sure you dont fall, much like a loving parent who helps a child cross a busy street.
It is amazing to know that God loves you so much that he protects you, guards you, and guides you. He cares about what happens to you every moment of the day. When anxiety begins to rear its ugly head, remember that you are well guarded. Trust your Bodyguard!
The Love of a Father
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, Abba, Father.
R OMANS 8:15
N ot every human father is a good father, and if you havent had a good father, that may influence how you perceive God as Father. If thats true for you, read the following description of God as your good Father:
Your good Father wants the best for you. Yes, sometimes that may mean he disciplines you because thats what a good father does in order to help you learn and grow.
Your good Father watches out for you. He does all he can to protect you, day in and day out.
Your good Father delights in you. He enjoys your laughter. He takes pleasure in your enjoyment of all he provides for you, from the world he has made to the friends and family he has given you. Enjoy it all!
Your good Father is forgiving. Dont be afraid to confess your sins to him. He wont turn away in disgust. He wont turn away at all. He forgives you and offers a multitude of opportunities for you to get life right, even as he teaches and guides you.
You neednt ever be afraid of your good Father; in fact, you can be brave and courageous in the knowledge that you are your Fathers child and that he loves you more than you can imagine.