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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (
The names of certain individuals have been changed in order to protect their privacy.
Photographs by Manuel Gaitan. Used by permission.
What a gift Brian Barcelona has given us by sharing the profound stories of what God is doing on campuses. The Jesus Club will ignite within you a greater passion for Jesus and an unstoppable faith to see God move in the lives of students. Hearing the stories of what God has done and is doing in our day is critical if we are to move from just talking about revival to actually seeing a generation changed by the love and power of God.
Banning Liebscher, founder and pastor, Jesus Culture
Brian Barcelona is seeing Americas schools set ablaze with the Fire of God. What he teaches he has lived and continues to model. This book will provoke, challenge and inspire you. It will give you fresh faith to see the next generation won to Christ.
Daniel Kolenda, president and CEO, Christ for all Nations
What you are about to read can only be understood as storyline straight from the pen of the Author of our faith. For years at TheCall gatherings we have cried out for a young generation to encounter Jesus. I believe this is one dramatic answer to the cries of thousands. Brian Barcelona and a company of young students have believed for the impossible and dared to step into it. Read and watch hope explode in your soul. Gods not done with America!
Lou Engle, co-founder, TheCall
Though young in years, Brian Barcelona reminds me of a modern-day David. Preaching in the high schools of America? Thats a crazy idea! Yet by taking simple steps of obedience, Brian walks through the spiritual strongholds and sees doors open where you would least expect them. Truly, with God, all things are possible. Let this book challenge you about what can happen when you put your hope and trust in Jesus and step out in faith just as Brian did.
Loren Cunningham, founder, Youth With A Mission
God places favor on peoples lives for the task at hand. This favor has been placed on Brian Barcelona and the One Voice Student Missions team. I have been involved with and have seen Brians passion for students to know about Jesus! It is absolutely amazing what is happening in the high schools right now! If you ever have felt hopeless about our school system in America, this is a must-read!
Todd White, president, Lifestyle Christianity,
My senior year of high school I had no idea about who God was until I stepped into Laguna Creek Highs auditorium. That day I was introduced to Brian, and from there forward, his guidance helped mold me into the man I am today. Since knowing Brian Ive built a strong relationship with God. Ive slipped and fallen a thousand times and I will probably fall a thousand more, but now I know through my faith that you can always get back up. This book is powerful, and it can change your life in the way Brian changed mine.
Don Jackson, NFL running back, Green Bay Packers
The Jesus Club chronicles the miracle journey of a movement that is significantly impacting the youth of California. Brian Barcelona writes with the passion of a man who has been encountered by Jesus and His heart for the lost. In this book are the seeds of campus revivals all over America.
Jude Fouquier, pastor, The City Church Ventura
I met Brian Barcelona during the summer of 2010. Brian was a very energetic, personable and sincere person, and I was immediately taken by his passion for helping high school kids. Over the following two years, Brians presence on campus had a positive impact on our students and staff. Brians deep faith and trust in God, combined with his taking time to listen to kids and meet them where they are in life, is why his clubs make a difference.
Doug Craig, high school principal
Brian has brilliantly presented how the Lord can take broken individuals and weave lives, circumstances and obedience to the glory of His name. I watched the Gospel come to life and realized Brians messages were impacting countless lives. In this season, a new boldness and faith grew in me that I had never known before. May the message in this book become the launching mechanism for you that it was for me.
Eric Johnson, teacher, Laguna Creek High School
Something supernatural was birthed the day Brian Barcelona encountered God at a conference, and ever since he has had a passion for students. If you desire to be on campuses reaching students with Jesus love, The Jesus Club will help propel you to take that next step. Brian provides simple and effective tools to getting on the campuses and staying encouraged as you continue. As you read, be inspired and let the Holy Spirit lead you as you seek to reach the students in your city.
Jeremy Johnson, lead pastor, Fearless LA Church
This book is dedicated first to the Lord, for all He has taught me and all He has allowed me to be part of.
Second I want to dedicate this book to my amazing wife, Marcela, for her constant encouragement and the love she has shown me, always pointing me to hear God in everything I do, and to my beautiful daughter, Zoe, who I know will change her nation one day.
Title Page
Copyright Page
Foreword by Nick Vujicic
1. Summer of Change
2. God Shows Up
3. The Jesus Rallies
4. From Six to Six Hundred
5. Set Me Free
6. Jesus Loves Gangbangers
7. Encounter with a God Who Heals
8. Prayer Would Be Restored
9. The 323 Dream
11. Follow Me
12. God Loves LAUSD
13. The Above All, Love Assembly
14. The Cost
15. Night of Hope
16. Message to the Church
Back Cover
T he story of how God has used Brian Barcelona in high school campuses through One Voice Student Missions is one that has changed the lives of thousands of students across the country. I personally have seen and believe that now more than ever there is a window of opportunity that we must seize to reach the youth of this nation right where they are every day. The awakening of local churches to reach youth is happening like never before, and everyone is asking, How do we reach the next generation?
One Voice Student Missions is wisely and strategically using the local church as a focal point to sponsor the mission field where the Good News still can be shared. While that window remains open, now is the time of salvation and discipleship! This book is one I would recommend you readto get inspired but also to realize what is possible and that you can live out these stories in your city campuses as well. You will be moved and challenged, not to just sit back in the church seats as consumers, but to be moved, to go and love students unconditionally. If youre a student, pastor or leader, I encourage everyone to see this model and book of testimonies as a way that we as the body can be unified in our vision to see Jesus lifted high for all to see!