Table of Contents
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an eight-week study on
biblical womanhood
Mary A. Kassian
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
2012 by
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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright 2000, 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kassian, Mary A.
True woman 101 : divine design : an eight week study on biblical womanhood / Mary A. Kassian, Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-8024-0356-8
1. WomenReligious aspectsChristianityTextbooks. I. DeMoss, Nancy
Leigh. II. Title.
BT704.K38 2012
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With heartfelt gratitude
for our dear band of praying sisters
Carolyn, Dannah, Holly, Jennifer, Kim, and Mary Ann
You are true women of God.
Your prayers, encouragement, insight, courage,
and friendship have put wind in our sails.
Thank you for your partnership
in birthing and advancing the
True Woman movement.
We are believing God with you
for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit
in and through the hearts of women in our day.
True Woman 101: Divine Design lays a beautiful and thorough biblical foundation for the topic of biblical womanhood. I highly recommend it for any woman serious about displaying the glory of God in her distinctive role as a woman.
Mary Delk
Minister for Women, Bethlehem Baptist Church (Minneapolis, MN)
A must-use resource for every congregation in North America. In a culture where diversity is celebrated, the beautiful diversity of biblical manhood and womanhood has been marred and discredited. My dear friends Mary and Nancy reclaim the true picture of God and His love for humanity as seen in His design for our womanhood!
Dannah Gresh
Bestselling author and founder, Pure Freedom
One of the best compliments a woman can receive is She feels comfortable in her own skin. I want to be that woman, dont you? If you do, then True Woman 101 will help you become her! As you learn about and embrace Gods design, youll get a dramatic makeover from the inside out and will transform your womanhood into something youre far more than just comfortable with; something worth celebrating!
Jennifer Rothschild
Author, founder and Fresh Grounded Faith Events
The Lord has given Mary and Nancy a message for women that clearly defines womanhood, how she should live, and what purpose God has designed her to fulfill. If you are a woman anywhere between 18 and 108 this book has a specific and personal message for you!
Debbie Stuart
Director of Womens Ministry, Prestonwood Baptist Church (Plano, TX)
Identity definition and designGods designare increasingly minimized if not ignored. We are building a legacy of gender competition and confusion. But God has called us to embrace and celebrate who He created us to be. Thats why this resource is such a timely, wonderful gift. This eight-part study will refresh and encourage your heart. This is liberating stuff!
Dr. Crawford and Karen Loritts
Authors, speakers; (Crawford) Senior Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church (Roswell, GA)
Knowing how God has uniquely created women is key to the decisions I make in almost every area of my life. I am so thankful that the Lord has equipped Nancy and Mary to bring to life the timeless truths of Scripture for such a time as this. If you are desperate to know how Gods design is meant to play out in your choices, dont pass up this treasure!
Dr. Juli Slattery
Author, family psychologist, cohost for Focus on the Family
True Woman 101 is a discipleship resource that combines biblical principles of womanhood with practical applications. The daily readings make you feel as if you are sitting at your kitchen table having coffee with Mary and Nancy. These Titus 2 women take us to the grace of the gospel. They show us Jesus, the One who transforms us into true women.
Susan Hunt
Author, speaker, Womens Ministry Consultant for PCA Christian Education Publications
True Woman 101 gives women what they chiefly needan extreme makeover of the interior not the exterior! I appreciate the thorough content which drives home the message that true womanhood is about emanating the beauty and grace of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. When a coalition of humble, intentional women begin to radiate from the inside out, the world will sit up and take notice that the gospel isnt phony, its the real deal.
Leslie Bennett
Director of Womens Ministries, Northeast Presbyterian Church, PCA (Columbia, SC)
The True Woman study provides something every modern woman needs: a wake-up call and practical help to live life as a woman of God, rather than (without realizing it) as a woman of the culture.
Shaunti Feldhahn
Author, speaker, columnist