Be Wealthy!
By Mike Jason
Copyright 2017 Mike Jason
All Rights Reserved.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 What is Wealth?
To learn how to be wealthy , you must first understand what wealth truly is. Many people in the world consider themselves wealthy, but they are truly poor. Wealth is not how much money you make or how many possessions you have. Wealth is having financial freedomto be free from debt and still have the things you desire in life.
People confuse wealth with having a six-figure salary or a large mansion but dont realize that even a millionaire may not be truly wealthy. Yes, they can have a mansion and five cars. But do they really own those things, or does the bank and creditors own them?
Everyone has heard the stories of many former millionaire athletes and entertainers who are now broke. They lost their fortune by buying extravagant items that they couldnt afford. Once they got cut from the basketball team or their music career tanked and missed a couple of debt payments, they finally realized that they never owned these thingsthe creditors did.
Think about it: an athlete makes $10 million a year. After taxes, that is about a net income of $6 million. Then they get a mortgage on a $15 million mansion and buy a fleet of cars and go on luxurious vacations all over the Caribbean. So including expenses for food, clothing, utilities, travel, etc., their net monthly income may actually be only a couple of thousand dollars or even less per month. That comes out to about $24,000 per yearfar from being wealthy.
Then there are the millionaires that go bankrupt because they have expenses that far exceed their net incomes. They spend far more than they earn, so they have a negative expenses-to-earnings ratio.
In reality, they are no better off than a fast-food worker who makes $10 per hour but can save a few hundred dollars a month because he buys things he can actually afford. The fast-food worker is, in fact, wealthier than the so-called millionaire, who is unable to save anything.
Did you ever wonder why dieting doesnt actually work? People will lose weight and gain it right back. And the same with New Years resolutions; every year, the same resolutions: Im going to stop smoking; Im going to start exercising; Im going to get out of debt. But within a couple of months, they are right back to their old habits, and the cycle never ends.
The reason is they are trying to change at the surface instead of getting to the root of the problem. Its like cutting the top of a weed but leaving the root. The weed will grow back eventually just like the problem.
The root problem is they have an uncontrollable desire to eat large portions of food. They cannot control their food portions because the more they feed the desire, the more they will crave it. As the body becomes accustomed to the extra food, it will then require more of it to try and fill the never-ending desire to be full.
Someone can go on over ten diets per year, and if they dont renew their mind on how they think about food, the weight will just come back.
The same principle is for debt. If you dont get to the root of the problem, which includes irresponsible spending habits and buying things for the wrong reasons, you will end up paying down one credit card, but another will pop right back up. It will be a battle that you cant win until you renew your mind on how you view your finances.
Learning how to make wise financial decisions and understanding the difference between a need, a want, and a desire will help get you on your way to reaching your financial goals.
Wealth is not what you have or dont have but is related to having financial freedom and being happy with the possessions you can afford. The keyword here is possessions , meaning you truly own them, not the bank or the creditors. That is why I was wealthy, even when I was a teenager working at a fast-food restaurant. I had more wealth than adults three times my age and making four times my salary.
There are basic principles discussed in this book that will help you learn how to be wealthy. These principles will teach you to conquer irresponsible spending habits by renewing your mind. As you renew your mind and begin implementing these simple principles, you will be on the road to building wealth.
Chapter 2 Look in the Mirror
Who are you?
Do you like yourself?
Take a long look in the mirror?
What do you see?
These are questions that most people are afraid to ask themselves. Why are they afraid? Because the truth hurts. But knowing the truth will also set you free. Free from the approval of others and free from trying to impress them. This freedom will help you to meet the goal of financial freedom.
First, you need to realize who you are. Understand that you were created as an individual and have different likes and dislikes than others. You may like eating cake while your friend might like pie. You may like to drive cars while your friend likes motorcycles. Despite what this present society thinks, theres nothing wrong with being different than others. These differences are what make you unique.
By discovering who you truly are, you wont have to pretend anymore to like something that you genuinely dislike, just because youre afraid of not being accepted by the crowd.
Once you realize and accept that everyone has different tastes, you will learn to be more comfortable with being yourself. So the next time you are in discussion with a group of friends about a new sitcom that most of them like, dont be afraid to disagree and tell the truth that you dont like that sitcom.
Just because you disagree with the crowd doesnt mean they will stop being your friends. And if they do and it turns into an argument, you will finally realize that they arent true friends. They are controllers.
You need to recognize that you are a grown adult, not a child. You dont need to try and pretend to like something that you actually dont. That is something that happens to kids in grade school regarding peer pressure. Try and rise above the pressure by learning to think for yourself and make independent decisions.
Having the freedom to make these decisions will help you to make smarter financial choices. You should analyze a potential purchase and see the impact on your finances and then decide whether this is something that you truly need to buy.
The next time you go shopping, see if you want that expensive outfit to impress someone or do you want it because you like it? Weigh the cost up against your financial situation. If you want it for the right reason and you can afford it, then, by all means, buy it. But if there is doubt about the underlying reason for the purchase, and if it will negatively impact your finances, dont buy it. You will save yourself the regret later on.
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