Fascinating. With candor and compassion, Christopher Yuan combines personal history, impressive research, biblical insights and practical recommendations to sexuality on the campuses of Christian colleges and universities. This is the book to read on Christian faith and sexual identity at Christian colleges. Giving a Voice to the Voiceless is a book for every campus constituency from students to presidents, administrators, alumni, faculty, parents, trustees, donors and more!
Leith Anderson
President, National Association of Evangelicals
Christopher Yuan has done careful research on the experience of students who navigate their same sex attraction or orientation at Christian colleges and universities. His wise and practical recommendationsfirmly rooted in a faithful biblical ethic for human sexualitywill help campus leaders care for all of their students with truth and grace.
Philip Ryken
President, Wheaton College
Giving a Voice to the Voiceless is an invaluable study of the experiences of college students who struggle with same-sex attraction on well-meaning Christian college campuses. Indeed the glossary alone is worth the price of the book. Faithful, biblical students who hold to a traditional view of sexuality and who struggle with SSA are even more voiceless today than they were years ago, as the rise of LGBT rights on college campuses does not speak for faithful Christians or reflect the complex emotions and challenges that students face. This book is a healing balm for these students and will edify, equip, and encourage. It is a must-read book for every college administrator.
Rosaria Butterfield
Author; Speaker
Based on a pioneering study, this book provides relevant insights and counsel for Christian colleges and universities seeking to walk compassionately and faithfully with LGB and SSA students. As one who knows both the Christian and gay communities, Christopher Yuan has listened well and now is uniquely able to speak to both of them with grace and truth. For anyone who wants to understand better the experiences of students grappling with issues of sexual identity at Christian institutions, this book should be required reading.
D. Michael Lindsay
President, Gordon College
Once more Christopher Yuan has come along side those of us who are seeking guidance in navigating the increasingly complex waters of human sexuality. Solidly biblical, relentlessly compassionate and appropriately practical, this book will be noted far and wide for its important contribution to individuals, churches, and Christian colleges and universities who want to honor Christ by embracing the marginalized in His name.
Joseph M. Stowell III
President, Cornerstone University
There will be no bigger challenge to leaders of Christian colleges and universities in the next decade than the skillful navigation of issues surrounding human sexuality. Christopher Yuan provides careful research to help guide leaders through the many landmines with both biblical integrity and godly compassion. I strongly urge college presidents, administrators and trustees to read, digest, and incorporate this important material.
J. Paul Nyquist
President, Moody Bible Institute
Those of us who have served as leaders in Christ-centered universities know the tsunami effect of cultural changes that force us to respond. None are more divisive than the core issues of homosexuality. With a growing number of LGB students attending even the most conservative colleges, Christopher Yuan has provided a way forward for us. His biblical understanding, qualitative research, and 34 action steps provide a substantive and practical plan for the entire campus.
William E. Brown
Former President, Cedarville University; Current Senior Fellow of Worldview and Culture, The Colson Center for Christian Worldview
Christopher is an aspirational model for us all. He is deeply grounded in the truth of the gospel while also willing to embrace the journey of complete surrender to the call of Jesus and his model of grace to all, most especially our marginalized neighbors whom we are called to love as ourselves. Christophers research, findings, and action steps are both a call and an invaluable resource to the voice of the voiceless in the faith community.
David A. King
President, Malone University
With his book, Giving a Voice to the Voiceless , Christopher Yuan has made a significant contribution to the discussions surrounding LGB and same-sex attracted students at Christian colleges and universities. He offers a compassionate account of and thoughtful advice on how Christian colleges can respond to the experiences of students navigating important questions related to their sexual identity.
Mark A. Yarhouse
Hughes Endowed Chair & Professor of Psychology of Regent University
Christopher Yuans research and recommendations come at an important time for those of us who serve in Christian higher education. What we have heard anecdotally and directly from LGBT students is confirmed by his research; but more importantly his insights and recommendations provide tangible next steps so all students can thrive and live well in our campus communities. Thanks Christopher for your thoughtful help with our students who face challenging realities related to their sexuality.
Edee Schulze
Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students, Westmont College; President Elect of the Association for Christians in Student Development
No amount of denial can obscure the fact that both same-sex attracted (SSA) and self-identifying or practicing LGB students are enrolled in even North Americas most conservative Christian colleges. Christopher Yuans exceedingly candid and timely research thoughtfully illuminates why and how our Christian college communities should care for these marginalized students.
Ralph E. Enlow, Jr.
President of Association for Biblical Higher Education
Christopher Yuan has taken his real life journey, viewed it from a biblical and God-focused worldview, and created a functional path for todays Christian institutions to begin to lovingly minister and walk with the LGBTQ individuals that populate their campuses. This is a call to Christian higher education, but also the church of Christ, to break down walls without compromising the gospel and teachings of Christ.
Dan Wood
Executive Director of National Christian College Athletic Association
Research Problem and Design
T here is a great need and even urgency to address the sense of marginalization of lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB), and same-sex attracted (SSA) students at Christian colleges and universities. Current events necessitate this. In the fall of 2015 , the president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, resigned amid controversy surrounding his perceived failure to address marginalization and institutional oppression of African-American students. The institutional oppression and marginalization addressed at these different protests focused not only on racism and feminism, but also heterosexism. Will Christian colleges and universities be next in the national spotlight due to a perceived lack of response to institutional oppression and marginalization of non-heterosexual students? Most institutions of Christian higher education realize the need to reduce the marginalization of LGB and SSA students, but do not have a resource to help them with the answer. This research was accomplished to be a resource to help Christian colleges and universities find ways in which to reduce marginalization of LGB and SSA students while still holding fast to a traditional view of sexuality.